Monday, February 28, 2011

Blue Monday - Find the Cheapest Gas!

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Isn't the price of gasoline going out of sight?

Since I'm talking about gasoline today, I'm showing a pretty, blue car and a pretty blue gas can.

When attempting to find gas for your car, it's frustrating to look for bargains, since it seems none exist. However, I have a tiny bit of good news for you. Just click here, then click on your state or plug in your zip code, and you will find the cheapest gas in your area! Try it and save $$.

Sorry, but this applies only for the United States and Canada.

Happy driving!

Happy Blue Monday!

1. mizhelle
2. Milla
3. Rose
4. LaVoice
5. JEC
6. Chubskulit
7. niko philippines
8. Nostalgic Marveling
9. Dena E's
10. ellen b
11. Lani in Taipei
12. GVK, Mysore, India
13. Animor Australia
14. Bahchi
15. Kathy Matthews
16. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
17. Fighter
18. Fe's Journey of Life
19. Craft and Fashion
20. Tracy F.
21. Adie
22. Artlover, Sweden
23. Fifi Flowers
24. Shengkay's journal, PH
25. Joyful Servant
26. Shabby Pink World
27. sibuyas republic
28. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
29. Sherry
30. bj@Sweet Nothings-giveawayy
31. Rajesh
32. Sherry
33. Cindy Adkins
34. Rantis, Swe
35. clavs up close
36. Sasha - Utopia
37. Shy
38. Lesley
39. carolynUSA
40. Life is a Battle
41. liberal sprinkles
42. Self Sagacity
43. Yoshi, Japan
44. Anni / Sweden
45. Boo
46. NatureFootstep Costa Rica birds
47. Willow
48. Sheng
49. Rinkly Rimes
50. My Journey to Life
51. Journey of a Dreamer
52. Tranquil Acres of Alexandria-Apples on Monday
53. Kids Turf
54. Reach Beyond Limits
55. Joysweb
56. Birgitta - in Europe
57. Hyanne, South Korea
58. Little World of Fun
59. Sailboats in Springtime!
60. La @ A Musing Potpourri
61. NatureFootstep Sweden
62. Gengen
63. Johnny Deep
64. Becky K.
65. Shakerag Susan
66. Donnie
67. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
68. Jingle
69. Super Simple
70. Rosemary Skewers-Blue plate@ Mere thoughts
71. Linderhof
72. Manang Kim,USA
73. Susan
74. Dorincard: Black Lechwe, from Zambia
75. Barbara Rosenzweig
76. Lina, Indonesia
77. Dhemz
78. kat
79. hapzydeco
80. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
81. Baba's Babies
82. The Moments in Between
83. Grandmother Wren
84. Maria's Space
85. rache
86. Anita: 1872 heirloom
87. wedding bell blues
88. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
89. Auntie E
90. Amy's Life
91. Blue on Blue Bargains
92. Pie
93. Lifemoto Laham
94. lisa
95. Cat Tattered Rebel
96. Loui♥
97. Goosh
98. Antique washbowl & Pitcher
99. Hazelicious
100. Joy@Books and Life
101. Pink and Blue for Supper
102. Lisa
103. Lazy on Loblolly
104. annies home -
105. Patricia
106. Helen
107. Melissa
108. Joahna, Philippines

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  1. Tell me that Sally! Same here, gas prices seem to be nowhere to go but to go UP! Argh!

    happy blue monday!

  2. Thanks for the link Sally! Have a great week!

  3. Your captions certainty fit the bill on the gas prices. I do not know what people that have to drive a distance to work is going to do. I do not understand how the trouble in one country could cause us this kind problem. We get gas or oil from more than one area. Our country is going from bad to worse.

  4. Hey Sweet Lady.. GREAT to be here..Real funny cartoon you found too Sis!!!
    Hugs Dena

  5. Oh dear Sally and I have to go fill up tomorrow cuz my little gas light went on today! I usually to to Costco to get gas. Love the cartoon!
    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  6. Cool cartoons! Good thing the place where I live is very convenient, no need to drive to go places :) Happy Blue Monday!

  7. Hi Sally,

    Gas prices sure are high, and that will make everything else cost more too.

    Happy Blue Monday and thanks for hostessing!

    Take care,


  8. Ain't it the TRUTH!!! At least the gas can is a pretty blue.
    Happy Monday.

  9. funny cartoons. Happy blue Monday Sally

  10. Thanks for the tip. Good to know! Happy Blue Monday.

  11. Hi Sally!
    It´s my first time that I participate here. Welcome to see my work.
    Have a nice week!

  12. Happy Blue Monday to you, Sally!

  13. Great post for these times. Happy Blue Monday!

  14. Whew...gas is higher here where I live than I've ever seen it before.
    Thanks much for the tip. :)
    xo bj

  15. Hi Sally, you are so right about the gas. Our area is unreal. Bill payed 3.50 to get gas last week. I will check out your link.

    Our cousin Pat was here for 10 days and we hardly ever get to see her. She was a surprise for Jane Anne's birthday party. Bob (cousin) brought her here for the party and we took her home to Columbia, SC this morning. An eight hour round trip. We filled up in SC for $3.24.9. We were happy to find gas cheaper than here.

    I tried to watch the Academy Awards and slept through through most of it. Darn. As usual lately, I have had little time on my computer.
    Now I am awake.

    My eyes are better each day but it really takes up to six months to fade the scars. sigh! I am seeing much better. Thank you again for your prayers My dear blogging friend.
    Love, Jeanne

  16. with what's happening in some oil-rich countries, gas could be nowhere to go,but...blew up!

  17. visit me here Sally, when you're not too busy...:)

  18. Oh wow, Sally, a blue gas can--amazing!!! What a great post--and also awesome that there's a way to track the cheapest gas prices...
    Happy Blue Monday!

  19. Madame Sally, I hope I'm not late this time...LOL!

  20. I agree, the price of gas just went up high but there were time it go down a little and then go up higher hehe. There is also some gas station who have cheaper gas.

  21. prices of gas is unstoppable, it is impossible to go down these days.sigh! pretty pictures pretty Sally. mine is up! happy BM!

  22. Hello Sally, that's a cool tool, too bad I don't live in North America! I found you at Beverly's How Sweet The Sound and am joining your Blue Monday for the first time. Hope you like my post!

  23. Yes, I don't make enough to pay for gas anymore, so I stay at home a lot now. I seldom use the cheap gas locator because it is always out of the way for me. It would cost me more gas and time to go to the cheapest gas station than for me to just pay up.

  24. That was fun Sally, thanks for the smile. :)

  25. Those are some pretty blue things you have today... :)

  26. Thanks for the link, Sally! Every bit save is much better than none.

  27. Yes, gas is getting really expensive around here, too - just in time for the spring/summer vacation season. Guess we'll be staying close to home for a while.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  28. How I wish it is available in our place too hehehe

  29. Gasoline cost a lot anywhere, I wonder in Arab country..

  30. Thanks for the link to check on gas prices! Excellent help in going green!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  31. Hi Sally.

    I have an hour commute to and from work. When the gas prices rise, it really hits my wallet hard.

    Have a great day! La

  32. Oh our gas also is very expensive...My blue is up...

  33. The price of gas is making me blue but your post and cute pictures made me smile.
    Have a wonderful day!

  34. I really feel for those that have to use there vehicles in their jobs too. I guess the days of cruising on a Friday night are over for awhile. Happy Blue Monday Sally.

  35. Thanks for the link Sally, but I want to know where to get that cool BLUE gas can!

  36. Hi Sally...I'm new to Blue Monday and am looking forward to exploring everyone's blogs. Thanks so much for hosting this party. ~Ann

  37. Sally, You hit the nail on the head with this one! My son wrote on his facebook status about how a teenager is supposed to get around with the price of gas right now. He commutes to college every is sinful!
    ♥, Susan

  38. Hi Sally! Thank you so much for this tip! My hubby will be thrilled because he has to do a lot of driving for his job. Gas cans look better in blue too. Happy Blue Monday!

    Susan and Bentley

  39. The cheapest in our town, according to the site you so graciously gave us, is $3.16....and we live right across the street from it. We are blessed!!!
    xo bj

  40. On Mondays, even the grass grows slower.
    Gas should be cheaper on Mondays...:)
    Happy Blue Monday, Sally! :)

  41. oh my, it's hard to find cheap stuff these days.

    thanks for sharing the link Sally, will check on it! have a good one....:)

  42. I'm very late.
    The blue gas can look cute. We here still enjoy the subsidized price; but it will change soon.

  43. This past week's jump in gas price is insane! I know I really plan out my errands now to try and do them all at one time. Arghhh!

  44. Good "Blue Monday" Sally..I am sharing my grands dressed in blue having fun at the beach of the Atlantic Ocean while visiting me last week in Savannah..have a super day..

  45. Happy Blue Monday Sally!
    I Linked up for the very first time. I'm a new follower to you too!
    Amy's Life @

  46. Thanks for visiting me, Sally!

    I wish that I still had the muscle tone of that little boy!

    Thanks for providing Blue Monday to make new friends!

  47. Thanks for the tip, Sally. We can use all the help we can get in battling gas prices!
    Thanks for hosting Blue Monday

  48. Thanks for the information. Gas has been steadily rising. Just one more summer we don't go anywhere.

  49. I wonder how high it will go here! We have the highest in the state in Western NC. I finally had something with some blue to link up today! Thanks for hosting!!

  50. Yes, the price of gas is OUTRAGEOUS! Makes you want to just home! Thanks for the link, Sally...I'll definitely check it out!

  51. Let's all be thoughtful about our gas usage, whatever the price. Thanks for the web link! And neat blue can!

  52. Hi Sally, yes gas is crazy!!
    Thought I would stop by and say Hi,
    Hugs, Ann

  53. Great idea for a Monday! Thank you for hosting the party!

  54. That cartoon is so true!

  55. I've never seen a blue gas can before, Sally! I don't relish filling up my tank this week. The price jumped 40 cents overnite!

  56. Gasoline...
    here in Sweden where I live one litre cost almost 2,20 USD :-(

  57. Hey sally.. I am a bit late today! But thanks again for hosting!!!
    I want a blue gas can!!!!

  58. Hi Sally..
    me too on being late..
    but I'm with you on the gas situation..
    hope your day is filled with blue skies and smiles..
    warmest hugs..

  59. Wow, would love a blue gas can. We only find red ones. Happy Blue Monday!

  60. Sally, you really did a reality post today. I love the cartoon. I think we all better invest in a horse and buggy before the market on them goes up!!! ~~Sherry~~

  61. Hi Sally,
    Just stopping by to say 'Hello!' Seems gas and oil are costly no matter where you live. It's been a hard Winter here in Atlantic Canada and Spring can't come soon enough! Hope you're enjoying blue skies. We are having yet another snow storm here!


  62. I guess we just have to get use on gas prices keeps rising up. It is just absurd how the fuel prices keeps rising while the income remains stagnant.

    My first time to join Blue Monday. Blue is my fave color too. Happy Monday!

  63. Like the toon.. yes gas is getting just crazy! Glad I bought a more economical car this year.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  64. Hi Sally, I found you over at Donnies. My first time here. Love Blue Monday, I'll be back later to check out some more blues. (After housework) I commented in the wrong section oops!

    Lisa x

  65. These gas prices are killing me-it's taking $15 to just drive to work each!

  66. cute cartoon, Gas is almost at $4 a gal. here, hapy Blue Monday!

  67. It is so easy for price to go up but so hard to get it down, even after a crisis is over....Christine

  68. Hi Sally
    Happy Belated Blue Monday
    That is a very interesting link! The prices are horrible aren't they? It is going to be just horrible for vacationers again this summer if it keeps up this way. You can afford SUVs and mobile homes at this rate!

    Do you know I calculate our litre prices into gallons and it looks like we're paying $4.54/gallon. Not nice either.

    have a wonderful week

  69. Hi Sally! You're right - the gas prices are soaring and I hear they're supposed to get higher. Hope you're doing well in sunny Florida! I miss visiting with you!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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