Monday, August 6, 2012

Blue Monday - Little Boy Blue No More

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

Our youngest grandson, Pierce, had a birthday this past week, and Johnny and I drove to his home in Gainesville to celebrate. The trip takes us about two hours. We love being close enough to spend time with our family for birthdays.

Here Pierce is outside in the front of his home in a Blue shirt, surrounded by Blue blooms. Johnny took the shot. You might notice me in the upper left corner, seated on the porch; I'm wearing my favorite color: Blue.

Pierce is no long Little Boy Blue as he's now fourteen years old. He's already 5 feet 10 inches.
I wonder if we should begin to call him Big Boy Blue?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Leah H.
3. J.Rye
4. Spice Up Your Life
5. Chubskulit
6. Pets & Critters Nook
7. Rose
8. eJoops
9. Colorful Loops
10. Trumpet Vine
11. LaVoice
12. Family Fitness
13. Kero, UAE
14. SwedishCorner DownUnder
15. Jeanne
16. Rajesh, India
17. Raya
18. XyeXyrus
19. Life's Concealed Details
20. Jim, Sydney, Australia
21. RobinfromCA
22. Riet, Holland
23. CailinMarie
24. Luna Miranda
25. Min Fotoblog
26. Live in the Moment
27. Liz @ MLC
28. Pie
29. Marit
30. Hyde Daily Photo
31. Anything About Bella
32. Gemma's MP Daily
33. mark, australia
34. Mel Cole *
35. 4U2 Sweden
36. meoww
37. NixPixMix
38. Leovi - I'm the illusion that you break
39. Jidhu Jose
40. Wordless
41. Lillianna - Sweden
42. Eden, Australia
43. Titbelsoeur
44. Broken windows and dreaming so happy
45. Blue Avon Gobblets!
46. The Rebel Sweetheart
47. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
48. Maid of the Mist, Niagara Falls
49. Emzkie, PA
50. Pictografio
51. Anne
52. Lina
53. Jessica Cassidy
54. hapzydeco
55. LadyD
56. Kim,USA
57. joanne
58. Finch Rest
59. Jamie
60. Ann
61. Chie Wilks
62. John McElveen
63. Christine
64. Marleen, The Netherlands
65. Visits With Mary
66. AnnA, Sweden
67. Joy@Books and Life
68. Denim Blue
69. twiggy
70. maipikucha
71. Tito Eric of Panglao Island
72. dix - gypsyczech
73. Patricia
74. Sensible Sarah
75. Myrna-My Enchanted Home

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Of course! He's now BBB: Big Boy Blue!

cassandrasminicorner said...

Happy birthday to your grandson, Sally:)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, so tall!

Kero said...

My little man is in blue too -- playing drums =)

SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla said...

Definitely Big Boy Blue :)
Happy Blue Monday, Sally! I'm showing some blue and yellow today...
Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

RobinfromCA said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce! A very handsome young man!

Happy Blue Monday!

CailinMarie said...

Happy Birthday to your sweetheart! He is very cute! And really? 5 10'? He's tall! Happy Blue Monday!

Unknown said...

Big Boy Blue, indeed!:p
thanks for introducing us to Pierce.

Liz said...

Belated Happy Birthday to Pierce! Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

Fashion Momma said...

He's a handsome boy. Happy Birthday to him!

My Blue.

Unknown said...

So great kid with a blue sweater.
Have a great new week, Marit Norway.

Gerald (SK14) said...

haha - big blue boy indeed

Rovie said...

happy birthday to him! Happy Blue Monday Sally.

Joining today!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your boy looks great! What a grand, happy smile!

Unknown said...

he is a handsome guy. happy birthday to your grandson, Sally! i did a mistake in linking up my blue monday post, would you please delete my first entry that has my name "Mel Cole" on it? I linked up the right one with the asterisk * on my name. sorry for this bo bo.

Meoww said...

young adult :)
Best wishes!

My name is Riet said...

That is a handsome big boy blue Sally.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

He's almsot a young man, now, Sally. Lovely shot and it's good to see you in the background too!

Thank you for hosting this meme.

Eden said...

Happy Birthday to your grandson!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Happy Birthday to your grandson!

Thanks so much for hosting!!


Czjai said...

Happy birthday to Big Boy Blue! :)

Anonymous said...

A belated happy birthday to Pierce! No, he's definitely not a little boy any more.

Beverly said...

Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

We love our grandchildren, don't we?♥ He looks like a fine young man, Sally.

Erica (Irene) said...

You have a very handsome Grandson and a Happy Birthday to nice and tall.

Happy Blue Monday and thanks for hosting.

Pictografio said...

Sorry for lack of link to Blue Monday in my previous submit. I just missed it :)
I hope present link is enough?

Annesphamily said...

What a handsome blue birthday boy! Perhaps "teen" is a more appropriate choice! Your blues are always so much fun and I enjoy visiting you here! Have a bluetiful day Sally! Hugs Anne

Vores have said...

Hi Sally.
Lovely photo of your youngest grandchild.
Wishing you a good Blue Monday :)
Hanne Bente

LV said...

Indeed Pierce is a big fellow now. very nice looking in his blue. His grandmother looks good too. Glad you are getting out and enjoying each day.

Lina Gustina said...

Belated happy birthday to Pierce -the big boy blue :)

Jessica said...

awww!what a cute and tall grandson you have Ms. Sally :-) The girls will be crazy about watch out for that :-) Dropping by from Blue Monday:-)

Leovi said...

You have a beautiful grandson.

LadyD Piano said...

B'day celebrations are so special. I love reading about your family. What a fine young man!

joanne said...

I am not so sure your 14 yr. old grandson would like being called 'big boy blue'! Where in Fla do you live? I want to snowbird there, and like to learn about it...

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Thank you for hosting, and have a wonderful week!

Keep smilin, Sally!

Full-On-Forward said...

Boy Blue is a Fine looking Young Man! I also have some people in Blue today!

Thanks for everything Sally!

Jamie said...

At 5'10" I'd say he qualifies as a Big Boy Blue! Hope he had a wonderful birthday!

How nice to be close enough to visit! We are enjoying two years close to family before Uncle Sam calls us elsewhere.

Ann said...

He looks like a sweet young man and enjoying spending time with his grandparents. Looks good in blue.

Chie Wilks said...

Such a lovely picture of your grandson and yes, i see you in the picture. it seems like Blue is the family's favorite.

xinex said...

Your grandson's tall and very handsome. Happy birthday to him!...Christine

Marleen said...

What a handsome young man!
Happy Blue Monday Sally.

AnnA said...

Good Evening Sally, and everyone!
Here some blues for sight and for the stomache...and for the noose..And lovey Swedish views...
Yes Sally, they growing older, the children in our hearts - but not you andme - we are still young, are'nt we!...
Happy Blue Monday!
Best wishes,

joyh82 said...

What a cute kid he is..and wearing the perfect color for today too :)

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

How blessed to be close! Our son and family moved to Oregon last week so now no one is closer than 8 hours.

Jeanne said...

Hi Sally, I had to rush off to a Garden Club meeting this am. We just arrived home about 45 minutes ago and the heavens have opened up to some serious rain.

Happy Birthday to your grandson. I would say Big Boy Blue as well. Smile. We sure have a good looking bunch don't we? Our Brett lives about 2 1/2 hours away in TN. Not so far away really.

Happy Blue Monday. It was nice to see a peek of you Sally. I know you had a wonderful time with your grandson. He will be tall. You did say your family had tall people too.

Happy Days to you and yours,
Love, Jeanne

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson Pierce! Great Pic!

Barbara said...


Anonymous said...

Big boy blue,is cute as a button too!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Such a good looking young man. I wanted to tell you that I LOVE your blog header picture. laurie