Monday, October 15, 2012

Blue Monday - Blue Pumpkin

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For complete instructions, just click here.

**There are two ways to link in: the usual way and a new thumbprint way. For the new way, you will be asked to choose a Thumbprint (tiny picture) from your post that will help display your Blue post. I am excited about this improvement. I hope that you like it too.**

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!


Who says pumpkins must always be orange?

I wanted to have an autumn display for our living room, but orange is not the best look for that room.
 Blue is the accent color.

I decided to help a plain, orange pumpkin transform into a sweet, Blue one that would match my focal wall. 
First, we went shopping and bought this.

We had some leftover Blue paint from the living room, and applied one coat. I know it looks white, but it is actually pale Blue. It's Sherwin Williams, north star 6246.
I think that spray paint would have gone on more smoothly, but I could not find the right shade.

Here's a tip: to keep my brush ready to use for the second coat, I wrapped it plastic.
It worked! It didn't dry out or get stiff at all.

Another coat and the Blue begins to show. 
Next, I painted the stem brown. That took only one coat.

Another tip: I placed the newly painted pumpkin stem upside down in an open jar.
By doing it this way, it held still, and I could continue to apply another coat of blue.

A third tip: I put the remainder of brown paint in a zip lock bag.
You can see the small bottle of brown paint in the lower, left corner.

Here's the finished product in my living room. It's in the center, in a cloche.
Of course it's a perfect match!

The Blue pumpkin stands between a small, beige pumpkin and a large, white pumpkin.

What do you think?
Did you ever have an urge to paint a pumpkin?

Blue Monday Participants
1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Riet, Holland
3. Amit Agarwal
4. Pie (2)
5. Dinah
6. Luna Miranda
7. Dagny Sweden
8. Pictografio
9. Tina´s PicStory
10. LaVoice
11. Gemma's Greyscale
12. Gemma's MP Daily
13. Lina
14. Ranu, India
15. Free Old Wood and Blue Baby Swing
16. lessandra
17. Ash Tree Cottage
18. Eden, Australia
19. Rose
20. M.C.Diana Degadong
21. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti
22. Chubskulit
23. Travel Quest
24. Pumpkin, Paper Mache style
25. Johnny Appleseed
26. Harvest Tea
27. Changes in 4 rooms due to a TV
28. Turkish Bazaar
29. Ann
30. hapzydeco
31. Just Cats
32. Just Cats
33. Smiley Pumpkin
34. Hyde Daily Photo
35. Look At Blue
36. CollectInTexas Gal Sue
37. Spice Up Your Life
38. Pumpkin Land
39. Loui♥
40. twiggy
41. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
42. Karen, Pixel Posts
43. Hiking In Kentucky
44. Jeannie Marie & Company
45. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
46. HansHB
47. Mister Linky
48. Jeannie Marie & Company
49. HansHB
50. Joy@Books And Life
51. Janice Schaub Espirit
52. Anne
53. laura Hegfield

Blue Monday Participants
1. Riet, Holland
2. Gittan Sweden
3. Pie
4. Amit Agarwal
5. Dinah
6. Luna Miranda
7. Dagny Sweden
8. Pictografio
9. Hyde Daily Photo
10. Tina´s PicStory
11. LaVoice
12. Gemma's Greyscale
13. Gemma's MP Daily
14. Jim, Sydney, Australia
15. Lina
16. Ranu, India
17. lessandra
18. Wordless
19. XyeXyrus
20. Eden, Australia
21. parenting and babies
22. Rose
23. M.C.Diana Degadong
24. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti
25. Chubskulit
26. Travel Quest
27. Pumpkin, Paper Mache style
28. Leovi - Water Spirit
29. Johnny Appleseed
30. Harvest Tea
31. Changes in 4 rooms due to a TV
32. Turkish Bazaar
33. My Place to Yours
34. LadyD
35. Ann
36. Cassandra
37. hapzydeco
38. Just Cats
39. Leovi - Hari Raya Aidilfitri
40. Smiley Pumpkin
41. Joy@Books And Life
42. CollectInTexas Gal Sue
43. Spice Up Your Life
44. Kim,USA
45. Pumpkin Land
46. Loui♥
47. Karen, Pixel Posts
48. Jeanne, backyard neighbor


  1. Hi Sally. I put my name on both linkies but there is no image to appear , I did choose one.THis is so different, don't know what to make of it.

  2. Thank you Sally:) My thumbnail didn't appear though! Never mind, my link was accepted:) thanks again!

  3. You have such a nice home! Love, love , love your living room!

  4. Never seen a blue pumpkin before - had a slight glitch with the linky this morning and my first entry goes to the wrong post sorry.

  5. The little blue pumpkin looks so stylish! A beautiful, creative idea!

    Wasn't sure which Linky to use, so linked to both!

  6. I think it's a great idea!

  7. You have a pretty living room! Cute idea to paint your pumpkin blue. As always, thanks for hosting the party.

  8. Wow, Sally! It turned out really nice :)

  9. I have painted pumpkins, but have never painted one blue. Yours looks just perfect in that cloche! I must say Sally, you are a very neat painter and I love the trick of wrapping up the brush in a plastic bag ~ brilliant! Thanks for hosting and have a great Monday.

    Susan and Bentley

  10. I was surprise that you did not paint it blue!

  11. I never see blue pumpkin yet :-) beautiful blue pictures :-) the living room is so clean :-) Dropping by from Blue Monday

  12. Mr Linky is acting up today...there were two boxes so I added my link to both, but no photo showed up.

    I love your idea about painting a pumpkin to match your decor! Very beautiful!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Very creative and Lovely living room very cozy. Happy Blue Monday Sally :)

  15. Sally, I now have a desperate need to paint a pumpkin or two!!

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  16. Cool pumpkins...those beads do the trick nicely. Never painted a pumpkin but just might try this year. Thanks for hosting "Blue Monday".

  17. The most elegant pumpkin with those special blue beads to adorn your beautiful livingroom. Well done!

  18. So creative, Sally!

    Happy Monday:)

    Here's mine:

  19. Hi Sally; my first link up (finally had a blue post). Thank you for hosting.

  20. What a great idea with the pumpkins. Love how you displayed the finished product too!!

  21. Sally, once I linked to the list the thumb pic wouldn't work. I'll try again. LOVE your house for the holdiays, very beautiful.

  22. Sally, those turned out SO well. Very snazzy. Love the blue.



  23. Very pretty, Sally! I have the urge to paint one now!


  24. It turned out very nicely! Love the display.

  25. hello my friend!!!
    how I've missed you and the gang!
    hope Blogger continues our friendship!
    love and hugs..

  26. Love your blue pumpkin! Happy Blue Monday!

  27. I haven't painted pumpkins, so your tips will come in handy if ever I do. Yours turned out so nice with your living room decor, and the display is perfect. Blue Pumpkin under glass...perfect for Blue Monday.

  28. Oh, your pumpkins are so elegant! I love them.
    I like the thumbnail availability.

  29. Delicate and soft blues this week, nice.

  30. Every thing needs a touch of blue...even my garden flower plate! Thanks for hosting!

  31. Hi Sally, I had this post ready since Saturday and forgot to link this morning. I had to leave home by 7:30am for a Dr. appointment. My day has been long to say the least.

    I love your crafty paint job. I'm proud of you. Smile. It looks beautiful. Good job and very clever. If we can have pink pumpkins, why not blue.


  32. Me again, I did pick a photo for your new link thingy and it didn't bring up the thumbnail. Then I tried again and linked the old way. I'm confused. Now I am linked in both places. sorry.
    xo, Jeanne

  33. We Jeanne's have our bit of trouble...I'm linked now in both places too! Hopefully next time I won't have a problem!

  34. Sally, sorry I am late with my comment today. It has just been one of those too busy days. I think what you did with the pumpkins are very nice. Looks great in your lovely home. Only thing with the linking in, do we need to do both or can we use one of or choice? Seems from some of the comments, if you do not use both, they had problems.

  35. Oh my goodness! Love those pumpkins! I like the beads draped over the cloche! I better double back and make sure my photo uploaded or I will also add to the regular linky site! Hugs Sally! Loved your posts today!

  36. oh how fun!!! makes me think of cinderella!

  37. Your cloches are lovely. I like the one with the glass beads the best.


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
