Without cooking, I'd like to join Gollum at Foodie Friday. If you'd like to join in, link in here.
When we went to Tarpon Springs last Saturday, we stopped for lunch at this Greek Restaurant. It's one of many along this road. There are outdoor tables, but we went inside to enjoy the air conditioning.
The name is Parthenonas. It was decorated so beautifully, but since there were other diners, I didn't want to invade people's privacy. So I didn't snap as many pictures as I would have liked.
Opaaa! Here's my lunch--a gyro (pronounced "year-oh.") Oh, it was so good--pita so full of meat, tomato, onion, and Tzatziki sauce!
Isn't that plate just lovely? I commented on it, and the waiter said, "Everyone loves the plates!"
Later, I peeked underneath and discovered that the plate was "made in China." I told the waiter, and we all had a big laugh about that.
They had two cases full of tempting desserts, but it wasn't hard for me to decide that I wanted baklavas. They're made of phyllo dough, honey, and nuts. I took these babies home and enjoyed them later. They were the best I've ever eaten.

YUM!! Good stuff!
My mouth is watering. I love baklava! We made it once when I was a teenager with some friends from Egypt. I remember it as being very labor intensive but not too bad.
Becky K.
Wow, everything looks so yummy! And I think you showed amazing self-control if you had baklava left to take home with you! That would never have happened if I'd been there.
I've tried Greek food several times and have never taken a liking to it. Maybe I've been ordering the wrong things!
I don't think I've ever had Greek food except I tried baklava once at a church social and didn't like it -- but maybe it was the way that person made it. Sounds like a fun restaurant.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. :-)
You have my mouth watering!!!!
I LUV gyros and even more baklava!! My neighbor in IN used to make the best homemade baklava....I miss it!!!
Good Morning Sally, I am glad you enjoyed Tarpon Springs... It is a great little Greek community. My home was just down the road from there in Palm Harbor... We have been up to Tarpon to the sponge docks many times and I love it. Great place to take your northern guest.
I'm with you on the low-maintenance kitchen, but it doesn't seem to happen as often as I would like. Your gyro and baklava look wonderful. Sally
If you go again...and they have it on the menu...try pasticio and stuffed grape leaves. Hope I spelled that right.
And Sally - after cooking for 10 kids, a husband, grand kids, and half the neighborhood kids - I'm so sick of cooking:-( From now on, if we only kept cereal, milk, bread, PB and fruit in the house...I'd be a happy women.
Take out is PRICELESS!
Oh, another Florida blogger and she participates in Foodie Friday and Outdoor Wednesday! It's a good day in blogland.
I love lunching in Tarpon Springs and have to have Saganaki (Flaming Cheese) when I go.
BTW, as others have said, those are Sandhill Cranes in your OW post. When I visit friends down in Venice, they have tons of them around. They are so used to people you can walk slowly up to them for some great shots.
Sounds like you all are finding some great restaurants in your new home environment... Your lunch sounded wonderful. Hope your hubby ate onions also!!!! ha ha
Ooooo that looks DELICIOUS and I agree the plate is gorgeous!!
Sally, I love greek food - especially the Tzatziki sauce. That greek neighborhood looks like a fun little block to walk down. Isn't it fun to discover new and yummy places to visit? ~ Robyn
It looks like a lovely meal. That's too funny about the origin of the plate. I glad everyone had a chuckle. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I love Greek food. This has my mouth watering for a gyro.
Oh, greek food.....YUM!!
"Get outta here!" I can't stand it!
I thought I was hungry. NOW I know I am.
I love Greek food, Sally, But I believe it has gotten too salty for me. My mother once said it's a good thing I didn't marry a Greek, or I would be so fat.
I love Greek food, too! Saganaki and Baklava...awesome.
I had to check the blog of Smiling Sally out. Just sayin' the name makes this Ozark chick smile. Yummy posts. Have a super great week-end!
Ooooh YUM Sally...now I'm hungry girl hope your happy ha ha!! May you have a great weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I've never had a gyro, it looks delicious!
Baklava is one of my favorites. Even though it is a Greek pastry, we've found wonderful Baklava at the Missouri Baking Company, right in the heart of St Louis' Italian neighborhood, known as The Hill. I always have to have Baklava, when we visit The Hill.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Hi Sally
Nice that you are discovering new places to eat out where you are living now.
I love a good baklava!
Thanks for dropping by, hope you sat a spell, put your feet up and enjoyed. In the words of Granny Clampett, "Ya'll come back now, ya hear!"
I would of picked the backlava too hands down !
looks yummy!!!!
Sounds delicious! Have a blessed weekend.Cindy
Hellooooo, Most Smiling One! Oh, this is the way I love to join Foodie Friday! Your lunch looks wonderful. I've never eaten a Gyro - I must change my ways. :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Sally, you made me laugh with your comment. I did think the miniature post was amazing. The scope of it was hard to believe.
I was supposed to have company for dinner and they didn't show. I prepared this huge dinner so I invited my sisters and their hubby's to help eat the food. I am just now visiting. I am feeling good and the shingles are a mild case I think. I hope!!
I am so glad you are enjoying the fun places to see in Central Fl. One of our trips to Fl. could be a chance to meet for lunch one day.
The Greek food sounds good. We like Greek food very much. The plate was pretty. China is invading everywhere. I don't think it is a good thing.
Have a happy weekend.
That looks so yummy. I love greek food. Opa!....
That gyro looks yummy and so perfect on that great plate. However, I could easily skip that main course and gobble up a few of those baklavas! I LOVE em!!
I like that low maintenance kitchen idea of yours! Opaaa!
Hmmm, so you have been to the sponge docks! We used to go there a lot, Sally! There is a fish market there where we liked buying fish from...Christine
We have some young greek man who have a stall on the saterday food market in our town and they sell more then 20 sorts of baklava. All very nice but heavy on the calorie's because they all contail a lot of nuts and honey.But boy , are they nice!
Boy, does this bring back some memories! Before moving to Phoenix, I lived just down the road from the T/S Sponge Docks; always a fun place to bring visiting relatives (Pappas Restaurant) for the flaming cheese.
Sally, checking in from break to give you a cyber hug...
Sheila :-)
We went to Tarpon Springs on a Quilt Guild bus trip and had a great time. Rainbow Fabrics is the larges fabric store in FL located at Dunedin. We went out on the nature boat tour to the lighthouse off Tarpon Springs - recommend that one. We went to Lakeland FL and the Patchwork Pig is the Best Fabric Store EVER. Then to Bok Gardens, wow! I'm glad you enjoyed your w. coast trip too. Blessings, Janet
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