Monday, September 24, 2012

Blue Monday - Celebrate with Blue!

Happy Fall, y'all! It's Blue Monday! For complete instructions, just click here.

I really appreciate it when you take the time to leave a comment for me. Oftentimes, what you say makes my day!

Have fun by visiting other Blue participants. Simply click on their links and wish them a Happy Blue Monday!

Some people like to awaken early in the morning, while others prefer to sleep in. Each morning, at 5:30 a.m., my husband, meets with a group of men at McDonald's. There they discuss sports and solve the problems of the world. Ah yes! You have Johnny and his buddies to thank for the solution-free planet where you reside!

This past week at McDonald's was "People Week." The restaurant celebrated their employees by decorating with Blue. Johnny thought about our love of Blue and took these pictures for me to share. See the Blue streamers and the Blue balloons?

You'll spot more Blue amongst the signs.

Why, even an employee, Jayson, decided to add Blue to his hair. It's good to see his sense of humor, and it did match his Blue shirt! He's also wearing a People Week button that has some Blue on it.

Here's a close-up of the button on Jayson's shirt.

Ah yes, I heard that question: "Where is Sally?" 
I am left at home, tucked under the covers, with a smile on my face!

Are you a night owl or an early bird?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. SwedishCorner DownUnder
2. Magical Mystical Teacher
3. Pat. @ Mille Fiori Favoriti
4. Blue and More Blue Skies
5. Riet, Holland
6. Hyacinths for the Soul
7. Luna Miranda
8. Leovi - The cave of your desire
9. Gittan Sweden
10. LaVoice
11. Fashion Momma
12. Pie
13. Pictografio
14. HansHB
15. Ranu, India
16. Min fotoblog
17. Anni, Sweden
18. deliciously spicy mom
19. Hyde Daily Photo
20. Maple Lane
21. Wordless
22. NixPixMix
23. parenting and babies
24. Christine
25. Christine's Polish Pottery
26. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
27. I'm Blue,butterfly's are moving
28. Rose
29. Timothy Hay
30. J.Rye
31. Pleasurable Hobbies
32. Chubskulit
33. Bahn Tieu Dessert
34. Happiness of Children
35. "BLUE" Donuts
36. Leovi - Passion of Fire and Water
37. The French Hutch
38. Kim,USA
39. Pets and Critters Nook
40. hapzydeco
41. Lina
42. LadyD
43. Joy@aVintageGreen
44. Melissa @ ILoveVintage!
45. twiggy
46. Old Plate
47. Gracie O'Tripp
48. Loretta
49. CailinMarie
50. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
51. Joy@books and life
52. Ann
53. Lessandra
54. Playroom Blues - Carol
55. Maria's Space
56. Mildred
57. Terie @ Fredericksburg VA
58. Dinah

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  1. Blue is my favorite color. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
    I'm definitely a morning person... love to wake up early and enjoy my me-time :D

  3. Your husband is doing a good deed, Sally! I am both a night owl and an early bird ..... It depends upon what is going on in my life :)

  4. I'm a night owl, but I also love the quiet of the early morning. ;-) If I get a good night's sleep, I like to spend the early morning outside on the terrace or in the garden.

  5. lovely blues! your hub's group at McDonalds reminds me of my cousin's church group. the male members of their church meet every Saturday morning at a nearby cafe, and yes, they talk about politics, sports, job issues, and i'm sure some gossip as well.:p

    it's a wonderful time for men to bond with their friends. just as we have our girl-talks.:p

  6. Thank you for the fantastic challenge :)

  7. The only way I would visit McDonalds at 5.30 in the morning would be in my dreams ... I'm a night owl!

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

  8. I have always been an early riser. I especially love the employee with blue hair! It's currently 5:28 a.m. here and I'm wishing I had an egg McMuffin!
    Thanks for hosting Blue Monday. Mildred

  9. Fun spotting the blues! I guess I'm both an early bird and a night owl as I only need about 5 hours sleep a night...
    Thanks for hosting, Sally!

  10. Aaaah, blue hair! Awesome! How nice of your hubby to take pics for you, Sally. Have a great week!..Christine

  11. Hello from Raleigh, NC Sally, It is wonderful to be visiting our son and his family. If being a nite owl includes sleeping half the night on the couch and staying up as AM a morning person who takes naps.

    Who doesn't love a party with balloons etc. Your hubs captured some fun pics. Blue hair...yikes!!! He must be a fun guy.

    Happy Blue Monday.
    Love, Jeanne

  12. Oops as late as 2 am. I made a correction and lost some of my post. does that happen to you Sally? I hate that. HA!
    Me again

  13. I might like waking up early but getting dressed and going not a big fan...I'm like you I'd rather eat in....but my hubby is like yours he would hit the floor running....I guess it's their training from working all those years out an about....if I was one to need a jump start it would definitily be at these pops of the most friendliest place in town!!!

  14. Love the blues...Happy Blue Monday and thank you for hosting. :-)

  15. Hello Sally
    Wonderful post ....'d like a cheeseburger from McDonald `s
    I / we are "morning bird" - enjoy getting up early.
    Wishing you a good Monday / good new week.
    Hanne Bente

  16. Great Blue in your photos!
    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  17. I had not heard of People Week at McDonald's -- I wonder if they do that here.

    I'm definitely a night owl while my husband is an early bird.

  18. Very thoughtful of Johnny to snap the blues for you. Thanks for hosting Sally. HBM.....

    the French Hutch

  19. I can be both :)
    Nice blue shots!

  20. Nice blues and a fun post. My hubby meets weekly with the men for food, Bible study and fellowship, too. I'm an early riser on our ranch with camera in hand. Happy Blue Monday!

  21. Great Blues! Like you I rather stay at home, tucked under the covers. Too early to rise..:)

  22. It seems my mind and body wants to be a night owl. I do not. I have a hard time sleeping and then when I should be getting up, too tired and sleepy. I am kinda like a baby, have my days and nights mixed up. Age could be an issue. Our McDonald's did not do this. I think it is a nice jester.

  23. Rise and Shine! The early looker sees the blues.

  24. A wonderful party. Nice blue hair. Greetings.

  25. I love those blue Sally, your Dh did well for you Happy fall

  26. Wasn't it nice of McDonalds to decorate with your favorite color and double nice of your husband for not waking you up and taking these pictures for you. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday.

  27. I love that people "think of you" and take pictures for your blog posts! How great is that? Love the blue hair!

  28. Thank you for hosting Blue Monday. This is my first time participating and I'm not sure I completely followed your directions!

  29. That was nice of him to take pictures and nice of Mc D's to give their employees a nice to decorate for their employees like that. We have a group of men that meet at our local Mc D's for Coffee too. My Dad meets a group of retired Bell Telephone employees at the local hospital cafe every Monday. I think it is the highlight of most of his weeks!

  30. My FIL used to have his McDonald's buddy group in the morning and he loved it. Me, I'd rather sleep!


  31. Hi Sally, Happy Blue Monday ~ Thanks for hosting.

  32. Hi Sally! I'm a night owl through and through. Did Jason do his hair blue just for you (sounds like a poem)? I love your cornucopia!

  33. Sally, thanks for hosting! What a nice husband you have, he thought of you and took pics for you for blue monday! I'm like you, not a morning person. Have a great day, Carol

  34. Definitely an early bird hence the name of my blog, however, lately I can't seem to do any of my me things during my me time... Thanks for hosting as always Sally, helping us all to find the beautiful blue in our lives!

  35. It's nice that your husband thought of you and took pics. I woild say I'm an early bird. Nothing beats the quite of the morning!

  36. Very nice blue shots!
    I don't know if I would dare to dye my hair in blue!
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for your visit and comment.

    Have a wonderful week****

  37. Happy Belated by One Day Monday Sally *hugs*
    Really...Johnny is at McDonalds for 5:30 a.m.? You know I really wish I could do that. I love mornings truly...and it gives one a nice long day. I have trouble getting up that early for fun made me smile thinking of you snuggling and smiling in bed at that hour.

    That worker was very cooperative though not too smiley at that time...

    Have a great week.

  38. I can go either way, early or late. ;-)

    Happy Fall, my sweet blue lady friend.

    Hope you are well and that is going well with those you love.

    I'm still on break (no computer yet), but I have absconded wtih Fred's IPAD. LOL1 I hate it because the print is teeny tiny, and i make typos. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

    Love you and wishing you all the best.



  39. I see those guys like Johnny when I stop for a quick morning snack some days! McDonald's has a great set up to meet your friends! I put my post up although I was too late and than put up my newest one too! Somedays are not as organized as others.
    Your blue shares are always wonderful and I love the blue hair! Hee Hee
    Blessings and Hugs Anne

  40. Oops...I have to be an early bird! Work! Work! Work!

  41. Mr Linky went on strike so here's my link


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