To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS.
Please visit other Blue Monday participants by clicking on their links. Leave a nice comment. In addition, because I ❤ comments, please remember to leave one for me.
Recently, I've had several frustrated bloggers asking me for tips on how to get more comments. Comments represent blogger love, and sometimes bloggers feel (sigh) yes, blue by the absence of comments.

Now, we can't have this kind of blue, so I thought it might be a good time for a post on comments. I tried to create it with as much beautiful blue as possible.

1. Comments = comments.
My first suggestion is to visit others. I visit every Blue Monday link every single Blue Monday. In addition, I visit as many on my blogroll as time permits. Whenever any person leaves me a comment, I visit their blog and leave a comment. (Most Bloggers will return a comment; it's simply good blogging manners.)
2. Keep it short.
Short posts are most often read. People have busy lives; wordy posts are often ignored. I've actually read, on more than one occasion, "I don't know what to say... "

3. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Use pictures; folks would rather look at them than read words, words, and more words. Paragraphs turn most folks off!

4. Keep it simple.
Restrict each post to one theme. Rambling is for roses!
5. Try, try again.
Don't give up. I've been blogging--and commenting--for over two years.

For over a year and a half, I posted every single day. Whew! It's a BUNCH of work, but I got to know a group of great Bloggers, who I now call my friends.
I hope this helps a bit and makes for happier bloggers!
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

love the tips! I so agree with all of those esp the #1 :) but I tend to be wordy sometimes esp just after weekend! thanks for creating this challenge Sally and for always stopping by and commenting! Happy Monday!
Of course you know I agree with you, Sally, on your tips! You and I blog alike!
If you want friends, you need to "be a friend." It takes a lot of effort, but I try very hard to visit people. And I try to visit the people who have visited me. I had to laugh at your comment about rambling before for roses. LOL! I might be a little guilty of that. But I try! I really do! :-)
Happy Blue Monday to you...
Sheila :-)
Great suggestions!!!
I really try to find new friends thru art here and always appreciate a post back!
Hard to comment on SO MANY fun bloggers!!!
Great advise!
Thanks for the advise, truly said! Have a great Blue Monday!
Great suggestions! Happy Blue Monday. Mry
I am with you 100% on all your suggestions. You are to be commended for taking the time to respond to all your comments. I try to do the same. If you comment on mine, you will receive one back. I really enjoy all my comments. Thank you for saying what I have been thinking.
Hi Sally,
Thanks so much for hosting this fun event...I was thinking of you on my vacation! I was on the hunt for "blue"! Thanks too for the tips. You are a true inspiration!
Ms. Sharlotte's...Southern Reflections
Hi again Sally! It was a fast week and here we are blue again! Thanks for hosting and letting me tag along--Jacqueline
Hi Sally,,,great advise,,but its a bit late for my post as I always seem too jabbery Oops,,,next time I'll use more pics and less words, although I did add a lot of pics this time ..
Hugs Atcha Sweet Lady..Dena
Happy Blue MOnday!!!
Happy Blue Monday Sally. Thanks for being our host and thanks for the tips!
Theese are som great tips about comments. Thanks!
Great tips. I think no. 1 is so important.
Happy blue Monday
Hi Sally..
Happy Monday!
another Perfect Post from YOU!
the tips are right on!
warm sandy hugs..
thanks for the advice and you're right about the tips! happy blue monday!
Great tips and so true we live a busy lives:).
Happy Monday Sally dearest
Have a lovely week.
" R e g i n a "
Hi Sally... and a Happy Belated Birthday to you. I am sorry I missed the party last week, but I hope your day was blessed. ...Karen
Great suggestions and thank you for hosting this site!
I don't agree about the word part of your tips. I get bored when I look at all these blogs with only pictures and nothing to say.
But I think it is important that you have something to say and not only nonsense.
The same thing goes with comments. If you write a comment it should have something to say, too. Blogging is not about having as many comments as possible, at least not to me. I want true reactions.
Happy Blue Monday!
Great advice, Sally.Thank you for sharing and hosting this meme.I love this meme so much.
Have a great week
Good morning Sally. Thank you for the tips and I agree with every word you said. I, as you may have noticed, always make collages of my pictures if I want to show more than one or two. I know I don't have the time to read long posts and I just think that there are more people like me so I like to keep it short.Collages are very easy and you can make them in advance if you don't have the time at a certain moment. I want to thank you for hosting this great weekly event and as long as I can find blues I will join you.Have a nice day.
Tips so nice. Happy Monday!
Good Morning Sally,
Great Tips!
I like lot's of pics and not a lot of wordy posts. There are exceptions though. If the blogger is an exceptional writer or has a very intriguing story to tell.
I think the best tip for new bloggers is to get out and leave a lot of comments for others. I really think it works but it does take time!
Thanks for hostessing,
Great tips...all of them. I especially like the first one. I don't always have the time to visit all the other participants here but I always comment back to folks who comment on my blog. to me it would be like ignoring some one who is talking right to me if I didn't. And, I must admit, I am one who sort of skims past the very long posts. I love pictures but even to many of them can get cumbersome and time consuming to read.
It is very true what you write about words :)
Photos and just a few words is more inviting for comments ... for photobloggers
Have a nice Monday!
Good morning Sally....there is some very good advice in your words today. I agree with you ...the key is just to keep writing and snapping those pictures. Happy blue Monday and I hope you have a wonderful week.
Hello again,
Dave Q, UK has put your link in Mr Linky so he will probably not get any visitors.
Tips: No music forced upon us please.
Great suggestions and Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
Great advise!
Happy BM!
Thanks for the tips. Something I can add is try to build a relationship with a few other blogs. Return to them consistently so your name becomes known.
I also agree with the "no forced music." I usually enjoy the music, but want the option of being able to turn it off quickly.
Even if you can not "return comment" the same day, be polite and go visit soon.
Great tips!
Where do you post every day? I only see your Blue Monday posts on this blog. Do you have another blog?
- The Tablescaper
I agree and I'd like to add to that it would be better to leave a link of a particular post because some bloggers had more than 2 blogs. So it would be easy to visit back. Just like this one.
Anything Blue
What you think?
Goodmorning! Your advice is just right!
It takes a lot of time and effort - but, it has truly been worth it to meet all the wonderful people out there sharing a bit of their lives!
Thank you for hostessing Blue Monday!
Sure keeps my eyes open :)
God Bless,
Excellent advice and kudos to you for your posting diligence ... publishing daily takes real dedication ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Good morning Sally, I think your post is right on about getting comments. Visiting is the bottom line. Love your humorous photos. GREAT POST AND GOOD ADVICE.
I wasn't going to blog with all my company here but I had promised to join in Rhondi's porch party today. I had fun in spite of my busy schedule. We are having a wonderful time. Today we are driving to GA to see a waterfall and take a picnic.
Things are starting to stir around here. Have a lovely day my friend.
Love ya, Jeanne
Your suggestions for giving and receiving comments are excellent! Thanks for sharing these with all of us and have a beautiful BLUE DAY!
Happy Blue Monday,
I linked mine.
Thank you in advance for reading!
Excellent tips!
Hi Sally,
I'm sorry that your link wasn't clear on my post. I had it linked to the words "Blue Monday". I've gone back and linked again to your blog name. If this still isn't correct, please let me know what I'm doing wrong for future posts.
Ms. Sharlotte's...Southern Reflections
Great post Sally! Especially good for those of us "newbies" to blog-land! I admit, I like pictures first but, that's what grabs me and some of the descriptions and stories are great! The pics make me want to read further.
Have a great week!
Nice reminder and good ideas for building community by leaving comments. Nice blue graphics, too!
Well done, Sally.
Thank you!
Grandmother Wren
Thanks for the tips - Happy Blue Monday!
Sally, I agree with your suggestions. Photos with few words, and visiting others are both important. I don't have time to post everyday, but I do try to participate in as many memes as are approiate for my post. Debbie @ Confessions of a Plate Addict suggested that idea, and I think it is good advice.
Blue Monday has been one of my favorites since I first began my blog. Like others, I now carry my camera with me and always notice interesting blues or pinks. Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah
Love all your images, such a cute and clever post.
Excellent tips.
Sometimes I blog for comments and others, like today, my blog is a great place to document a life event.
It is interesting to see what kinds of posts generate the most comments.
Thanks for your words of wisdom, Sally.
Becky K.
Good morning Sally, today being the first day of summer, I am sharing some pictures from our vacation at Hammock Beach.. Baba
Morning Sally,
Great tips for comments!!! Happy first day of Summer!♥
Hi, Sally girl, hope all is going well in your world. Are you feeling stronger and better each day?
You are such a trooper to host this meme every single Monday. We all love it so much.
I have A LOT OF BLUE to share from my Alaskan cruise....:)..so you will be seeing a lot of me.
hugs, bj
Great post, thanks for the tips!!
thanks for sharing the tips :)
Ya know, that's true...you do respond every single time and i appreciate that! It seems some people have forgotten their manners or ??? in not bothering to write back to people who leave them comments. Every one is precious (unless it's spam ;)
Those are some good tips - thank you for sharing them with us all. Happy Blue Monday, Sally~
I agree with all these tips Sally....thanks for sharing....:)
Think you hit the nail on the head as far as receiving comments. Leave them.
i will say, i have been joining in on a lot of special days and that gets comments too, but, i do not have time to visit all the people, on all the special days, so i have had to cut back.
So sad for me, cause i miss joining in.
Thanks for being such a great hostess.
blessings on your week
barbara jean
Pyramid Lake, Nixon, Nevada - USA is my first post for Blue Monday.
Great tips, Sally. I am guilty of not getting around as much as I would like. Work really gets in the way LOL!
Thanks for hosting.
Christi @ A Southern Life
Awesome tips!! They are so true, I have met many friends through blogging and truly miss it when I am away from it.
Great tips Sally.
Happy Blue Monday.
I played too. Mine is here.
Thanks for blogging tips ... I think you're right. I guess when I don't have much time to visit other blogs, they don't visit me either, except for very good friends. They might understand I need a break and will be back again! Wish you a great week!
Thanks for the great tips,you are so right.
Great tips! Happy blue Monday :-)
Happy Blue Monday Sally those were so cute ! Thanks for the smile !
Those are great blogging tips, Sally. It might seem like common sense, but it's good to set it out straight for everyone ;-) Happy Blue Monday! <3
Great tips, Sally. I read on someone's blog (can't recall where) that when parties have mega particpants, it's almost impossible to get around to them all, because of time constraints, but if each participant would visit the three participants before their link and the three after their link, that would mean that everyone got a visitor.
these are great tips and all very true. I would add the tip to join a few memes....you tend to meet a lot of new people this way!!
so glad I met you!!!
This is my first Blue Monday, i hope my post fits okay. It's not all that blue, but i think you'll get the drift.
Love your bird photos!
love your tips I hope mine is o.k. I try to follow the rules but once in a while ....
Thanks for posting a list of blogging etiquette! :)
Hi Sally
I agree with your Blue Post. You do have to be a friend to make friends. There was good advice in your Blue Monday post...it works because look at all your comments.
Have a great week.
I do agree with you...
Great advice! thanks for sharing!
Mapeh Homepage
Hello Most Blue Blogging Buddy! This was a great post! I think you've done well today - 70 comments! :)
I agree with you on most of your statements! I too, thought I had to post every day when I first started blogging. When I didn't, I felt so quilty. One morning I woke up and realized I didn't have a post ready and got all upset. I realized, now Shelia, you're addicted to blogging! I stopped posted every day. I had withdrawals and everything! :)
I do love comments and try my bet to answer every comment too!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hey you!!!! Happy Blue Monday and Happy Belated Birthday to you girl! Great tips on blogging..I'll have to work on that..you know us Southern gals have the 'gift of gab' it's in our blood! lol I sure have missed you girl and was just grinning from ear to ear when I read your comment...thanks so much for coming by Sally...you're the best! Have a great week sweet friend...~Picket~
Hi Sally, thanks for posting all the tips. They are very well represented by the pictures ;-) I enjoy a good honest comment and one that actually read my post. If I were to attract bloggers with just pictures, I should be a photography site, I am not...You're very sweet, I could sense that through your posts, and I keep coming back. :-)
seems i cannot enter to the link, here's mine http://www.melandriaromero.net/2010/06/mellow-yellow-and-blue-monday_23.html
happy monday
Hi Sally, I get tons of comments almost every single day... I used to post every day also --at the same time. Now --I take weekends off plus most holidays and vacations...
I also visit everyone who visits me. I don't add them as a follower until after they start coming to me consistently. Then--I visit that person each and every single day. It's hard work--but it's fun. AND--the ones whom I do hear from most every single day or two have become very special friends.
If someone quits blogging regularly and quits visiting my blog regularly, I quit following them also--but will respond to them if and when the comment on my blog. So I do keep up with those who don't blog as much.
I am different from many bloggers in that I do not like memes, or giveaways, or awards or tags... I used to do that and still visit alot of memes like this one, but my blog is more about my life and hopefully, about the JOYS I have in this life... I try to do a good combination of words vs. pictures... I like stories. I like to know what people are thinking and blogging about. When someone puts up a picture with no meaning, it gets frustrating.
Well---enough of my thoughts....
These are very good, practical blogging tips Sally. And it's true that some very special friendships form through blogging. Hope your week is a good one.
These are great tips Sally. It sometimes takes me a while to go down my blog roll or leave a comment after recieving one but I eventually always do. You are a true bloggy friend indeed. I hope your week has been going well.
Those are good tips Sally :) I hope you're doing well. I've missed you!
A great post, Sally ~ thanks for sharing with us. You are most definitely a popular gal and a faithful visitor.
Succinct and Relevant!
Nice :)
Hi Sally,
Thanks for the visit. I just read your tips on comments. I think your tips are excellent. There are blog hops that do not seem to generate many comments from other participants while others do. I participate on a blog hop named Today's Flower and it seems that the participants are passionate about their flowers and there are participants from all over the world. Its been really rewarding to participate. Some blog hops should be called flop hops because the only comments you get are: "I'm a new follower please follow-me back." Its clear that all they want is as many followers as possible or linky love. I've participated in Blue Monday and I love it! In the last few months I've been renovating my home and I lost my camera in the process. I thought I could find some pictures on Google to share but then I find I'm cheating. So I'm waiting for the camera to turn up LOL. My only advice regarding comments is to go ahead and leave as many good and meaningful quality comments as you can and the love will come back to. What goes around comes around. Thanks for sharing Sally. Best regards,
Anne-Marie :D
three awards on the bottom,
Happy Saturday!
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