Monday, October 15, 2012

Cloche Impaired but Still Trying

Marty from A Stroll Thru Life is hosting another cloche party, and I've decided to attend. Come on and join in; it'll be fun! Just click on the link.

Years ago, Ara, one of my granddaughters, made this tiny pizza man for me out of salt dough. Salt dough is quite fragile, and I've always been very careful with him.

For the first couple of years, I stood him on my kitchen counter, next to my telephone. As the years went by, he has become more and more precious to me. To keep him a bit safer, I put him in this small cloche. I bought the crystal pedestal to uplift him. Now he stands right next to my stove.

A generous blogger, Gl❤ria from Happy to be, sent me these giant candy corn candles in 2009, when we moved to this area. This year, I'm displaying them with some fall leaves on my kitchen counter. My plate contains fall colors.

This fall/Thanksgiving grouping was displayed on my living room coffee table. The gold tassel proves that I DO try. Then, we had an upset. Johnny, trying to help, broke the pilgrim and the tall, etched cloche! (sigh)

I changed the decor on the living room table.

I painted a faux pumpkin Blue, using leftover paint from our living room focal wall. I blogged about this here for Blue Monday. This medium size etched cloche is the one that had the candy corn candles in it. It matched the broken one. I bought them both at Tuesday Morning in 2009. There are none left. I checked! However, I did find one online and purchased it right away, spending WAY too much.

This grouping is the first thing visitors see and the last thing they see when they walk through the front door. The angel holding a pumpkin is new this year. She and the fall pumpkin inside the apothecary jar are both from the $ store. The ceramic dish holds candy. I encourage everyone to help themselves.

As one of my granddaughter's boyfriends said when leaving (and sampling), "Look, she's got the GOOD stuff!"

Please join me for Blue Monday.


  1. Sally, each of your cloches are very cute. Love the candy corn candles. xo

  2. All your cloches are so pretty! Sorry about the etched one and the pilgrim :(
    I love the candy corn one too.

  3. Your post is good!

    I did have problems by linking up with a photo tonight! Glad I managed after trying a lot of times...

  4. Hi Sally! Oh, no! I'm grieving with you over your broken cloche and little pilgrim. You've put together some lovely displays too! Man, I know where to come when I need a sweet nibble! Wish I could pop over! ;)
    Thanks for popping in to see me and I wish I could tell you I put on waders and carefully trod through the wet lands and cut all of the cat tails I wanted. But I can't! I bought them at Michaels.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Oh how precious the little salt man. He's perfect under the cloche. Love your displays Sally.

    The French Hutch

  6. I love your cloches ...very pretty... thanks for your sweet comment ...

  7. Your cloches are all lovely. i especially like the pizza man on your beautiful pedestal plate and cloche. So special from your granddaughter.
    Mary Alice

  8. You have a nice assortment of cloches Sally. The all look very nice. Too bad about the breakage.

  9. That's too bad about the Pilgrim and the cloche! Things go wrong quickly don't they! All the other cloche display look great! That Pizza man is so sweet- that's a great idea to keep him save! I agree with the boyfriend- you have the good stuff! Love peppermint patties!

  10. I love the look of cloches. Your's with your granddaughters pizza man is darling. What a great keepsake!

    enjoy your week!

  11. Lovely cloches dear Sally, I love ALL your figurines inside them! Great for Thanksgiving too. You did a beautiful display. Big hugs.

  12. I Love that gorgeous tall cloche! So pretty. I love all your groupings and the tassel was a good call! :) It's just the right touch.

    Have a great week! :)


  13. Hi Sally, the salt dough pizza boy is a real treasure. I know how fragile salt dough is. All of your vignettes using your cloches are so fun. I had an etched cloche that I myself broke. Took it to my SIL's for a bridal shower and broke it bringing it home. Darn, couldn't get after anyone but myself.

  14. Cute pizza boy, Sally!
    All your other stuff is lovely too!
    The pumpkin painting was amazing:)
    Thanks a lot for your visit and nice comment on my blog!
    Thank you for hosting Blue Monday. Shall participate again..enjoyed being with you guys:)

  15. Love all of your cloches and I am thrilled that you used a variety for everyone to see. Great vignettes. Thanks for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  16. Sally your pizza man is wonderful. I love his story, too.

  17. I think your cloche collections is lovely and perfectly arranged. It's so easy to get creative. Cutie pizza guy too.

  18. Don't you just love cloches? You can do so many things with them!

  19. Well, I don't think you are cloche challenged one single bit. All of yours are wonderful. Your little man is just so sweet...and I could hear how much you treasure him in your voice. :) Wonderful contribution, Sally!!

  20. LOL oh Sally you DO have the good stuff ! love all your cloches and so sorry one got broken. I'm usually the one that breaks stuff :)

  21. Hi Sally, Your little pizza man is just the kind of special thing that deserves a showcase of his very own. He is perfect under glass! So sorry to hear about your pilgrim. I'm sure your "helper" was very sad too! I don't know how you can keep those peppermint patties out. They are so good and they would disappear in a day here! Have a wonderful day. It is a gorgeous fall day here, crispy with a very bright BLUE sky! Linda

  22. Sally, you sure don't look cloche impaired to me. What great cloches. I LOVE the pizza man. What a talented granddaughter, and what a perfect way to display this delicate treasure. That pedestal is gorgeous! Your blue pumpkins are so pretty (leave it to you to have blue pumpkins). What a pretty little pilgrim girl with pumpkin, and I LOVE York Peppermint Patties. I may have to come visit you. laurie

  23. All your vignettes are very cute (darling blue pumpkin) but that salt-dough boy is PRECIOUS. I know what you mean about things becoming more precious as the years pass. Thanks for visiting me and commenting!! ~Zuni

  24. You made me smile with your title "Cloche Impaired". :)

    Love the candy corn candles!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love all your glass cloches. Those are the type that I am looking for. You did a great job!

  26. LOL...I always bought the "GOOD STUFF" when my boys were trick or treating age and put some away for me and Bobby G. All your cloches are so very special and I love that you highlighted the "pizza man". Have a wonderful weekend Sally.

  27. I too am cloche challenged Sally... is it a disease or just a syndrome?

    blessings. Dixie

  28. I love the sentimental meaning behind so many of your decor pieces. It is good to stop by for a quick "visit" with you.

    My Chelsea would surely take you up on an offer of one of those peppermint patties. Her favorite candy at the moment.

    Have a wonderful day.

  29. What a perfect place or the pizza man! I love the candy corn under the cloche too. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  30. Sally, all of your cloche's are so welcoming. It's nice that you have so many...but know it's always sad when one gets broken. I especially like the one with the's so festive!

  31. Hi Sally, I love your beautiful collection of cloche domes and the memories under each. hugs ~lynne~

  32. I love your cloches! I especially like the little salt dough man double special since it has extra meaning for you.

  33. You have some beautiful cloches, Sally. And, I love the things you put inside them. I do not have even ONE cloche...I am sooo deprived. ;)

    Oh, and about using a cake have been a teacher for most of your time to make "from scratch" cakes and may I just say...most of the cake mixes are WAAAY better than any I could ever make. I use them ALL the time. :))


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