Hello, this is Jenna and Ara, Smiling Sally's granddaughters. We are updating our grandma's blog for Blue Monday. As you know, she had surgery about two weeks ago. There were some complications, resulting in an additional surgery. She is currently in ICU, therefore she cannot update her blog. As for now, we will try our best to keep the spirit of Blue Monday alive. :) Please keep our grandma, Smiling Sally, in your prayers. The picture above is of the blue tubes, ventilators, that are helping her breathe. Thank you for reading. Please pray that Smiling Sally will be blogging soon about all things blue! :)
Thank you *so* much for updating! I've been worried about her. Though I am so sad that there were complications and that she is in ICU, I praise God for those precious blue tubes that are helping her breathe, and I pray that she heals quickly and is able to enjoy blogging again soon. She is missed! ((gentle hugs)) to Sally!
Hello Jenna and Ara. I'm sorry to hear of your grandmother's setback. She is such a special lady and I hope she makes a complete and speedy recovery.
Best wished, La
Thank you for updating! My prayers are with Sally right now. I am sending positive vibes her way!
Please tell her to get well soon and that she is missed.
Hi Girls..
thanks for the updates on our dear sweet Smiling Sally!
prayers for speedy recovery are being sent from all over blogland!!
she is such a sweet dear lady, very much loved and missed!!
sweet gentle hugs for all of you!!!
Oh, this is sad. But, i am praying that she will be up and kicking at this blog in no time at all.
My prayers to you, Sally. Keep fighting.
So sorry to hear of the complications! Bless good Sally in her recovery - the Lord make His face to shine upon her . . .
Miss Kathy
Hi Jenna and Ara, rest assured of my prayers to your Grandma Sally. Hope to see her next week and tell her we missed her here ^_^ Thanks girls for the update!! God bless!!
Your grandma is in my thoughts and prayers! She is blessed to have grandchildren like you.
Thank you so much for updating us on your grandmother. Sally is one of my favorite blogging friends and she will certainly be in my prayers. I miss her!!
Shelia ;)
Oh my! I wish her all the best. She will be in my prayers for sure.
Hi Jena and ara please do send my regards to Sally. Get well soon and God bless her speedy recovery.
Life Moto - Happy Blessed Monday
My prayers are with her. God will surely help.
awww... hope she'll be ok soon.. praying for her. God bless!
Blessed Monday :)
Will be praying for your grandma, thanks for the updates!
Thank you so very much for letting us hear from Sally. Even though the news is not what I wanted to hear, now we kinda know her condition. She has really been on my mind. I do pray the good lord puts his healing hand on her. If you read this, tell her the Blue Monday gueen is being missed. Lord bless and keep this dear lady.
Hello, Jenna and Ara. Praying for your grandma's speedy recovery. Thanks for keeping the spirit the Blue Monday alive.
We'll remember her in our prayers -- thanks for the post.
hi Jenna and Ara! We are sorry to hear that. We will definitely include your mom to our prayers. I really hope and pray for her fast healing. thank you so much for keeping us updated.
Jenna and Ara, I felt about your grandma but I hope to GOD for her fast recovery. I call her Aunt Sally when I leave comment to her. Just give her my love...hope to hear good news from her soon.
I'll include her in my prayers.
I pray she is alright!!!
I hold her hand and pray for you.
Of couse we try to keep to blue spirit going on until she´s back.
Love from Sweden
Jenna and Ara, nice to know you...
Hope Sally will recover soon.
Jenna and Ara, thanks for the news about your grandma - even though it's not what I wanted to hear. I'm hoping she'll have a speedy and complete recovery, and be back with us really soon. She's got lots of people praying for her right now.
In one way your grandmother is UN-lucky. But in another way she's the luckiest woman alive having two such caring grandaughters. Give her Rinkly's regards.
Many hugs and good wishes that Sally will be soon well!
oh sorry to hear that...i thought she was fine after the surgery. Anyway, my prayers for her. I wish a speedy recovery.
I hope Sally will be fine very soon... i will include her on my prayers..:)
Get well soon Sally...
Oh my I will keep her in my prayers.
Thank you for the updates, and I will say a prayer for her. Tell her we are thinking of her and wish her well soon.
Thank you Jenna and Ara for keeping us in the loop. I wish a very speedy recovery for our dear Sally.
Hi, Jenna and Ara!
I will include her in my prayers. Hope she gets better soon. God bless her.
I've been holding Sally close in my heart and prayers, and I will continue.
I am praying for all of you and her care providers, too.
Sending love your way.♥
I am so sorry to hear this. We are all thinking about her. Thank you so much for keeping her meme going!
Jenna and Ara, thank you so much for keeping us updated on your precious grandma. We are leaning on the "Everlasting Arms" today.
I wish you a speedy recovery. regards
So sorry to hear this! I will definitely be praying for her.
So sorry to hear that your Grandma is not doing well. Well say a prayer. Thanks for letting all her "Blue Monday" friends know..I will be anxiously waiting for her return.
I join the others in the prayer for Sally's early recovery. And appreciate her grand-daughters' love and devotion that drives them to carry on Sally's work, till she gets back to blogging, smiling.
Jenna and Ara, please tell Sally that I wish her a quick and steady recovery, as much as possible!
Best wishes! :)
Jenna and Ara - Thank you for the update. Our prayers are with your grandma.
Oh, I am so sorry to here this! I've been wondering how our Sally is doing. Thank you so much for the update and we will continue our prayers for her healing.
Kathy M.
Prayers from around the country for your grandmother.
Sally has my prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated.
We will lift her up in prayer!
I wish Sally to get well soon. i miss her in the blog land. She'll surely be in my prayers.
Thanks for the update. Will be praying for her complete recovery. Tell her Auntie E says hurry back and we are looking forward to hearing her again.
Dear Jenna and Ara
Please give your grandmother my love and tell her I am praying for her! {{{ Hugs}}}
Pat in NYC
Praying for Sally in Washington State! Thank you dear granddaughters for letting us know...
Lord touch Sally today and I pray that whatever the complications YOU will touch her body and give her healing. In Jesus name. Debbie
You have been in my thoughts all day.
Maybe more than you´ll ever know.
(Please, if it´s not okey let me know cause I have written about Sally today and also borrowed a photo of your beautiful grandma.)
Best wishes for you dear grandma's full and speedy recovery.
Dear Jenna and Ara,
I think you can tell by all the heartfelt posts here... that you sweet grandmother is adored by many. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and with Sally.
Blessings. Dixie
Thank you so much for giving us an update on Sally's surgery. My prayers have been with her everyday and I was very worried about her. I am still concerned abut her and my prayers will be constant for her until her improved health asap.
She always talks to me about her dear grandchildren. She loves you so much. I agree, you are terrific to update her condition. Many people in the blog world love her dearly.
If you can, please give her my love, Jeanne
I would love to send her a snail mail card if you could email me off list with her addy. I hope she gets better soon and will be praying for her recovery.
We love you and we're praying for you Sally!!
Oh Im sorry to hear that, I hope Sally is well now, we miss her.
Points of View and Thoughts
sorry to hear that.. i hope she'll recover soon..
My Blue Monday
Praying for a speedy recovery!
She is in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon Sally.
Hugs prayers and more...
I haven't been on to post for the Blue Mondays for awhile and I had no idea...
Please keep us posted..
You are lucky girls to have such a wonderful grandmother!
I'm so sorry to hear that there were complications and an additional surgery! Sally is a very loved lady and God is going to hear a lot of folks repeating her name to him.
Send her love,
Kathy b
Dear Jenna & Ara,
I havent been on Blue Monday for quite some time but I'm still following your grandma's blog. She visited my blog & leave a wonderful comments about year ago..she's a nice lady and im so sorry to hear about the complication. I pray for her speedy recovery. God bless, my thoughts and prayers are with her.
Much love,
ItaJeff, Malaysia
Just heard about Sally...grandma and I'd like to join the prayer circle to ask for her quick recovery. What sweet granddaughters you are.
Blessings ;-)
I am so sorry to hear this but glad to get an update. I've been praying for Sally and will continue to do so.
Love, prayers and blessings,
Sending Prayers!!!
Dear Jenna and Ara, Thank you so much for letting us know about your Grandmother. There are so many bloggers and readers who care so much about her and want to wish her well. What a lucky lady she is to have such caring grandchildren. Please tell her she is in my prayers.
I am praying for grandma.. and have continued to post my Blue monday! Hoping for a speedy recovery!
I'm praying for your Grandma! Thank you all for updating us!
Dear Jenna and Ara, I was checking back in to see how your grandmother is doing. She is in my prayers as well as her family. Please give her my love.
Shelia ;)
Sally is such a wonderful person and she is in my prayers as is your grandfather and all of you.
Praying for Sally and for all of you in her family, for healing, comforting, and back to blogging soon. :)
I'm so sad to hear Sally is ill. She is in my prayers!
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Praying for you, dear blogging buddy! Get well soon.
Blessings and hugs,
I just came across your Grandmother's blog through Pink Saturday... As Beverly shared the goings on.... With just the little bit that I have seen I can see that your Grandmother is a VERY special lady and whom seems Dearly loved by many... I will share her story and prayer needs with my husband and children and we will be sure to lift her up in Prayer... May the Lord grant your family the strength and peace as He works on behalf of your Grandmother, May His name be Glorified above ALL things...
So sorry to hear of Sally's situation.....
It is so sweet of the two of you to come and post for her , and to keep us all updated like this.
Always in my prayers...may God keep her safe and reward us with her speedy recovery.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful Independence Day weekend
What a sweet granddaughter you are to update her blog, knowing how much she loves blogging.
She will be in my prayers.
Thank you, girls, for the update on your grandmother. I pray you share her faith -- and that it will sustain your family during these days of uncertainty. Our prayers are with you.
Thank you so much for updating. Please know that she has a LOT of prayers going up for her.
I miss her and pray that she will be back home, feeling wonderful, very soon.
Love to Sally, bj
Blessings, Prayers and Hugs sent her way and yours too. thank you for posting on her behalf and we pray she will be in the Pink very soon! Marilou from Pink Saturdays and Lulu's Lovlies. xoxo
How lovely of you ladies to post on Sally's behalf. Sending many wishes for a quick recovery!!!
Niki @MaisonMutt
I am sure thinking about Sally and her recovery.
You girls are great keeping us notified about your Granny
My Gosh she just has to get back to us
Oh, Dear, I did not know that! I'm praying for your sweet Grandma Sally. You are precious to update us about her. I'm agreeing with you in prayer.
Praying for Smiling Sally. Thanks for the update.
Please pass the word to your grandma that we miss her in blogland....I hope she is recovering and be back to health soon!
I'm coming back by...DIXIE at French Lique reminded us to come back by and here I am.
Sally has been in my prayers since before she went to the hospital...and I continue to pray for a fast and complete recovery. I KNOW it can happen...I KNOW how GOOD our GOD is when his children pray.
Love to Sally..
Wishing you well, Sally, so you can be surrounded soon by lovely blues rather than medical blues.
Thanks to your sweet granddaughters for posting an update.
Healing hugs and prayers from Virginia!
Adding my prayers to all the others....in a chorus of good wishes and blog-sister love.
Stopping in from Pink Saturday an hoping that Smiling Sally will be well enough soon to continue to bring joy to the blogging community...With that in mind, I am a new follower...Please get well soon! Pinkim!
My prayers are with your grandma.
How Sweet the Sound referred me to your site. Of course, I'll pray for you.
Here's wishing a complete and speedy recovery Sally!! my thoughts are with you. Love from Spain.
Thank you for letting us know and keeping us posted. She is in my thoughts and prayers and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery. Blessings to all...Mary
Thanks for updating!
Please send her nmy best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!
Thank you for updating us! I will definitely keep her in my prayers!
Thank you for letting us all know how she is doing!! She'll be in my prayers of course and tell her Shirley said Hi.
Hope your grandma is okay now, get well soon Miss Sally. God Bless
Thank you for the update. Smiling Sally is most definitely in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Sarah
Hello! So sorry to learn about your health, Sally. I pray for a speedy recovery for you. God Bless you and you beautiful family. Sending strength your way! xo
Prompt rétablissement Sally
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