I'm swamped as I have a meeting with the painters in less than one hour, but I can't let Blogland down, so here goes a short story.
I was twelve and had never had a bike. Yep, we were poor, but rich in love. My Daddy sat me down on Christmas Eve; he was "under the influence," and he told me that he was sorry, but that there'd be no bike under the tree. I nodded and told him that was all right, even though I was once again, disappointed.
Christmas morning there were two beautiful new bikes: a red one for my brother and a blue one for me! It seems that Daddy did his little Christmas Eve lie so that the morning would be a surprise. It sure was.
Oh, how I loved my gorgeous blue bicycle!

It looked something like this one I copied from the internet.

I'm so happy you got that blue bike, Sally! My bike was blue, too, and I loved it. As a matter of fact, it's rusty self is outside as I speak. I could not bear to leave it behind. It took me on many wonderful rides. I kept it in town at my grandmother's so I could ride with my friends. That bike was a true treasure, and while I got mine for my birthday instead of Christmas (and got to help pick it out), I loved it fiercely. I thought the "S" on the seat stood for Sheila. LOL!
Love you, too! Happy PS to you...
Sheila :-)
Oh, I'm so happy you got your blue bike! Seems Christmas 'twas the season for fibs. Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday to you.
On this first Saturday of December ♥Jappy Pink Saturday♥. I was away for a while and sure missed running around the blogs arnd seeing all of the goodies everyone was sharing.
Thanks for the memory...
It was a blessing for you to make my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺
You have an award on arise 2 write.
Oh thank you my friend for stopping by. I love your story about the bikes. I enjoy reading about Christmas' past. And thank you for asking about my grandson, he is doing very well in the Air Force, he got a well earned promotion recently. The story is he's very lucky having this rank considering the few years he has in and his young age. But, he's worked very hard for it and been to many countries around the world. He is leaving for Africa after the first of the year. So we'll all keep saying prayers for our the brave people that is protecting our freedom. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
Hope your meeting goes well! What a lovely Christmas memory, I am sure that new bike was quite exciting, I felt the same way about roller skates.
Happy PS
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Charmed giveaway!
sucker for a story with a happy ending!!
Great story about your bike! Made me smile, since my dad picked my bike up from a neighbor's trash. (We were poor financially, but rich in love, too.) It was colored "rusty". I rode it for many years. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.
Sally, I remember getting a bike for Christmas one year also. I was SO proud of that bike!!!!
Happy Pinkish Blue Saturday to you... ha
We got SNOW... Tomorrow's post!!!! ha
Hi Sally, what a beautiful Christmas memory you shared with us. It didn't surprise me that you got a BLUE bike! LOL
Move in time is getting closer and closer! Hope you have time to decorate your new home for the christmas holidays!
Happy Pink Saturday to you!
Hugs, Ann
I love that story.I wanted a bike one year too but like you my parents made me think there wasen't going to be one ,it was a wonderful surprise !!
I wonder what colors you will pick for your new home??
Take care
I had a blue bike too, had kept it for all these years, then about 10 years ago, sold it...now....as you can imagine...I wish I had it back....great story...made me smile!
Great story Sally...I also had a special blue bike! Love all of your pink P's.
♥, Susan
What a sweet story..how you must have loved your bike. Happy Pinks and have a wonderful weekend.
Cute story! I got a blue bike for christmas too when I was 12. It was such a warm day, I got to ride it!!
Cute story, Sally. I got a blue bike when I was 12, also, but for my birthday.
I think I now see the path that led to your adult love of all things blue. Your story was very sweet, Sally. I'm so glad, all these years later, that you weren't let down. Have a great day...Mary
I loved my little pink bike, I'm so glad your Dad did the little white Christmas lie, it just made the day more special to you.
Are the painters going to be done in time to move in for Christmas?
My mom did something like that to me as a kid. She got a hip-high box and wrapped it under the tree and told me that was all I was getting for Christmas while my little brother had lots of presents. Turns out that box was filled with all my presents :)
What a wonderful story!
How wonderful, what a surprise. It's a pretty one if it was similar to this. I have a red one I got last Christmas. Have a good weekend.
I just did a mini painting of a blue/aqua bike...love these, especially by the sea :)
Hi Sally,
It sounds like you are super busy right now with your house details and closing coming up soon! I really like your nativiy header...just right for the season!
Happy Pink Saturday, Sally. I know you must be so very busy.
Your blue bicycle brought back memories for me, too. I can imagine your smiling face when you found it Christmas morning.
Under the influence or not, he did a great thing, allowing you total surprise on Christmas morning!
OOO, that first bike is something we all remember, I guess.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
xo bj
aww how sweet Sally
Hi Sally
Your comment made me laugh! I hated my "bamngs cut too short" my whole childhood! As soon as I was 13 I let them grow out.
I have a similar memorry of a bicycle, but for my 8th birthday...mine was red. I was so "over to moon" happy to finally have my own bicycle.
I had a blue bike too. I got it for my birthday and I was so proud of that bike.
Happy belated Pink Saturday. And happy early Blue Monday.
Sally I just wrote this long post about your sweet story and I fell asleep before I published it. I love your story and I too remember my first bike. Your dad wanted to surprise you and he sure did. Sigh. I had company today, dinner for 12 but I only had 10. It wasn't the dinner that made tired it was decorating inside and out for the occasion. Everything looks good but it wore me out.
I am sure I forgot to hit publish. sigh.
See you tomorrow.
Hugs xoxo, Jeanne
That is much a neat retro bike! Love it!
What a terrific post. . .your dad certainly made a wonderful Christmas memory for you!
Happy belated Pink Sat....I'm finally finished with my sales. Now I'm trying to decorate for Christmas!
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