Monday, August 29, 2011

Blue Monday - Meet My Physical Therapist

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

I'm planning on visiting each of you.

I thank you for leaving me a comment. It makes my day!

Allow me to introduce Joe. He's my physical therapist, and he's good at it. He's wearing a blue shirt, and he has blue eyes.

When doing physical therapy, it's important to never say,
"I can't" but instead say, "I'll try."
I'm working hard and making progress.

Happy Blue Monday!

1. mizhelle
2. Chubskulit
3. Pencils
4. Ms. Burrito
5. Play-Doh
6. Lolarati
7. Spice Up Your Life
8. Dhemz
9. LaVoice
10. Wolverine
11. Barbara F.-
12. Rajesh, India
13. Lani
14. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
15. Shannara
16. Dee - Indonesia
17. Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life
18. Pie
19. Lina, Indonesia
20. RobinfromCA
21. Lesley
22. Luna Miranda
23. Twiggy Belgium
24. ladyofthereel
25. clavsupclose
26. Iris
27. emma, sweden
28. uncharmed life
29. imriz
30. Grace,Philippines
31. Ursula - Game of Thrones
32. Caffeinated
33. Alicia
34. Blogging Anything
35. Sherry
36. Bookworm
37. Bahchi
38. Leovi - My dreams slip through your pillow
39. Birgitta - foto CHIP- Budapest
40. Ella Maes Barn Gathering
41. Fe's Journey of Life
42. Traveler's Notebook
43. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
44. Maria Berg, Sweden
45. Grace - Kids Turf
46. Kooki
47. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
48. 4U2
49. Bogie
50. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
51. Dimple
52. Fast Life
53. hapzydeco
54. Singapore
55. Just capture
56. A Woman's Note
57. Dorincard: blue track and field; Pistorius
58. Shobha
59. Visits With Mary
60. Ash Tree Cottage
61. Daytona Beach
62. Hutch Love
63. Jhansson
64. Kim,USA
65. Savannah Granny!
66. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
67. Dorincard 2:blue waters of RSA
68. All Things Pretty...
69. Mount McKinley
70. Elaine
71. annies home -
72. Charlotta, Swe
73. Miss Kathy@The Writers Reverie
74. Mountain Mermaid
75. Pat Langley
76. Shabby Pink World
77. Maria's Space
78. Joy@Books and Life
79. 36 Weeks After

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. He looks so cheerful, happy blue Monday Sally!

  2. That's the right attitude! For sure you'll be in the right shape in no time!

  3. You will be back to normal in no time. Sending positive thoughts your way!

  4. good to know you are making progress Sally! Keep it can do it!

    He seems like a happy guy...ehehhee...:)

  5. You have come a long way down the road of recovery. With someone as big and strong as this fellow, he will have you strong again soon. Hang there. It will get better.

  6. Hi Sally, your physical therapist looks very nice, hope it is progressing well. Glad you are back. xo,

  7. Hi Sally, I just finished my post and it is late but I wanted to tell you how glad I am that you are trying. Knowing you, I wouldn't expect anything else. You are a trouper and a survivor. Thank God for that. It is your strong faith in God that makes you who you are. I admire your determination so much.
    Blessings and love,

  8. Nice to know Joe :)

  9. Nice smile. Please make Sally feel better soon, Joe. :)

    My Blue Monday is here.

  10. Hello, Sally! it's great that you're home and recovering. Joe looks very capable.

  11. How are you coping up Aunt Sally? get well soon... just follow your doctor's advice link is up.

  12. I'm sorry you have been so ill Sally. I am way behind on everything as I haven't posted a lot as of recently.
    I'm glad you're on the mend.
    It sounds like you have the right attitude. Work hard with your physical therapist. They are such an important part of recovery.

    Take care

  13. good luck on the therapy, wishing u speedily progress, Sally.

  14. Sally!!

    I am so glad to see that you are back to blogging!!
    I said many prayers for your recovery and you are still in my prayers!!

    Love and hugs,

  15. I am glad you are doing progress Sally :)
    Have a good week!

  16. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally. Trying is the most important thing of all, and it is so much better when you have someone special like Joe to help. Tell him that I appreciate his being there to guide you.

  17. Hooray! So happy to hear the great news! And a senior relative and I are right there with you with the physical therapy. :) She's doing aquatic therapy - where she walks on a treadmill in a nice warm pool. Do you have that option? Praying for continued speedy recovery!

  18. It is amazing how much blue you can find around a hospital! Can't wait to see you feeling like yourself again...your therapist looks like a nice guy with hopefully a good sense of humor.

  19. Sally, appears that you are in good hands with Joe. Keep going forward.

  20. Hey, Sally! No better therapist for you than a strong, caring professional. :)

  21. I am thinking of you and send my prays for you, MB

  22. So happy to know you are continuing to get better..

  23. Your PT looks like a very nice guy!

  24. What an adorable physical therapist! He just looks so kind and I know that he's going to get you back in shape in no time at all. So happy you are home and on the way to being an even better Sally!!

    Susan and Bentley

  25. Hi Sally, welcome back!!! Yay, I'm so happy to know that you are feeling better. I don't have a post yet today, but I was just checking on you. Happy Blue Monday!

    Kathy M.

  26. Hope you are better soon, Keep up the good work a PT.You can do it!

  27. Hi Joe! You look like a nice guy and you had better take care of our Sally! Don't push her too hard! :)
    Glad you're getting around Sally!
    Love you and take care!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. he looks so cheerful and happy... I know PT are very nice and friendly...

    Welcome back Sally

  29. Sally, at least we have you home and able to have therapy!! Joe looks like a sweetie but I bet he could put through the paces.
    I know you will work hard and continue to make progress.
    Blessings, Ginger

  30. I learned the same thing, "just try, never say i can't". I hope all is going well with you Sally. Hugs!

  31. Joe's blue is relaxing...there are other colors/hues that would make his T-shirt/person look unbearable to look at, no? :)

  32. I recon an inpiring man. :)
    Happy blue Monday!

  33. What a jolly fellow your therapist looks to be! I suppose that in of itself takes your blues away and promises for a good day - of hard work - bringing blessing - as is the theme of my post today in the wake of Hurricane Irene. Joy!
    Miss Kathy

  34. Hi Sally..
    thanks for your sweet note!
    was so glad to hear from you!!
    keep up all the good work..
    love and hugs..

  35. Joe looks like the kind of guy that you want to do exactly as he says!! :)

    So glad you're making progress......yay for you!

    Happy Blue Monday!


  36. Glad to hear you are making progress. Keep moving forward . ;-)

  37. Happy Blue Monday, Sal!
    I had no blues to give you this Monday, but will I give you an angelregard and a link here:
    Best wishes,

  38. Better late than never! I was engrossed i an on line class. Now to visit these blue bloggers!

  39. My niece is a traveling PT..she loves her job. Good luck with the PT!

  40. She looks like a good boy. I hope that does not cause much pain.

  41. Sally, I am so happy you are making progress. But even though it is before 9pm on Monday, the linky is closed! Darn! And I checked in twice last night to see if you were open Sunday, but not yet.

    Anyway, I have cheerful blue skies for you here:

  42. It's good to hear that you're making progress. Slow and steady does it. Seems that I missed the window tonight. We've been without power for much of the day due to the hurricane. I'm pretty sure I did it right this time though!

  43. I am so happy to see your better,I'm gonna have to get back busy with Blue Monday's..

  44. You just got the right Doctor Sally! Get well soon! BTW I am sorry am late, but here's my entry for BM Points of View and Thoughts, thanks!

  45. Hi Sally. I'm so glad you are improving daily and hope we can meet again for lunch this winter. Hugs to Johnny too.

  46. I am glad you continue to improve.. one step at the time.. I was of course way to late for the linky but still wanted to say Hello.. I might get all my ducks in a row and be one time one day!

  47. Hi Sally,
    Glad to hear you're doing better. It's been a long road, hasn't it? God bless you and I pray you will continue to get better and stronger...Sandi

  48. Smiling Sally ~ I gotta' have one great blog!! I have been perusing through it and you have brought a wonderful smile to my heart!! What creative ideas you have....who would have come up with "Blue Monday"? Just love it. Look forward to being a designated Smiling Sally follower!! Much love and many blessings ~ alice


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