Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.
Please take time to check your link to make certain it works.
Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday was Fats Domino's 84th birthday! Today, I want to honor him with this Blue birthday cake that I found here on the internet.
Fats Domino is special to me because of his music, and one of his hit songs, Blue Monday, is the inspiration for my Blue Monday meme. Here's a picture of him wearing a Blue suit and tie.
The first time I remember hearing the expression Blue Monday was around l958 when I heard Fats Domino sing this song. I've placed a picture of the 45 record for those of us who are old enough to remember records. Blue Monday was a wildly popular rock and roll song. (Ah, we had REAL music then!) The lyrics aren't the greatest; I'll give you that. I've copied them below for you.
However the song, as we kids used to say, "has a good beat to dance to." That was all that mattered in the 50s--being able to dance to the beat. One friend reminded me that we used to dance the stroll to this song. Remember the stroll? Take time to enjoy some good music and feel free to sing along.
Blue Monday how I hate Blue Monday Got to work like a slave all day Here come Tuesday, oh hard Tuesday I'm so tired got no time to play
Here come Wednesday, I'm beat to my socks My gal calls, got to tell her that I'm out 'Cause Thursday is a hard workin' day And Friday I get my pay
Saturday mornin', oh Saturday mornin' All my tiredness has gone away Got my money and my honey And I'm out on the stand to play
Sunday mornin' my head is bad But it's worth it for the time that I had But I've got to get my rest 'Cause Monday is a mess
In addition, one of my granddaughters, Jenna, is celebrating her 19th birthday today. We'll all be singing to her this evening.
Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.
Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Presidents' Day! Will you be shopping? I'm showing you some Blue to get you in the mood for a good day.
Johnny and I were shopping at Dillards the other day, and we spotted some Blue shoes. In this first picture, you can just see the toes from a pair of Teal Blue shoes right above a Turquoise Blue pair.
Here's another view showing the back of these six- or seven-inch heels. Notice that eye-catching tri-color pair--part of them are a layer of Blue. Look how high they are! I would never be able to wear them!
If you prefer a pattern, here's a platform pair for you with Blue included in the design.
Could you wear shoes with heels this high?
I'm having a book giveaway on my book blog. To enter, click the cover of the book at the top of this page on my sidebar.
Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.
Many people place the Blue Monday button on the top of their post so that visitors can easily spot it. Another Blue Monday button can be placed on the sidebar of your blog. Some choose to place the link within the Blue Jay button.
Please leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit you and leave a comment for you. Then, visit other Blue participants to wish them a Happy Blue Monday.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life has become extra exciting in our family this past week. Johnny and I have a nephew and niece who became grandparents Tuesday! Their daughter and son-in-law, the new parents, have decorated the baby's nursery a teal blue--perfect for Blue Monday. The black and white accent colors look so special, I think.
I like this idea of framing hearts on the opposite wall.
Here she is . . . only one day old . . . Gabriella Marie. Isn't she adorable?
I'm so happy that her parents took these pictures as they live down in South Florida. (You might remember that we moved from there to Tampa 2½ years ago.) With modern technology, we can "see" her!
I'm having a book giveaway on my book blog. To enter, click the cover of the book at the top of this page on my sidebar.
Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.
After you've linked in, it's a good idea to check your link. For the past two weeks, there is one person whose link has been defective. That link is entered in as ME! So everyone who clicks on it, returns to Smiling Sally. The person does not leave me a comment--can you imagine THAT--so I cannot notify her/him of the error. {sigh}
Click on other's links and wish them a Happy Blue Monday! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One morning this past week, Johnny happened to catch this gorgeous Florida sunrise. I'm sharing it today for my Blue Monday. (Although they look like mountains, the black silhouettes are actually houses in our neighborhood.)
Did you watch the Super Bowl? We did. We were invited to a Super Bowl party. Both teams use Blue for their color.
I am one lady who actually watches the game, but I also love to watch the commercials! What do you watch?