Monday, May 23, 2011

Blue Monday - House of Honor

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Click on some of the links below and see what Blues our Bloggers share. Be sure to wish them a Happy Blue Monday!

Something special is happening right around the corner from our house! A disabled veteran is having a house built for him and his family. There was a dedication ceremony last week, and I captured these pictures. There's a beautiful Blue sky and a bit of Blue in the signs. Of course, our flag contains Blue too.

Here's a closer look at the sign.
The organization is called Homes for Our Troops.

The homes provided by Homes for Our Troops are given at NO COST to the Veterans.

If you'd like to learn more about Homes for Our Troops, click here.

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Fifi
2. Raya
3. Lifemoto -PaBor
4. Christine
5. mercedes
6. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
7. Techie Kids
8. Rajesh, India
9. Lani in Hongkong
10. Lina, Indonesia
11. Sherry
12. Fighter
13. Vienna Daily
14. imriz1
15. Blue Butterfly
16. Barbara Jean
17. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
18. Dena E
19. Milla
20. carolynUSA
21. Fe's Journey of Life
22. Point and Shoot
23. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
24. Dhemz
25. mizhelle
26. Cooking Show Fan
27. vernz
28. Dias Spot
29. Genuine Cuisine
30. Jingle
31. Gittan Sweden
32. Life Wonderfully Made
33. Pie
34. AWN
35. Rinkly Rimes
36. melissa
37. Leckeres für Mensch und Katze
38. Iris
39. J&J-USA
40. TheChieftess
41. Mom's Place
42. Anni, Sweden
43. Jenny
44. Shannara
45. Kayce's Online Diary
46. Reach Beyond Limits
47. Andy - Canada
48. Ella Maes Barn Gathering-Vintage Tins
49. Emm, Phils.
50. LaVoice
51. Giveaway on BLUE MONDAY!
52. Melandria
53. genny
54. Sneak peek at giveaway
55. Chie Wilks
56. Birgitta - foto chip
57. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
58. Kim,USA
59. Jeanie from Georgia
60. Becky K.
61. 36 Weeks After
62. Lazy on Loblolly
63. Sweet Nothings
64. Kids and Me
65. ShoppaMomma
66. Rose
67. Ms. Burrito
68. Chubskulit
69. John
70. Birthday
71. Bird House
72. Eden,Australia
73. Gengen
74. Daniella Hayes
75. Mega Sassy
76. Lesley
77. JudyBug
78. AnnA(Sweden)
79. Anne
80. GVK, Chennai, India
81. Dorincard: Yosemite blues...
82. Turkey, Blue Skies and Sea
83. clavs
84. hapzydeco
85. Fifi Flowers
86. dana of The Stone Rabbit
87. Points of View and Thoughts
88. Christine
89. Blogging Anything
90. Scribbler - Memorial Day
91. Loui♥
92. Mary@One Perfect Bite
93. Susan@AshTreeCottage
94. Karie's Chic Creations
95. CailinMarie
96. Mel Cole @ Jolly toes
97. Joyful Servant
98. Candy
99. Olive Tree
100. Beagle Run Way
101. Seaside Rose Creations
102. photographing New Zealand
103. Joy@Books and Life
104. Annette
105. Iowa Gardening Woman

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Fifi said...

A beautiful sky! I hope Sgt. Burchard and his family will love their new home :)

Happy Monday!

Here's my very first entry.

xinex said...

Oh how exciting, Sally!...Christine

Diann said...

That is wonderful about the house!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sally... this is a wonderful post and a great story. It's because of these types of organizations that our country is so great! I will go online and learn more about Homes for Our Troops, as I have not heard about them before. Thanks for sharing!

Lina Gustina said...

I really hope that it can happen in my country. Many disabled veterans don't have homes here :(

Anonymous said...

That´s how it should be!

Take care of yourself Sally and happy blue Monday to you too.

Unknown said...

salute to that organization. the veteran truly deserves this kind of project.

Barbara Jean said...

Joining in today after a long 'blue dry spell. =)
Thanks for hosting.
barbara jean

Jeanne said...

Hi Sally, this is a wonderful project. I didn't know there was such a program. The home will be beautiful and so are the people who are building the home. Tomorrow I will be back to read more about it. Now I am going to bed.
Love you, Jeanne

Dena E's Blog said...

WOW Sally, what a real blessing for them.. And its happening where you can witness it...Thanks for the share of such great positive bits of info!!!
Hugs Dena

Fex said...

nice blue sky.... happy Blue Monday Sally

Unknown said...

yay! im back! ;)

Dhemz said...

How I wish I live nearby. I'm willing to help. I love volunteer job....:)

Him and his family deserves this opportunity. Thanks for sharing Sally!

Marice said...

your neighborhood looks nice and neat! such neat shots!

Verna Luga said...

wow, exciting ..having new neighbor.. happy Monday Sally.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blue Monday.

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,

It's my first time to join this meme and I'm really looking forward to joining as much as I can. Thank you for hosting this.

Rinkly Rimes said...

That sort of charity work is really worthwhile.

Fashion Momma said...

Great shots. Happy Blue Monday.

Mine is here.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Hi Ms. Sally congrats to your neighbor. He deserved that house

Happy Blue Monday

Anni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anni said...

Happy Blue Monday!
I hope your new neighbour will enjoy his new home!

Gin Hansson said...

Beautiful blue sky...

Exciting to have new neighbors. I can feel that becuase we're about to move to our new apartment. Meaning new neighbor too..:)

Have a bless monday Sally

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Looks like a beautiful house, and he deserves it..

Emm said...

Very touching... =) have a great weekend to all... =)

Emm said...

have a great week ahead to all! there you go! =)

LV said...

It is so nice to hear good news about our veterans once in while. Seems there is nothing but bad.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Great news on this beautiful Blue Monday! Thanks for sharing!

genny said...

love the blue sky. and the place is nice and i must say very memorable one.:-)
mine is up here:

molly susan strong said...

How very special and exciting!

Chie Wilks said...

wow, it looks like it's going to be a big and beautiful house to live in. that veteran deserves it.

B i r g i t t a said...

Very exciting and a great thing to do. Beautiful blue sky too :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting
Happy Blue Monday!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

I hope the house turns out to be perfect for the family and wish them more blue skies and sunshine. This was a terrific post Sally!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

What a wonderful project! Our veterans are so deserving of this.

Jeanie Callaghan said...

I like your blues. That's a wonderful thing.

Becky K. said...

That is wonderful!! Our troops deserve to be honored and treated like heroes!!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful,what a great wonderful country we live in and I appreciate all and every branch of military,AWESOME!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very nice and patriotic! Have a good week ahead Sally.

Momgen said...

Thanks for hosting...

Eden said...

Wow, it is a big house. He really deserves it.

Thank you for hosting.

Annesphamily said...

That is a wonderful program! I am glad we have decent folks stepping up to the plate where out governemtn fails our military families terribly.
I enjoy stopping over. I posted my blues with my pinks so I hope you will check my post today! Have a terrific week! Anne

Anonymous said...

Happy Blue Monday again everyone.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blue Monday again everyone.

Dorincard said...

Nice idea, nice image...Volunteering = the gift of self.
Time and labor, not just money...:)

Pulchritude said...

HI there, Happy blue MOnday to all!

Anonymous said...

What a neat program -- I had never heard of this.

April said...

This just made my heart burst with PRIDE! How wonderful to help those who are so deserving! Thanks for telling us about it, Sally!

Clavel said...

Hapy blue monday Aunt Sally! mine is up:

Daniella said...

What a wonderful thing!! I love to see when our country does things right!!
Happy Blue Monday!!

EJ said...

That's nice to know that they care for the troops! Thanks for the visit Sally!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful program!!!! It's so great to see really good things done for our veterans who have given so much for us.


Clavel said...

I am sorry Aunt Sally, this is the correct one:

Hooked on Memes said...

That is a wonderful programme!

Erica (Irene) said...

How exciting and nice...Sally. Happy Blue Monday!!!!

Scribbler said...

What a commendable effort this is, awarding these homes to Veterans who are in need! Thank you for featuring this worthy cause on Blue Monday.

Loui♥ said...

Good morning Sally!!
The same program is in effect here in Denver..
simply awesome!!
happy bleu Monday!!
warmest sandy hugs..

Mary Bergfeld said...

It's so nice to see this type of thing being done for our soldiers. Thank you for sharing this with us, Sally. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Susan Freeman said...

This is a wonderful program. My Mom and I always contribute to Disabled Vets, but we may start contributing to this program as well. Thanks for hosting!

Susan and Bentley

anne said...

I am sure Veterans would be happy to stay there.

JudyBug said...

What a wonderful idea. Love our military guys!

Unknown said...

Hi Sally:

My first Blue Monday. Love your post...just in time for Memorial Day!

dxs_1 said...

Hey there - stopping in and wow! This is maybe the coolest blue monday post ever. What a wonderful wonderful organization.

CailinMarie said...

hey - that's me (the blue x) logged in under the wrong account. sorry :-)

Mel_Cole said...

Wow, lucky military veterans. :) Nice that you gonna be neighbor's soon Sally.

Anonymous said...

My first time joining Blue Monday. Happy Blue Monday to everyone. Thank you for providing this opportunity to connect with a lot of people, Sally. I will make way around to visit other blogs. Thanks again.

Joyful said...

Lots of blue and what a wonderful project too! Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Sally, let me know this time if I did it right. I put the link on my post and relinked my post again. Thank you.

Denise Marie said...

It has been a while, Sally. Had to pop in with a silly post today. HBM!!

Blondie's Journal said...

The generosity around us really melts my heart sometimes!


Judi said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally *hugs*
Isn't this a wonderful story. We watched some of this on TV this weekend and its just a wonderful gift to this veteran.

Wonderful skies of blue...I am sure ours will become blue and stay that way for more than a short time. Although I should not complain as we learn more about the wicked tornados again.

I hope you've had a good weekend

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Sally, how absolutely wonderful for the veteran to get his own house! He deserves it!
Thanks for stopping by, my dear blogging friend. It's just lovely to hear from you and I would love to sit and have a cup of tea with you too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! Oh, what a great thing. Hope the man and his family will enjoy their home - it looks very lovely. Now nothing beats a beautiful blue sky!
Hope you're being a good girl! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Rebecca said...

A wonderful thing to provide homes for the troops!

Musings of A Minister said...

Great post! Thanks for dropping by today. Yes, Mosaic is a good Bible but it will never be my favorite. I didn't really need another Bible but I won this one and I do like it. Thanks for sharing what your Pastor said about Translations. I don't visit much anymore but I think of you often.

joyh82 said...

What a great organization! Happy Blue Monday!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

How wonderful!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Wonderful post! Our veterans are so deserving!

Charlotte said...

The houses for veterans is such a wonderful idea. I'm glad you shared this. It's been awhile since I've visited you so I took the opportunity to look at some of your previous blue posts.
It's good to hear from you again, Sally.

AnnA said...

Dear Sally!
I hope you had a great Blue Monday.
I relaxed and fell down in our BLUE sofa, and forgot to leave my comment for you...But here I am!
Great story you are telling us in your blog post...
Best wishes,

Pblacksaw said...

I was so late that the linky was gone.. But even Late I still shout out a hello to the blue world! Have a great day!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

This made me smile, Sally, but you always make me smile.

Love you SO much...



Donnie said...

What a wonderful program. We can never do enough for our Veterans. Have a great day Sally.