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Several Bloggers have wondered about what’s been happening since June 9th. Here's a list of my experiences:
Diagnosis: renal cell carcinoma
Kidney surgery – NOT cancer
Walk (with a walker) down a short hallway
Fell in the bathroom – badly bruised my lower left jaw
Right side of stomach swelled by at least 3 inches
White count rose dramatically to 30,000 – indicating infection
CAT scan showed burst duodenum
Emergency surgery on burst duodenum (small intestine)
Intubation – tube removed too soon - reinserted
Double pneumonia
Drain inserted stomach's right side to drain & suction out infected abscess
Feeding tube inserted
7 units of blood transfused
25 days in ICU – 19 of them unresponsive
Infectious material drain removed
Moved to progress care – 10 days
Moved to Connerton Acute Long Term Care Hospital - although NOT a rehab center, they do offer some rehab
Working hard to recover and get home
Please continue to pray that I'll recover enough to get home! I'm fully confident that I'm in God's hands, and He is in control.
My son and his family traveled to North Carolina this summer. Johnny and I had taken our family there many years ago; what a beautiful state!
Here's a picture that Jenna, our son's youngest took. It brought back some happy memories.
Look at that
Happy Blue Monday!