Welcome! It's Blue Monday!
I sure hope everyone understands that this is a Monday only meme. In addition, your post must have Blue. It helps if you tell us about your Blue.
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Be sure to visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was in an Old Time Pottery store a couple of weeks ago and noticed that their shelves are loaded with Christmas stuff! Of course, I particularly noticed the Blue items and started snap, snapping away.
Here's a cute door mat.
Blue snow globes
Look at these Blue lighted houses.
There were many more Blue Christmas items to see, but a nice man asked me not to take pictures, so I stopped shooting. I suppose he thought I was a SPY(!) or something.
At the time, I hadn't even bought my Halloween candy! Isn't it too soon for Christmas?1. Fun with Leaves 2. LaVoice 3. Rose 4. JRC - Cookies 5. mizhelle 6. Eat N' Park Crayons 7. JohnC 8. Beautiful Glasses 9. Sasha 10. JennyHansson 11. Dhemz 12. Mrs.D 13. Luna Miranda 14. Mom's Place 15. Pat ~ Mille Fiori Favoriti -- USA 16. Elaine 17. Counting My Blessings 18. Lina, Indonesia 19. RobinfromCA 20. ShonEjai 21. Riet, Holland 22. Sweet Nothings 23. Deliciously Spicy Moments 24. Leovi - The Land Of Plenty 25. Lesley 26. 36 Weeks After | 27. 4U2 28. Shannara 29. A picture in time 30. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ 31. Pie 32. Carpe Diem Sweden 33. imriz@home 34. Tina´s PicStory 35. Dinah 36. OZ Mini 37. Siromade Australia 38. Daygazers Australia 39. Eden,Australia 40. CailinMarie 41. Coloring Outside the Lines 42. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound 43. Big Blue Sky 44. Lainy's Musings 45. A Sojourner's Saga 46. Jeanne, backyard neighbor 47. A Woman's Note 48. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen 49. Dorincard: blue kettle, made cuter 50. Myrna -WOZ themed Fall Family Party 51. Anne 52. hapzydeco | 53. Helen 54. Bender Oak Gifts - Blue Knitted Beanie 55. KM @ more than seXy 56. Kim,USA 57. Girly BLUE Bath Makeover 58. How to choose pillow combos 59. The French Hutch ~ Historical Tour ~ Kirkwood 60. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove 61. Gypsea Nurse 62. Blessings Squared 63. Cass at That Old House 64. peggy gatto 65. Louis la Vache 66. Dorincard 2: cool blue Namsto Lake, Tibet 67. Joy- Books and Life 68. Find Your Happiness: Halloween Party for the Kids! 69. Debbie at The Paint Splash 70. Melanie Bishop 71. Gunsside, Norway 72. Pat Langley 73. Subtle Blue Halloween House 74. gypsyczech - dix 75. A Musing Potpourri 76. Gayle 77. jerla 78. Divine |
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Wow, the spirit of Christmas is already here! Happy BM Sally!
those are perfect for Blue Christmas!
Thanks for hosting,Love your blog and post.Sorry I think I posted the wrong one first.Love Blue Christmas!Joann
wow Christmas is really in the air. I heard christmas songs already and of course i can feel the winter/cold air...
I love the door mat. Its really cute...
Merry Christmas in advance Sally
oh my! christmas is in the air...those are cute Sally!
oh wow...christmas spirit is here.. love those snow globes.
Happy BM Sally.
Oh my -- Christmas decorations are in the store already?? Much too early --I want to enjoy autumn first!
Wow, I'm just getting started on the Fall season! lol! But I sure love Christmas.
Happy Fall ya'll!
They are cute items!
Taking pictures at stores also isn't allowed here :)
Christmas seems to come earlier with each passing year. Those penguins are so cute!
Thanks so much, Sally.
Sure hope you are feeling stronger...
xo bj
Yes, it is too early to start decorate with Christmas stuff. Have a nice blue Monday
It is way too early for Christmas, but those items you found are really cute! Happy Blue Monday :-)
Lots of cute blues!
My Blue Monday.
So lovely to see all the Christmas decorations Sally and I also love them in blue.
Have a nice week.
christmas time is just around the corner. i always find snow globes charming:)
Beautiful blues.
Happy Blue Monday!
Happy Blue Monday Sally. I am one of those grouches who thinks the stores should wait until after Thanksgiving to fill the shelves with Christmas Cheer :) In the last few years its been even before Halloween and I'm always astonished. I suppose it must really make a difference in retail, else why would they do it?
It is cute though.
Just saw the first Christmas commercial on TV- QVC...could not believe it has started already.
I have really noticed that "Blue" might be the color this year. It's too early for me for them to putting out the Christmas items now. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Not to be a killjoy, but I'm just not ready for Christmas yet. Give me a few weeks! :-)
Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally. I hope each day finds you feeling better.
I agree that it is too early for Christmas, but it will be here before we know it.
I love blue Christmas items as I have a lot of blue in my family room. But I agree it is too early for them to be out!
Hi Sally, This post made me laugh...I am not even ready to think about Christmas decorations...I was in Halloween mode all weekend. Have a wonderful week.
Hi, Sally! I love your image with these houses, that I would like to experiment with , using LEGO bricks (in a future life, I guess...)...:)
Wonderful blue Christmas Items !
Happy Blue Monday! I love those blue shots! But I like Nordstorms policy "Let's celebrate one holiday at a time." They plan to put up their Christmas attire after Thanksgiving! Way to go!
Hugs Anne
Happy BLue Monday Sally!lov the blues & the Christmas oh yea! it's not too early for Christmas LOL we just got in form Tenn & of course had to stop at Christmas Village! LOL
it's definitely too early to make me start worrying about Xmas. I haven't even thought about what to get people yet!
Sally so glad you are feeling well enough to be out and about clicking blues. Yes, it is definitely too early for Christmas as far as I am concerned. They do not let us enjoy one holiday before they start on another.
Happy BLUE MONDAY, Sally! It is NEVER too early for Christmas! I am just waiting (im)patiently for Halloween to go away...
You and my mom share a name! :)
Glad to hear you are well enough to get out and about! Yes, I think it is too early for Christmas. Sally
Hi Sally! I can't believe that Christmas is only 2 months away. I wonder if I could find a "time slower downer" on Ebay! LOL Thank you for hosting and have a great day!
Hi Sally, I'm so glad to know you're better and getting out now. Timing is perfect too, all the Christmas decorations are already on shelves here too. I'm so pleased for you. Love the sweet little door mat.
Hope you have a great week. Thanks for hosting Sally.
The French Hutch
I love these delightful penguins, beautiful blue.
Christmas? My my.. I need to get through Halloween, Thanksgiving and a move.. and may not even have any of my Christmas stuff since"the MAN" will not agree to pay for the transport of my belongings even though I have forfeited everything else.... sigh.. say a prayer...
Happy Blue Monday, I do love your pics though!!!
Goodness, seems I just got into fall...my granddaughter is already talking about Christmas music..
Have a great Blue Monday..
Yes, it IS too soon for Christmas. I cannot remember which store, but one of the big high end department stores has put out notice that it is not decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, as it thinks that each holiday should be celebrated without another stepping on its toes.
What bliss!
what a fun idea!!!
And of course we have elvis with his
Blue Christmas!!!!!!!!
Hi Sally, I have to look harder to find some new blues to post!! Glad you are doing well. It is a little too soon for me to think about Christmas! :) xo
A Blue Doorway for Blue Monday.
Sally, along with your cool blue winter skies, I thought you'd love my second entry, the blue lake from Tibet.
Love that store and haven't been in awhile. Glad to hear you are out and about again!
Oh, it's too soon for Christmas....
Thanks for coming by Sally. The flowers on the cake are closer to purple but hopefully that is close to blue. And then the one below is blue. I am amazed too at all the christmas out. Just too soon! It takes away from the specialness of the Holiday to me.
Just cute, but a little bit to early ;))
I am late today, but better late than never! Thank goodness for blue.
Happy Blue Monday! Thanks for hosting us,Sally! Great to see all those fun Christmas decorations...and in blue, too! Funny man who asked you not to take pics!
Hi, Sally... I am kind of glad some of the Christmas things are out because I got so tired last year, running around at the eleventh hour, that I'm sure that's how I got worn down and eventually got sick. So I'm trying to do things ahead of time this year.
Hope you're feeling better.
Love you...
Happy Blue Monday! I hope all is well with you.
My son loves penguins and blue is his favorite color. I think he would love these Christmas decorations.
Ah. Christmas. I'm not even thinking Halloween yet. Yikes.
i love the Blue snow globes!
If you ever, ever feel like it, I will set that table just for you, and we can read the book of your choice. I'm serious. You name the time, and I will do the food and table. It can even be, have table will travel!
Love you...
Love all of that blue! I'm in such a good mood today. I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday LOL
I'm glad to hear your doing somewhatt better. I have been keeping you in my prayers.
I know, ya can't be too careful out there. Those Old Time Pottery store spies are everywhere!!! Heehehehe!
I just love those chubby little penguins on that mat! I think I'm smitten. :o)
God bless you sweet Sally and have a fantastic weekend!
Cool blue snowballs! Christmas is on the air. :-)
I am so late but wanna say that these are cool blues for xmas.
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