Johnny, Brittany, and I went to see Julie & Julia this week. The premise shows an interweaving of two separate stories about two very different ladies--all the while keeping

Julie, a young married, bored with her life and government job, cooks to relieve stress. She decides to begin a blog while she cooks her way through Julia Child's cookbook. For that reason, this is a must-see for all bloggers. There's so much about "us" in it.
It's refreshing to see a film where both marriages are good ones; both couples enjoy each other and are deeply in love. I found myself smiling throughout the film. Note: there is some unnecessary profanity in it.
I remember watching Julia Child's television programs. Meryl Streep BECOMES Julia Child. What an actress! Although it is a chick flick, husbands will enjoy it--especially the competitiveness in the onion chopping scene. What a fantastic film! It gets a thumbs up from me.
Blogger love coming this way!
On August 10th, I was awarded the Neno's award by Andrea at Arise 2 Write. The Neno's award is given to those who love blogging, love to encourage friendships through blogging, and who help others seek the reasons why we all love blogging.

I think this probably defines every blogger reading this, so if you have not already been awarded the Neno award, I'd like to offer it to you. Just let me know in the comment that you're taking it. Happy Blogging!

That award perfectly describes you, Sally. A great friend in the blogworld.
I admit to being curious about the movie you reviewed. I rarely go to theatres for my own movies. If we go it is usually for the kids.
So, I'll most likely get it on Netflix when it comes out.
Becky K.
I agree with your review of the movie. Meryl Streep had all of Julia child's mannerisms down...she was fabulous!!!
made me want to go home and cook!!!
Charlotte, our daughter and I saw this movie last week on opening day in our city. The theater was filled with women. It didn't bother me that there were only a hand full of men there. The giggling bothered me a little. We loved the movie!
Hi Sally
Oh I want to see that movie. It looks like a good one. Thank you for the review.
Congrats on yet another award!
have a wonderful day..
I definitely want to see this movie. You're the second person who has recommended it.
The hubby and I went to see this last Sunday. He wasn't happy at first because there was only one other man in the crowded theater, but he really enjoyed the movie. I agree with you. We both smiled a LOT.
This is the 2nd blogpost I have seen on this movie and I can't wait to go see it. I got home but now my husband is out of town :( so I am patiently waiting to go when he returns!
Oh ya! guess what? It's official...I am a book reviewer! woohoo :) can't wait to start....do you do all publishers or just one? let me know k, thanks!
Oh, Dear Sally! Congratulations on this wonderful award! You are truly a blogger's friend. I consider you my friend.
Now I haven't seen this movie but I really want to. I watched some of Julia back in the day and loved her silly voice!
I'm traveling, but have taken Blogland with me!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hello Sweet Sally
I haven't seen that movie yet. My husband has no intentions of going! LOL I guess I will have to grab a girlfriend.
Congratulations on your award. You so deserve it!
Neat post, Sally... I have heard so many people raving about that movie. We don't go to movies very often--but this one is calling my name.
Congrats on the award and thanks!!! I'll put it on my sidebar with thanks from YOU.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for this review, Sally! I've seen the trailers and thought, "Yeah!" ... then didn't do anything about it.
This has pushed me off the fence; ready to walk in the other room and ask DH for a date tomorrow afternoon.
Hi Sally, I am longing to see that movie. Our small town has to wait
for first run movies. Your review is awesome.
Congratulations on your award, It is a special award and very meaningful too. I thank you for offering it to your blogging friends. I have stopped posting awards as I hate that I am expected to pass them on. It just seems like one more thing I have to do with blogging. I love blogging and my many friendships I have gained, such as you Sally, are very dear to me. I find it very hard just to stay in touch with all my friends let alone worry about awards. I hope you don't take this wrong. It is an honor that you are offering it. Thank you.
Sally, you are so right, it was a great movie. I can't remember the last movie I went to but my friend Sharon wanted to go.
Congrats on your award.
Thanks for the heads up on Monday, I will be gone all day Monday and Tues, will check when we get home Tuesday night.
Sally what a GREAT review... Loved it and I will go see the movie...Thanks
Great award... you deserve it!
I have heard many bloggers talk about this film but I always look forward to your reviews. I am the biggest fan of Meryl Streep ( my fave movies are Kramer vs, Kramer and Sophie's Choice).
I will patiently await for the movie to come out on DVD as I am severely hearing impaired and need closed cazption.
Bon Appetit!!
Like Blondie/Jane, I also have to wait until it comes out on DVD so I can watch it captioned. Even though some theaters are presenting movies captioned. There is not one close to us. Don't catch everything without the captions.
Meryl Streep is just brilliant in whatever she's in :)
I'm back I don't know if you remember me or not!!! I was Judiths Quiet Moments but unfortunately whilst having a clear out of my email addresses deleted the wrong one!!! and lost access to my blogger and facebook so I've started again - this time I'm 'Just Keep It Simple Judy' take care, Judith
Hi Sally congratulations!
I will watch it.
Thank you for this post Sally, I was debating whether or not, I wanted to go see this movie (Don't ask me how long it's been since I've been to a movie--it's been a long time) but this one sounded interesting, and my husband would like to see it too, he's the cook in our house!
We went to see Julie & Julia last week and really enjoyed it.
Loved, loved, loved Julia Child and the movie!
Great, I can't wait to see it.
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