Monday, October 29, 2012

Blue Monday - Blue Arrow

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For complete instructions, just click here.

**When you link in your name and URL (blog address) there is one more step. Please be certain to also link in a photo. Sometimes, it takes a minute; please wait and be certain that you click "done."

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

I'm always looking for Blue. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's Blue. Today, I have a different Blue to show you.

Florida is full of wildlife. In the three years since Johnny and I have moved into  the Tampa area, we have seen alligators, deer, turtles, raccoons, sand hill cranes, herons, and ducks. Our attitude is "Live and let live," but some people have other ideas.

If you look closely, you can see a five-inch Blue arrow sticking through this Muscovy duck's neck. The duck lived like this for six months until a television station reported it. Then the duck was captured, and the arrow removed.

Named Quackers, the duck is expected to fully recover. I doubt if his favorite color is Blue.

The full story can be found here. [Pinellas County Animal Services]

Happy Blue Monday!


  1. Thanks for hosting, Sally! Can't believe it's Monday already :) Happy Blue Monday. I love a happy ending :)

  2. Linky never works for me the first time around! I am going to try later. But I always enjoy your share and will go read ! I hope you will have a wonderful week!

  3. Very painful. Good that it finally got the much needed help.

  4. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday! I'm so glad my husband was wearing his favorite color, blue, when this photo was shot! I hope you stop by and say hello!

  5. I've got to get some Blue Sally so I can join you one of these days! What an interesting story of the duck- amazing he went that long with the dart!

    bee blessed

  6. Dear Sally, I did it again, I don't know which line I have to choose, sorry

  7. The people who rescue these animals and save their lives are heroes. Glad he's going to be OK.

  8. Glad to hear that it all ended well. Happy Blue Monday Sally!

    My Blue Monday.

  9. I am very happy to hear that the duck survived.

  10. Hey Sally, and good morning.
    Yes here in Norway it is early morning now.

    I wish you a nice new autumn week, Marit.

  11. I pray Quackers fully recover soon...I can't stand looking at it in pain with the blue arrow...I pray too nothing like it ever happens again...on a lighter note, I am joining the fun here for the first time and being a blue lover..I am sure I will keep coming back...blessed week to you your sweet smile :)

  12. What a story! I'm so glad the arrow was removed and the duck survived. Happy Blue Monday.

  13. So sad to this. I hope the duck will fully recover

  14. Sally, Thanks so much for hosting!!

    We are preparing for Sandy to barrel through Pa.


  15. Thanks for hosting, Sally, and for sharing Quackers story. It really is remarkable that 'It' lived with that arrow through the neck. Thankfully there are those who care enough to take action to save Quackers. This is an incident of 'Fowl Play' for sure...sorry, I couldn't help myself...LOL!!!

  16. It's amazing to know how the duck can live in painful condition like that for six months. Thanks for sharing Sally, I'm glad the duck got the required help!

  17. I agree Sally... "blue" was a painful, short-lived memory for this muscovy duck! Happy Halloween to you and Quackers!

  18. Poor Quakers..glad they got that arrow out. Happy Blue Monday Sally!
    Hope you all won't be affected by the big storm out there!

  19. This is a very sad story, however happy at the same time because its Blue Monday :) thanks for having me here again Sally. hugs!

  20. Oh! Poor thing! Glad he finally got it out. Must've been bewildering for him as well as painful.

  21. Poor Quackers, that had to hurt. Glad hes recooperating!

  22. Poor thing! Glad it was removed and he is doing well now.

  23. Always feel for the wild birds.

    Thanks for hosting. Sally.


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. You definitely have some interesting blues showing up in your area. As you can tell, I keep my camera with me all the time. You have to snap blues whatever they might be.

  26. That is a terrible thing for someone to do! So happy to hear Mr Duck will be okay.

  27. On no! I haven't gone over to read the story. I hope it is a happy ending. I had a Muscovey duck named Peter. He was truly a pet! I'll have to write a post about him. I am about to link.
    Have a great Blue Monday.

  28. Hope that duck wound heals well. The is a mean looking dart.

    Thank you for hosting.


  29. Thank you for hosting BlueMonday again, I enjoy coming here and seeing all the posts

  30. I did everything the right way so I was able to link at your great Blue Monday Party..the only thing that didn't show was my thumbnail, but it's ok, I'm happy to be here. I love your cornucopia header. Thank you for hosting lovely lady. Have a happy and safe week ahead.

  31. (so worried about linking, lol) Poor little ducky, such a sad story, but looks like there's gonna be a happy ending! I love ducks!

  32. Hi Sally!

    It's a shame when wildlife is harmed like this. I am so glad that he was finally able to be rescued and taken care of.

    I hope you and everyone else in the path of the storm will be okay.

    Thanks for hosting the party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  33. Hi Sally,
    A sad blue story,but I'm so glad he was rescued and is in the mend!Happy Blue Monday!

  34. So gladd the duck is better. We lived in Tampa for 3 years on McDill AFB

  35. Thanks for hosting the party, Sally! What a sad picture with the blue arrow. So thankful he recieved help! Happy Blue Monday!

  36. Hi Sally! I keep getting an error! SO I am unable to link up! I will try later before you close the link! It happened last week too! Drat!
    I have lots of blues to visit tonight!

  37. Holy blue Monday! I think it finally worked! Yea!

  38. I'm so glad Quackers will be ok.

  39. Hi Sally, I did not get my blue post done today. This evening I finally got to my computer since we arrived in Kissimmee late on Sunday. I haven't missed many and I feel bad about missing.

    The poor duck. Thank goodness the feather arrow was removed and the duck will be ok.

    Can't wait to see you and Johnny on Friday. It is a blessing that we can finally meet.

    Love, Jeanne

  40. This really makes me cry. But I'm thankful they could help the poor little thing. Why do people do this? Why?



  41. Glad to know this duck will be OK..........Happy Blue Monday and Happy Halloween.........Sarah

  42. poor ducky :-( am glad the blue arrow was removed :-) Dropping by from Blue Monday :-)

  43. Sally...I didn't realize that you lived in Florida too?!! Awesome!! I live in Ft. Myers...just a couple of hours away from you♥
    I felt so sorry that the bird had to go for six months with that arrow in him...that is terrible.

  44. Thank you so much for hosting this blue meme and your regular visits to my blog. :)

  45. Thank you for your sweet comment. I did have a cobalt blue chargers I love, as they were made by hubby at our past ceramic company. Have a nice and safe rest of the week. Big hugs,

  46. I am so glad there is a happy ending to Quackers story. How cruel people can be, so impervious to the feelings of other creatures.I think its cruel and unnecessary. if you hunt for food fine, but don't be cruel about it and not respect the creatures who we are supposed to take care of

  47. I have had computer problems with email today...sigh. Anyway, this is my first visit to Blue Monday, and I thought it appropriate with a blue header on my blog.

    That poor bird with the arrow/stick in his neck. Glad he made it through!
    Happy Blue Monday!


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