I plan to visit every Blue Monday post. I love to see the many shades of blue you find.
I appreciate the comments left for me. I always look forward to seeing what you have to say.
See what blues other participants have on display by clicking on their links. Wish them a Happy Blue Monday and make their day! I'm sure they'll return the comment.
♪ I love a parade,the tramping of feet,
I love every beat I hear of a drum.
I love a parade, when I hear a band
I just want to stand and cheer as they come.
That rat-a tat-tat, the blare of a horn.
That rat-a tat-tat, a bright uniform;
The sight of a drill will give me a thrill,
I thrill at the skill of everything military.
I love a parade, a handful of vets,
A line of cadets or any brigade,
For I love a parade. ♫
Folks dress up in pirate costumes and have a fun time.
Gasparilla is an annual celebration in Tampa.
Note the many examples of blues.
throw treasure (beads) to the crowd, and dance with joy.
(It's not like Mardi Gras; you don't have to lift your shirt to get beads.)
Blue skies smile on more than 250,000 people.
The following two fuzzy pictures are from my television.
(They're fuzzy because the parade was moving.)
Happy Blue Monday!

Oh Sally I love a parade but can not recall the song! This was a terrific post! Thanks for sharing. Have a terrific Blue Monday! I hope the week is wonderful too! Hugs Anne
Hi Sally, I like to watch a parade on TV. HA! This celebration looks like a fabulous time. I would go if I could. Fun times.
It's late so goodnight Sally. Happy dreams my dear friend.
Haha, my dad used to sing that all the time.
Funny- we just watched the 2 part newest Treasure Island (with Eddie Izzard) and I think it is the best pirate movie I have ever seen.
My hubs and I have had a chance or two to see old pirate haunts in the Caribbean - what interesting stories!
Thank you for hosting.
Looks like a lot of fun, Sally, on a beautiful day. I don't much like crowds anymore either. Better to watch at home. Hope you have been doing well.
Looks so fun.
I'm with you! I really don't like crowds either! But I do love seeing a parade somehow! Love the variety of pirate costumes in your photos!
Thanks so much for hosting each week!!
What a great post!!
A Pirate themed parade...fun!!!
So festive and colorful. Pirate costumes look interesting.
The same here Sally, like watching parade but don't like between full crowds.
You know, I think I do remember that song.
What a fun parade!
Happy Blue Monday Sally!
That sure looks fun to watch!
Hi, Sally...gosh, this looks like such fun! I love a good parade and would rather be there in person to watch it and feel all the fun and excitement. When our grands were all little, we went to every parade we could find. :)
Have a blessed week.
Great blue pictures! I sure wish it was warm enough for a parade where I live. I'd even settle for the blue skies! It's cold and cloudy here. Ah, well spring will come in time. Happy Blue Monday!
looks like a whole lot of fun Sally!
Happy Monday; your parade photos are so lively
much love...
I love a parade, this one reminds me of the Shrimp Boat parade in Seabrook/Kemah Texas! Happy Blue Monday
That looks like a lot of fun! But I think you do get a better view from home. I don't like to be in crowds much, either.
Great colours of blue!
happy Blue Monday to you!
I'd love to see a parade like that if Captain Jack Sparrow was about ...
Happy Blue Monday!
I enjoy watching parades. This one looks very joyous with all the colors.
Yep, my daddy and I knew that song well! Looks like all five of my grandbabies are missing out on some Pirate Parade fun but I'm with you Sally... comfy at home watching the floats go by!
don't know the song but it sounds like it was a great event to witness
Yes, interesting, I like that boat, precious pictures.
I'm with you, Sally...TV Parade watcher, although I have participated in parades as a Twirler many years ago...that was fun, too. What a FUN FUN parade to see either in person or on TV...love the Pirate Theme and all the costumes. Looks like FUN! Thanks for hosting Blue Monday...I love it!!!
Oh I saw all the reporting on the news.....it looked like so much fun!!!!
Looks like so much fun but like you I'd rather watch it away from the crowd :-)
Parades are wonderful, I love them. This one looks full of fun.Happy pink Saturday
I don't remember the song but I do love parades. We try to go to the Christmas Parade in downtown Chicago. We usually freeze but it's so much fun!
Hi Sally! Oh, Mr. Precious loves them too. He loves them too much! Any time he hears there's a parade somewhere, guess what? We go! Now that song is stuck in my tiny head! :)
Hope you're being a good girl! ;)
shelia ;)
I do love a prade! Glad to be back after a long break. Blessings, Debbie
I think I prefer watching them at home too. Went to a lot of parades when my daughter was in marching band it was always a little too loud and crowded for me.
HI Sally, thanks for alerting me about my address. I did not realize I included that one in the photo, so thank you so much! I fixed it now.
I sure remember the Gasparilla event in Tampa but I don't remember ever going to one.....Christine
This would be a parade for my 5 year old grandson. He LOVES pirates:) Thanks for sharing!
This sounds like a lot of fun!
I have never been to a parade in person other than some local ones. As for the big ones, on TV would be better.
Those are great photos of random blue.
Not sure how I screwed up my linked name, it looks crazy.
Sally! I LOVE a parade up close and personal! Of course, I'll take a parade any way I can get one! LOL...on TV or movie, too! Thanks so much for sharing the fab parade from Tampa! (don't know what goes wrong with Mr. Linky,,frustrates me sometimes...but tried again!) Thanks for having us join your "party"!...dix---
What a fun idea for a link party! Thanks for letting me join!
Was so glad to find your blog. Thanks for such a happy, upbeat Blue Monday!! I have always loved parades, especially small town parades with lots of fire trucks and whistles.
Stay True Blue,
Mtn Mama
I lvoe a parade, too.. I love the excitement of the throng... and when the bands pass by, often times I cry.... I always cry at air shows too, or fly overs at the football games.....
thank you for hosting, and visiting my blog !
take care,
Sim, eu gosto de desfiles.
Em minha cidade o desfile mais famoso é o Carnaval. Você conhece?
Eu prefiro ficar em casa também.
O desfile na sua cidade foi magnifíco.
Hi Sally *hugs*
WHAT a fun parade and right from the ships..*s*... lots of blue colour for sure and lots of smiles too.
I agree with you, I'd rather watch on TV too. When its a Christas parade I like to stand out there for a little bit because it feels more festive being out there..in the cold...shivering..*s*...but otherwise the view is great from home.
Hope you have had a great week.
What a fun looking parade!!!!
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