Monday, July 11, 2011

Blue Monday - Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Thank you everyone for keeping Smiling Sally in your prayers! She is doing much better this week. Although still in ICU, she is now entirely off the oxygen and is also talking! We have been reading your comments to her.

This Blue Monday will be hosted by Smiling Sally's youngest grandaughter, Ara. The picture above is of the beautiful blue balloons that were given in celebration of her 53rd wedding anniversary! Also shown is a picture taken at Sally and Johnny's wedding, which was on July 7th, 1958.

Thank you for continuing to read and thank you for continuing to pray! Tomorrow, I will take my laptop to the hospital so that Sally can read your comments. We look forward to hearing from all of you.


Dixie said...

Sally... if you're reading this you must be doing better! We are missing you in bloggerland... but many of us are still posting Blue Mondays every week anyway... I posted mine..

Sending lots of love and prayers your way, that you will continue to recover and be back home in your own little nest really soon!

hugs & many blessings... Dixie

anne said...

We miss you Sally, and I am glad that you are doing much better now. I am posting my blue Monday as well, here Points of View and Thoughts

Dhemz said...

Wow, 53rd wedding anniversary! way to go Sally! congratulations to your grandparents...glad to know she is doing ok....:)

Loui♥ said...

Hi sweet friend!
so glad hearing you are mending and on the road to recovery!!! Our prayers continue!
53 years with that handsome sailor..those uniforms will get you every time!
there's a lot of blue in my post..
all wrapped up with love for a dear sweet friend!
keep smiling dear lady..
we miss you!!
warmest sandy hugs..

Jeanne said...

Hello Sally, as your granddaughter reads this to you, I pray you are encouraged and much more improved. You are loved by many and we all send you our love and prayers.

I love the photos on your post today. Congratulations of 53 years of marriage to you and your hubby. A real milestone for you today.

Blessings to you my dear blogging friend with much love.

Unknown said...

Hi Sally, we miss your smile here in the blogland. Belated Happy Wedding Anniversary, and hope to see you again on Blue Monday Meme.

I never missed posting Blue Monday every week, and glad to hear that you are okay now. We'll continue our prayers for you.

Thanks Ara for the updates.

LV said...

Sallie, I have really missed you and glad you are improving. I am still putting out my Blue Monday post each week. I going to keep your blog as active as I can. It is not the same without you. So sorry you have been through so much, and pray you will soon be up and strong again. I am so thankful the granddaughters are keeping us informed. No news is not a good.

Kranky Granny said...

Sally, so sorry to hear that you have been ill. I will certainly keep you in my prayers and ask my brothers (both priest) to put you on their mass cards.

My Blue Monday post for this week can be found at this link.

Tina´s PicStory said...

All the best for you from Germany! xo Tina

Maharlikah said...

Hello Sally, I was not around for how many MOndays due to work demand. Now, I'm back with my Blue Monday meme entry.

Get well soon Sally. Prayers for you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Sally's illness. I haven't been to Blue Mondays in quite awhile. I remember all the beautiful blue items she would show us. I also remember her house moving. She took us with her. Sally, get well soon. Glad to read about the improvements.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I'm so glad to know you are doing a bit better Sally. I will say a prayer for continued recovery

Lina Gustina said...

Sally, that's a great progress!
Hope your fast recovery...
Love your wedding pics :)
Thanks to Ara for updating :)

Maria's Space said...

AWESOME.So happy to hear this. I was hoping for good news today and last night did a Blue Monday post anyway to keep Sally's vibe going.

Well wishes and angels being deported to Sally today!

Beverly said...

You can do this, dear Sally. We are all praying for you and cheering you. I hope you feel the support of our love and prayers.

My love to you.♥♥♥

DearHelenHartman said...

Best wishes for a continued and speedy recovery.

Daydreamer said...

Hi Sally, I just found your page from reading another blogger. Sorry you are in hospital, please get better soon and congratulations on your anniversary! I'm going to leave a link to my Blue Post because for 58 years blue has always been my most favourite colour.
Legends of Love Hope one of your grnad daughters can read it to you and that you'll enjoy it and everyone else's love and good wishes.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Wishes for a happy anniversary to the young couple. Please tell Sally that we miss her and look forward to her return! Sending strength and love in your direction!

Anonymous said...

I miss our Smiling Sally!! Get better friend!
Grand-daughter Ara!..I'll be linking up sweetheart, you are awesome to take care of Sweet Smiling Sally's Blue Monday.Prayers and thoughts!

Becky K. said...


I am so happy to hear that you are on the mend. Praying that before you know it this scary experience will just be a memory that reminds you of God's healing care in your life.

Your Granddaughters are pretty cool.
They just might have to begin their own blogs when you are back to this one.

Miss you.
Becky K.

bj said...

Hello, Sally...
Oh my goodness, I loved seeing your wedding pictures. You and Johnny are such a handsome couple.

What amazing grandgirls you have...they sure have been great keeping us all posted on your health. So thankful to hear you are doing so much better.
I am praying and expecting a full recovery for you. You know how sweet our God is when his children pray.

Miss you,
xoxo bj

Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

Hi Smiling Sally, I hope this note finds you smiling more and more! Your wedding pictures are adorable--you are both so happy!! Congratulations on 53 years! Wow! Tomorrow is our 31st. You should know that many, many people, most of whom you may not even have heard from before, are thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery! We miss you! Linda

Eden said...

So glad to know that she is doing much better now.

Congratulations on 53rd wedding anniversary and many more to come.

Auntie E said...

Oh how sweet is that wedding photo. I have a congratulate you on this 53rd anniversary. The sky is turning bluer now that you are doing better. What great granddaughters you have to keep us updated on your progress. Lovely blue balloons.

Katie said...

My thoughts are with you. Very nice anniversary photo.

Spray Paint Queen

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dear Granddaughter for letting us know about our Dear Sally! Congratulations on your 53rd Wedding Anniversary! You and Johnny were just as precious as pie!! And there you are just a smilin'! Love you and so glad to hear you're getting better and can talk now!! I know you'll have lots to say.
Continued prayers for a complete recovry! God bless you, Dear Sally.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Sarah said...

Sally, I think of you and wish you well. Happy Anniversary to you and Johnny. Wow, an amazing 53 years. Congratulations! Good news that you continue to improve. I hope you are back home soon. We all miss your "smiling" face! You have beautiful amazing granddaughters.
~ Sarah

LV said...

As soon as you are strong enough, you can paddled my hand. When I wrote my first comment, it was at 1:30am as I could not sleep. My thinker does not work too good anytime, but it went haywire when I saw you had improved. Got so excited, I misspelled your name. I would welcome you fussing at me. Hang in there.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

prayers for her, wow. blessings fly her way.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I have just found out about your surgery. I am so sorry that I did not know sooner but PLEASE know that you and your loving family will be in my thoughts and in my prayers!
I did add a prayer request for you in my latest post in the spirit of Blue Monday!!!

Love to you,

hapzydeco said...

Glad to hear the good report regarding your healing.

Dorincard said...

Happy Blue Recovery! :)

ellen b. said...

Glad things are better Sally and that you can talk now. A very happy anniversary to you. I'll continue to pray the you will keep improving and be able to come home soon!

Salmagundi said...

Always thinking of and praying for the other Sally. Sally

Marice said...

Glad to know that Ara! Just hang in there Sally, fir sure you will be up and kicking in no time :)

Anonymous said...

Sally... hurry up and get well! We miss you! You're also a "lucky" Sally because you have such wonderful, beautiful granddaughters... they are keeping us updated via your blog and we are very appreciative of that. :) I know you'll have some stories for us when you get back to blogging! God Bless.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sally, I am so sorry to hear about your surgery and complications. We have been gone on an extended 3 week trip out west, so I hadn't heard about your situation.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...
Much Love,

peggy gatto said...

I was just checking in to post some morning glories that appeared in my garden this morning. I was unaware of your surgery and am sending you my love and keeping you in my prayers.
you are special to me and I love blue mondays!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear a good report! Blue Monday's coming your way with prayer that see you mending day by day!
Joy to you in His Grace!
Miss Kathy

RobinfromCA said...

Glad to read that Sally is improving and look forward to seeing back here when she's well again. Tell her we are sending prayers her way for a speedy recovery.

Liz said...

Sally, I'm so happy to hear about your progress. I am hoping that you'll be back on Blue Monday very soon. I'm always praying for you and your family.

My Blue Monday.

bj said...

I'm coming back to say that I posted my BLUE MONDAY today. :)
Hoping today is a great day for you. Hug those grandgirls for us.
xo bj

Create With Joy said...

Blessings to you, dear Sally! It's been a few weeks since I've stopped by, so I was shocked to hear that you were in the hospital! I sure hope that you are on the mend and, for once, not feeling blue! (smile)

Count me among your friends that are sending lots of love, prayers, and best wishes for a speedy recovery your way!

Love & Hugs

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the wedding photos!!! Happy anniversary to them!!! Keep getting better Sally!!!!


Chubskulit Rose said...

Get well Sally! We are praying and missing you.

Judi said...

Hi Sally *hugs*
I haven't been on blogging very much for the last while and I didn't realize you were having surgery. I hope you are feeling much better and getting all better. I looked back a few Mondays I had missed and I saw such wonderful pictures...*s*.. You and your older twin *s* beautiful. What a family celebration you had. Your granddaughter is lovely and it is so good that she has been able to update on how you are doing.
Do as they tell you Sally...feel good. Strong strong good wishes to you. I know you are so missed here on blogland.
Alll best

AnnA said...

Hi Sally!
I'm sending you my prayers all the way from Sweden! And I hope you will enjoy the blue flowers I have published just for you.
Nice, that your health is better and better!
Best wishes,

AnnA said...

PS! It's some wrong with my other googleaccount, but you will find your flowers here:

Unknown said...

Prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Hurry back to blogland.
I post my special blue.

Curtains in My Tree said...

It is so good to hear you are doing better.
Thanks for your precious granddaughters keeping up updated

I love that wedding picture and your dress you had on and like seeing that kiss also LOl

Get better quick


Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Oh, my!!! I had no idea what you've been going through, Sally! I don't get around in Blogland as often as I once did and was stunned when I just read that you've been in the hospital.

I'm so glad you are doing better...and that I "just happened" to visit today, so I now know to pray for you!

Godspeed on your recovery.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Mary Bergfeld said...

Sally, just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to see you back here soon. Blessings...Mary

Unknown said...

YAY - great news! Continuing to pray :)

Annesphamily said...

Great blues today! You R O C K! I am praying hard. Hugs Anne

Maria's Space said...

So happy to see this post!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you Sally as you work through your recovery - here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery that has you back on your feet in no time! {{hugs}} Thanks also to the grandchildren for the updates :)

Terry said...

Howdy Sally
Blessings of love,healing ,peace,and joy to you today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow you have got to get better really soon
we love you and need you
to guide us thru the days of Blue that are not sad but happy and joy filled thanks to you .
My prayers are with you and Johnny and all the rest of the gang !
Take care now :)

Love and hugs from Texas
Until next time
Happy Trails

eileeninmd said...

Sally, I wish you a speedy recovery and I am sending my prayers for you. It is good news your are feeling somewhat better. Hugs, EileeninMd

Life Moto said...

nice to hear of her improvement , get well soon sally. God bless!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Sally,

I'm so happy that you are doing better! I've been away for a week, but I've been thinking of you and praying for you.

Love ya lots,

Kathy M.

P.S. - Your girls are wonderful!

Life Moto said...

- Happy a Blessed Monday from Life Moto


Hi dear Sally! I'm so happy that you're doing so much better, I miss your Blue Mondays and so nice of your daughter to keep in touch with us and at the same token, Keep us informed on your progress. Many blessings for a quick recovery! Love, FABBY

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Sweet Sally, you are one of the reasons I started blogging, dear lady. Hang in there!!
Mary Ann

Joyful said...

You granddaughters are simply wonderful. Sally is so blessed to have you :-)