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I promise to visit you to see your blues, and I'll leave a comment. Since I ❤ comments too, please leave one for me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Johnny worked outside in sunny South Florida most of his life, and because of his exposure to the sun, he now has to be checked by a dermatologist every six months. Recently, he had to have a skin cancer removed from his back. It was done as an outpatient at the doctor's office. I went along with him and look what I spotted in the waiting room! A curio cabinet chock full of
Blue Glass and
Blue medicine tubes! I tell you,
Blue is everywhere.

Johnny had his stitches removed this past Friday, and was told that the "margins were clear," which means that the doctor succeeded in removing all of the cancer. Hooray!
Happy Blue Monday!1. Chubskulit 2. Spice Up Your Life 3. Blues in the Graden 4. Persona's Eye View 5. iShoppe 6. Jim, Sydney, Australia 7. Rose 8. Kids e-Connection 9. Rajesh, India 10. Crab Apple 11. Loui♥ 12. Leah H. 13. XyeXyrus 14. SwedishCorner-DownUnder 15. GITTAN SWEDEN 16. Aktuella bilder, Sweden 17. alexa in nyc, usa 18. Riet, Holland 19. Tina´s PicStory 20. Jeanne, backyard neighbor 21. LaVoice | 22. Min fotoblog 23. JanzCrystalz 24. GVK. Chennai, India 25. Luna Miranda 26. Magical Mystical Teacher 27. Kim,USA 28. Hyde Daily Photo 29. Patriotic Decorations 30. Leovi - Lay your head down in my arms 31. The Rebel Sweetheart 32. Pie 33. mizhelle 34. Eden, Australia 35. Carol Ann - Quick Visit 36. Jessica Cassidy 37. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound 38. Jackie/Jake 39. Anything About Bella 40. The French Hutch 41. The Woman In Me 42. Sweet Nothings | 43. LadyD 44. Lina 45. Karen, Pixel Posts 46. dana of the stone rabbit 47. 4U2 Sweden 48. Leovi - Look me beyond the scars 49. Cottage Blue Chocolate Box 50. hapzydeco 51. Amber--Mmm :) 52. Diann @ The thrifty Groove 53. Elaine 54. Hot Air Balloon 55. Marleen, The Netherlands 56. Dimple 57. jheylo 58. Adin B 59. Susan @ My Place to Yours 60. Joy@Books and Life 61. John McElveen |
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I love that!
Good news. I do like that glass cabinet.
Hi Sally..
beautiful blues..
I totally understand what Johnny is experiencing..
being a Florida girl,
I too have to be checked frequently by my dermatologist..
had two removed in the past 6months..
one on my nose in the grove between cheek and nostril,
and the other in my hairline on the left temple.
both were tiny little things..
but the craters the left were nearly Quarter size!..
bottom line..
I heed the Dr's instructions,:
use heavy duty sunscreen..
and stay out of the sun for prolonged periods of time!
Thank's GOD! Glad to know that it was all removed, hope it will never come back anymore..
My Blue is up now:)
Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
Thanks for hosting :)
Greetings from Australia♥
That's excellent news, Sally. I love the way you find blue everywhere (even when you obviously have other things on your mind)!
Good news Sally, congratulations. LOve all that blue. Happy blue MOnnday
Hi Sally, I had to link twice because the first one was blank. ??? Remove it if you care to.
I'm so glad Johnny's back has no more skin cancer. Bill has gone through the same thing several times. I had one removed from my nose. The sun is not our friend if we are in it very long.
Imagine a cabinet full of pretty blue where you were. Having your camera handy was very smart. Smile.
I am sorry I missed last Mon for posting. We were running the roads quite a bit and time got away from me. Missing you BM was a first.
Happy days to you and yours dear Sally.
Love, Jeanne
what great news! i used to get exposed to the sun without any protection when i was younger. now i know better.
have a great week!
Quite an eyecatching display.
So happy to hear that your husband received good news.
Love the cobalt blue glass. Thanks so much for hosting!
Beautiful picture you show.
Wishing you a great Blue Monday.
Hanne Bente / hbt.finus.dk
What a nice display of blues!
Happy Monday!
Beautiful blue!
My Blue Monday.
Hope he gets well soon! Great display btw!
That's a great news, Sally!
Good news and you found blue too! Have a great Monday and thanks for hosting!
Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally. I'm glad Johnny got a good report. I just had one removed from my arm.
That was a nice treat to find blues in the waiting room.♥
Ms. Sally hope Mr. Johnny skin's is fine :-) what a beautiful curio :-) Thank you for hosting the Blue Monday
Cool cabinet with blue stuff...
Joining here Sally. Happy Blue Monday!
Hi Sally, I'm so happy to hear your good news for Johnny. I make sure to use plenty of sunscreen when in the sun, a hat or visor helps shade the face. You found some lovely blues to share this week. Thanks for hosting.
The French Hutch
So glad to hear Johnny is rid of the cancer. Mr. Sweet has had many removed...he worked outside most of his life.
Love the blues for this week.
xo bj
It's amazing how we're surrounded by so much blue. Thanks for sharing the good news. I rejoice with you!
So glad the cancer was all removed. Love all the blues!
Glad to hear a good news! The glass cabinet and the stuffs inside look beautiful.
So glad to hear the good news Sally!
That's a fancy cabinet for a doctor's office!
Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
Such good news from the doc for your hubby!!
That is a gorgeous display of blue in the office!
Hope all is going well for you.
Hi, so glad you found something lovely in the derm's office! Fascinating objects, too! Thanks for hostessing the party, I linked a Whitman's chocolate box I made into a cottage blue gift box. Hugs ~ Mary
Glad to hear everything went okay with your hubby Sally! That cabinet is filled with beautiful blue glass. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!
Hi Sally, glad all is well with your hubby. That is a nice cabinet filled with beautiful blue objects. Have a wonderful week. xo
hi Sally, good news. I like the blue in your picture!
Wonderful blues!
Hooray for the news!
Hi Sally *hugs*
All good news. Wonderful that it was taken care of.
The blue cabinet pieces are lovely.
I hope you've been well and enjoying nice weather. *hugs*
I have a new computer now and that should help me with blogging...just need to make a bit more time and then the computer can zip away and visit.
I'm having a GIVEAWAY...come by and visit and enter!
It's Blue-tiful! LOL! Yaye to the doctor who succeeded doing to operation. That's good news to hear Johnny's doing good.
That worked out perfect for Blue Monday!
Beautiful blue glass bottle.
I clearly understand what your Johnny went through. I have to go every 6 months as well. I inherited the skin cancers from my grandparents. I have been fortunate so far not to have any surgery. I have been in doctor's office most of the day is why I am late visiting. I had a bad allergy reaction.
Very pretty ~ Praying for your Johnny, and that you are doing well.
Woohoo, don't ya just love it when the news is good?
Leave it to you to fine blue in a Dr.'s office and blue you did find!
I love the way the light shines through the glass in the curio! Great capture Miss Sally.
Have a fantastically blessed day sweet lady!!! :o)
Hi, Sally, if this is a dupblicate comment I apologize...it seemed to kick me out for some reason...anyways...love your Blue Monday challenge...hope to participate...do you do reminders? lol...I'm a little absent minded..I love blue and for Monday it's perfect! Smiles, Maria from Seattle
God Bless Johnny! I am happy to know the margins are clear! :)
I love that curio full of blue! So sweet!
Always a beautiful share here. Thanks Sally!
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