I plan to visit every Blue Monday post. I love to see the many shades of blue you find.
I appreciate the comments left for me. I always look forward to seeing what you have to say.
See what blues other participants have on display by clicking on their links. Wish them a Happy Blue Monday and make their day! I'm sure they'll return the comment.
♪ I love a parade,the tramping of feet,
I love every beat I hear of a drum.
I love a parade, when I hear a band
I just want to stand and cheer as they come.
That rat-a tat-tat, the blare of a horn.
That rat-a tat-tat, a bright uniform;
The sight of a drill will give me a thrill,
I thrill at the skill of everything military.
I love a parade, a handful of vets,
A line of cadets or any brigade,
For I love a parade. ♫
Folks dress up in pirate costumes and have a fun time.
Gasparilla is an annual celebration in Tampa.
Note the many examples of blues.
throw treasure (beads) to the crowd, and dance with joy.
(It's not like Mardi Gras; you don't have to lift your shirt to get beads.)
Blue skies smile on more than 250,000 people.
The following two fuzzy pictures are from my television.
(They're fuzzy because the parade was moving.)
Happy Blue Monday!