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See what other Blue participants share by clicking on their links. Make someone's day when your wish them a Happy Blue Monday!
I appreciate those of you who leave me a comment. I look forward to reading your thoughts.
Every month, my husband, Johnny, who has a wonderful voice, goes to three different nursing homes to sing. Usually, he sings a solo; however, here you see him singing along with the other volunteers. Some of the group members, wear Blue shirts.
(I purposely did not include pictures of the sixty residents in attendance.)
Here are three volunteers in Blue shirts, taking pictures. Don't they look like paparazzis?
Happy Blue Monday!
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An appearance by Elvis is always a treat!
WHOA....he sure does LOOK like Elvis..
I didn't realize Johnny was a singer. How great...does he sing to you, dear Sally ? :)
Happy Blue Monday, Sally! Thanks for hosting each and every week! Wow, what a treat... and he looks like Elvis too :) Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla
How sweet and wonderful of your Johnny to sing in nursing homes. The Elvis Presley appearance looks so much fun :)
There's been an Elvis sighting!
Hi, happy Blue Monday!
What a great thing to be able to offer the residents, it must really make their day. I bet they loved Elvis!
Sorry Sally, I think I've linked myself twice - I seem to be 16 and 17! Don't know how!
Looks like good fun was had by all!
Thanks for hosting.
they must have been thrilled Sally!
What a wonderful ministry your husband has! I'm sure his visits are always a blessing to the people at the nursing home ... but showing up on the same day as Elvis -- the residents must have been beside themselves! :-)
Your fellow is a "Johnny of all trades". I think that is great. I try taking and visiting various nursing homes around here. They get so excited when someone different comes by and shows them a little attention. Some of the Elvis impersonators are very good.
What a noble thing to do -singing to please residents in nursing homes.
Elvis presence surely more brightened their day :)
Feeling blue! Need to head out to my office soon! :-(
Love your blues Sally!
Have a terrific week!
thanks for hosting Blue Monday Sally. Happy Spring.
The French Hutch
I bet that was a real treat for those sweet residents! Thanks for the party~~hope you're having a happy day. This week's Homemaking Linkup is live and ready for whatever you've got to share!
Mrs. Sarah Coller
Hi Sally! I'm joining your party today! I have one blue egg so I had to pop in! I would love to hear Johnny sing and I'm sure the folks enjoy him. Now look at that Elvis! :) Love it.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh Sally, what a fun post. That Elvis looked really good!! My mom was in a nursing home when she couldn't walk or lift herself any longer, and we always enjoyed the entertainment. Every Tuesday evening they would have "Happy Hour" - ginger ale and chips! Have a wonderful week. xo
Wonderful! I love Elvis!
Hi Sally this is wonderful!
Beautiful post!
Happy Blue Monday.
What a wonderful post. God Bless Johnny! We have the same rules here; no photos of the residents but isn't it wonderful to be warmly received?! Elvis in the house, what a riot. Really enjoyed seeing your photos!
That looks like a lot of fun! Such a nice thing to do to spread joy and happiness:) Have a nice week and Thanks for hosting!
Love Elvis's costume!
I wish I could sing!!
And I love Elvis!
OH my goodness, I love Elvis!!!I have ever since the first time I saw him on Ed Sullivan. How fun.
Oh how cute! I bet they really enjoyed that!
Good looking Elvis and you have a very sweet husband to do that for those old folks. :) Happy Blue Monday!
I didn't realize that Johnny was a singer. Don't know how I missed that, but maybe I did know. Come to think of it, I think he might have sung a wedding you mentioned to me.
Love Elvis. He does look a lot like him.
This is such a nice thing to do. It's good to be remembered, and I know the residents appreciate it.
Haappy Blue MOnday Sally *hugs*
What a great day and what a wonderful thing that Johnny does! Singing like that. The seniors must have just loved all that entertainment and Elvis didn't look half bad either!
Thank you for the positive comment about my baking...imagine how much I could cook if I didn't work...hmmm...how fun a bakery would be...*s*..
have a great week.
How fun! And so nice to see Johnny volunteering his time and sharing his talent...Christine
Such fun, fun times!
Happy week and thank you for hosting!
This is such a sweet thing for Johnny to do every month, all of the singers for that matter! And the Elvis impersonator was a wonderful idea, the residents must have been having a ball!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Your compliments made me feel so good!
My hubby loves to sing too! Love it when we get to visit the nursing home. Blessings, Debbie
The first entry went to google translate and I didn't know how to take it off. Sorry.
WOW what an awesome look alike. I bet everyone had a great time with shaking those beads around ;-) Love it. I started to post yesterday and got distracted by the kids so here I am today....super late. Hope you have a wonderful week Sally!!!
Of all the different groups that have come to my m-i-l's assisted living places, I don't think they've ever had an Elvis impersonator! That would have been fun.
Thanks for your perspectives on my post yesterday. I am glad you're still around. :-)
Hi Sally! I'm sorry you were not able to find these little cutie pie rabbits. I just thought they were so sweet. Oh, I'm excited now! You're going to mention little ole me? :) I'll be there with bells on.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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