Welcome. It's Blue Monday! I'm so glad you decided to join in the fun.
To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS.
When you visit other Blue Monday participants, you enjoy the day so much more. Do what you can. I ❤ comments, so please remember to leave one for me!
Blue, is everywhere, so of course, there's some in most any movie. This past Saturday, Johnny and I went to see the newly released film
Knight and Day, an action-comedy. We give it a thumbs up, with a caution that you MUST be willing to suspend your disbelief in order to enjoy it. I mean, no one could live through all THAT!
However, today is all about
Blue, so please notice that both Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz are dressed in
Denim Blue with touches of white, for these scenes on the motorcycle. These first two shots were taken during the running of the bulls in Cadiz, Spain.

Johnny likes action films much more than I do. I liked it, but I thought of it as a comic book come-to-life. That helped me to enjoy it more.
Do you enjoy going to an action-comedy film?Happy Blue Monday
and Happy 4th of July!Blue Monday Participants1. mizhelle 2. StoryOfAWoman 3. Kathy-Delightsome Life 4. Aussie Nikki NC USA 5. Lani, Taiwan 6. Rumage Sale Loot 7. Kathy b 8. Dena E Dream Doodlers 9. bj@Sweet Nothings 10. LaVoice 11. tatess 12. Apron Senorita 13. Rajesh, India 14. Fifi Flowers 15. Mary@OnePerfectBite 16. Eden, Australia 17. lightbluelife,taiwan 18. Little World of Fun 19. Rinkly Rimes 20. Milla 21. Carpe Diem Sweden 22. Melandria 23. Shannara 24. Contentment, Canada 25. Jan, Australia 26. Anni 27. Joyful in Vancouver Canada 28. ChieWilks 29. Riet, Holland 30. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage 31. Kayce's Life and Journey 32. DailyLiving- Regina, Philippines 33. Eileen, MD 34. Christine (xinex) 35. sylvia extra from villa extra 36. hip chick 37. Joan @ Applejack Lane 38. Manang Kim~USA | 39. RockCandy 40. BEARS mom 41. Beverly at How Sweet The Sweet 42. Debbie@thepaintsplash 43. DogsMom:Mystic Blue 44. Small Reflections 45. happily retired gal 46. cindy 47. Just Married! 48. Susan@thoughtsfromovertherainbow 49. Becky K - Blueberry Patch 50. Jeanne,backyard neighbor 51. CailinMarie 52. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen 53. Garden Paradise - NC Mts, USA 54. Creekside Cottage 55. Theresa@Studio 48 Tango 56. Kathy @ Me & My Memes 57. Ann @Tin and Sparkle 58. Hyanne, South Korea 59. hapzydeco 60. A Blue Fish Is Ready 2 Play 61. Joysweb 62. Tinas Photoblog, Sweden 63. Briarside Lane 64. Susan @ Ash Tree Cottage 65. Mary - having a Giveaway 66. AmberLou - Newsboy Caps from an old suit & A Giveaway 67. Dhemz 68. Teresa C. 69. carolynUSA 70. Pie 71. rache @rachephotography.com 72. Irene Photography, Norway 73. Shy@Milestones 74. Mapeh Homepage 75. Grandmother Wren 76. Diann @ The thrifty Groove |
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my friends are raving about it. but we havent seen it yet, thanks for the review Sally!
Looks like a good movie, happy Blue Monday! Mary :O)
My husband will surely love to see this movie. But we have to wait until it is released on DVD copy on a nearby video-rental store :)
Happy Blue Monday!
Mine is here. Blessings!
Yeah! I like the way you put it - suspend your belief - but, it's fun to watch sometimes!
Can't wait to see it, that would have a lot of action... Happy Blue Monday!
Happy BLUE Monday Sally,,,soooo good you and Johnny went out for fun,,,Hugs Dena
Haven't seen it yet but heard it was great...
Happiest Blues.
xo bj
Occasionally, we all have to have our on spacial time. Looks like you two had a great time at the movies. I have not been in ages. I just could not find one I really liked. In fact, I rarely watch TV. Never much goods news. I spend too much time on the computer, read, work in my yard.
haven't been to a movie for a long time now.
Happy Blue monday Sally!
LOVE action comedy!!! Happy Blue MOnday... ENJOY your week!
Uh uh, I have seen this in trailer when we watched the Karate Kid and I am sure I would be watching it.. Thanks for this, by the way this is my first time to join the Meme and here's my entry http://www.mjoannafaith.com/2010/06/blue-monday-1-paradise-beach-resort.html thanks
Blue denim! Will it ver go out of fashion?
I will definitely watch this movie.
Happy Blue Monday!
Happy Monday to all.
Yes, blue denim, just right for Blue Monday.
Happy Blue Monday... God Bless
Hi Sally,
What a coincidence! I just went to see it a few hours ago. I really like it but my 20 year old daughter thought it was "cheesy". It was a nice escape. I chose this movie on a whim, had not clue if it was bad or good and had not read one review. There are numerous car chases, a bit of romance, some comedy, exotic scenery, good and bad guys, intrigue, etc...Its a good summer movie, but best of all I went to see it with my daughter!
Happy Blue Monday!
I love action films so this one is on my list :-)
That looks like a lot of fun Sally!
Thanks for the review, I may have to check it out!
Blue denim has always been one of my favorites to wear. Looks like a neat movie with lots of action. Happy Blue Monday and thanks for hosting this fun meme.
Wow I just watched it last weekend with my kids.
It was really cool and enjoyable movie.
Happy Monday Sally. Enjoy the lovely week.
" Regina "
Great pics, Sally! I have seen preview and I am waiting for it to be available on Netflix....Christine
I think this would be more of a movie for Mr. Hip and not so much for me.
There sure has been a lot of hype about this movie on the talk shows. Happy Blue Monday!
Action is good but give this gal a romance old world style. But with a husband and son, action is what we watch most.
Gonna try and get back in the saddle and visit everyone on the list...I hope, I hope...
Blue Monday is a great start to the week, Thanks ;-)
Thanks for the review. We'll have to put this one on our list.
Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.
Haven't seen this one yet. Have a great day. Debbie
Hi Sally
it looks like a good one...sitting in the cool air conditioned theater on a hot sultry evening...works for me!!!
Woops, I didn't mean to post twice. ISorry....
And it was made up here in MA. I have a hard time watching movies anymore. They seem too violent, too sexual, too mean. I've been sticking to the kids movies, even though someone seems to die in Disney movies, too!
Have a Happy Blue Monday!
I've seen the two of them on talk shows promoting the movie. Happy Blue Monday ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
I don't really like comic action films. In fact, it seems that TV series episodes, that have serious stories, are often presented as comics. Just not my "cup of tea"!
I, like you, go with my husband to appease him. I do like Cameron Diaz--Tom Cruise, not so much. Happy Blue Monday and thanks for letting me come to the party!
Good morning my friend, I have missed visiting your blog this past week. When you see my link, the second one is correct. When I went to hit delete for the last link Bil asked me a question and I hit enter instead. So it is all his fault. Don't you just love to blame someone else for your own mistakes. HA!
I want to see this movie very much. We ended up seeing Toy Story Three instead. It was a very cute movie. The grands, as old as they are, wanted to see it and the majority won of course!
I am still a Tom Cruise fan in spite of his 'sometimes' bad press. I do like action films if it isn't blood and guts.
I hope all is well with you Sally.
Hus, Jeanne
PS. Can you talk on Weds? smile.
I've been looking forward to this moving - I DO like action films. Big time. And though not a huge Tom Cruise fan this one looks like a lot of fun and I'm perfectly happy to suspend the need for reality ;-)
And they go to Spain! What could be better?
Nice choice.
This movie looks like a lot of fun! I am curious to see the energy between Diaz and Cruise. Have a wonderful week!
I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but it does look like a good movie, so we will be watching it soon.
Happy Monday!
Thanks for the review, SallY!
Happy Blue Monday...
Sheila :-)
I love action comedies :) Happy Blue Monday Sally
Hey Sally - First time linking up to Blue Monday! I do like comedy-action films and wondered if this one was worth seeing? Going to check out more blues! Thanks for hosting and have a great day!
We usually enjoy these types of action movies. But, I know what you mean.....there is NO WAY someone could really survive the things they portray.
Hope you have a GREAT Monday.♥
It seems it is a good movie, I also love watching action rather than love story.
This movie sounds entertaining. I understand what you mean by suspending your disbelief. I found I had to do that to watch the TV series,24, or I continued to think,"that couldn't happen"!
Kathy b
I linked in...
Thank you for the blue fun!
Happy Blue Monday!
I wondered about this one....did not get too good reviews online, but then you really can not judge a movie by that! I may put this one on the list to see! Have a great Monday!
Oh yes, i really like action comedies - maybe i see this one
Happy blue monday ;)
Thanks for the review Sally, I tend to be a fan of romantic comedies!
I do like action films, but I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan. But the ads I've seen for this one do make it look like fun. And that's a very nice red, white and blue color scheme they've got going there.
Happy Blue Monday! from Joy @ Joysweb
Happy Blue Monday. I really want to see this movie. Not many these days that I am interested in. Thanks for the pictures.
Cool action photos!
Sorryn I don't know the picture. I have to wsee of it here.
Have a nice day Sally
Good Day Sally!
DD and I are going tomorrow to see this!
Happy Blue Monday! ...Karen
Excellent! Thank you for the review, Sally - I was wondering if this movie is as good as it looks like it is. Happy Blue Monday~
Thanks for the movie review. My hubby and Iwill probably like it. I'm joining you for my first Blue Monday. This is a great party for me since I like blue so much. Thanks for the party and for being such a fun hostess!!
Susan and Bentley
Not going to run right out and see it. I like Cameron a lot. She does a good job in everything she does.
Tom, on the other hand, doesn't do anything for me. There is something not genuine about him. Not at all like John Travolta.
hubby and I can't wait to see this movie...thanks for sharing the movie review Sally....have a good one!
I love action-comedy films. I have seen the trailer of this movie.
Happy Blue Monday.
My <a href="http://www.thisismyblog.info/>Blue Monday</a>.
i can't wait to see the movie with my husband as well... thanks for sharing your review...
Hi Sally,
I haven't seen it and probably won't until it's on TV in the edited version.
I like a romantic comedy and true stories more, but my hubby loves action! I will watch it with him though because I enjoy his company.
Hello, Most Blue Smiling One! Oh, this movie's horn has certainly been tooted the last few weeks. I've seen Tom and Cameron tiny little faces all over the place! :) They are cute though.
Now, I didn't play in that party you mentioned, but I know I went to see everybody's dish spot! I've been dealing with where to put my dishes for sometime now. This little space is not enough, but at least it freed up some of my awful messy little dish places! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Happy Blue Monday Sally!
Happy Blue Monday Miss Sally
Wow, they're so sweet perfect partner in this upcoming movie.
Mapeh Homepage
Grampy and I alternate on our film choices. This one looks perfect for him - it may even make up for the evening I chose "Julie and Julia". (now there was a Good Movie! )
I want to see this but, I think I will probalby agree that it will be kind of comic book feel. which is okay for me. LOL
Hi Sally
It sounds like we'll have to rent that one when it comes out in the video stores. Happy Blue Monday.
I like a good comedy and I like a real good action movie...combining the two cannot become too comedy of errors for me. Now I'm very curious to see the movie and see if I too would have to put myself in the frame of mind you were in.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Hi Sally
It sounds like we'll have to rent that one when it comes out in the video stores. Happy Blue Monday.
I like a good comedy and I like a real good action movie...combining the two cannot become too comedy of errors for me. Now I'm very curious to see the movie and see if I too would have to put myself in the frame of mind you were in.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Hi Sally,
It's 9:30pm Seattle pacific time, and I do not see the linky to sign up. Am I missing something? I do have a post with blue in it at
I read an interview with Cameron Diaz and it sure looks like a fun movie.
Happy Blue Monday, Sally. Even though it's Tuesday. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
Love your Blog!!! gloria
I just wanted to stop by and say I truly appreciate you! You're an inspiration - not only do you provide a great blog party, but you also visit everyone! That's extraordinary!
Wishing you a very blessed day,
Hi sally, I'm jumping in a second time to let you know the coleslaw really is wonderful. I do hope you'll try it. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
I'm slow in getting around to comment after taking off a couple of weeks from blogging. Hope you are well and enjoying the summer. Have a joyous 4th. Sally
Hi Sally, I don't like action packed movies but I will most likely see this one. when you have sons, and grandsons it cannot be avoided LOL I just saw Iron Man 2 over the weekend with Ryan. I hope you are enjoying summer. For us nothern gals it's half over
Hello Sally!! I wanted to see that movie last weekend, but decided not to as it didn't get a very good rating in the KC Star....now, the Star also gave Braveheart a Two Star rating a few years ago, so why do I give that paper any credit? I thought Tom looked better in this movie (from the trailers I'd seen) than any of his other recent ones....and now that you gave it the OK, I will be certain to watch it!!
Hope you are feeling OK...and I wish you a great Independence Day!! dana
Be a sweetie and have a happy 4th,Most Smiling One!
Shelia ;)
Sally, I love the actors in this movie, but I do have a problem with movies that are so impossible to believe that they are silly. I've never even liked James Bond movies! Thanks for the review. I think I'll wait until I can rent it. laurie
Good morning Sally, we did go to see this movie yesterday. We loved the action and the actors.
My brother went home yesterday morning. we had a wonderful visit and a big potluck supper with all but one sister attending. I love potluck. It is easy and so good.
I loved talking to you this past Wednesday. I was ready for my brother and his wife when they arrived. The cabin was cleaned and I even had time for a nap. Thank you for calling me.
Have a wonderful fourth of July today my friend.
Love ya, Jeanne
Hi Sally, Just stopping by to say HELLO and wish you and your family a very Happy 4th of July...
I haven't seen that movie yet... I do like Tom Cruise though...
Yes, I've watched a bit of titbits about Cameron Diaz starring with Tom Cruise. Am not much of a moviegoer and waiting it to be shown in my lounge room screen would suit me fine.
I'll go for the blue denim.
Please help me link my First Blue Monday entry.
Thanks a bunch Sally.
I saw this with my daughter and loved it. We told everyone it was like a mission impossible spoof!!!
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