Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.
They've Plotted, Planned, and Preformed to Perfection so you can take a Peek.
This week, they're showing Plenty of Pumpkins, and you might even see a Pink one!
However, I have no Pink to show today. Thank goodness Beverly is allowing me to show my collection of pumpkins. They're scattered throughout my house.
I'm showing pumpkins that are displayed in my living room . . .
my kitchen . . .
and my family room. The picture is of my grandchildren.

I love your pumpkin collection. . .thank you for sharing!!! I don't have a single pumpkin out. . .yet. But I did share three of my favorite "punkins" on my post! :)
Hope you're feeling well!!!
Hi Sally, Love all you pretty pumpkins and vignettes. Happy Pink Saturday......
The French Hutch
Happy Pink Saturday, Sally! Your home is looking very Autumnal and your grandchildren are beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Pretty Pumpkins... thank you!
Happy pink satureday.
Sally, thanks for the tour of your home and fall decorations. You have a lovely place.
Hi, Sally girl...loved seeing all your pumpkins. I need to gather mine all up and get crackin' on my fall decorating. Just a little bit, so far.
Hi Sally....so glad to see you visiting CollectInTexas Gal and leaving a comment on my Pumpkin Coasters for Pink Saturday. Thank you. You have a lovely collection of pumpkins and your home looks very autum and festive. I'd say your family photo is full of special punkins, too!!! Happy Pink Saturday!!!
Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I LOVE all of your pretty pumpkins and what beautiful grandchildren! You are so lucky, I have four sons and NO grandkids! I am going to check over at your other blog too, I love to read a good book!
Have a great weekend,
great alliteration and display of pretty pumpkins. Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for the visit!
Wonderful pumpkins, Sally! Loved seeing your collection.
And I loved visiting today. I have missed you, and being able to catch up was good for the soul.
Love you...
You have such lovely pumpkins! Your home looks cozy and ready for Autumn.
Happy Fall, Sally, AND Pink Saturday! I love your pumpkins!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Very nice collection! I've never seen a pink one, but I have a white one that I really love.
Your white pumpkin ceramics look so elegant, Sally! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!
I like your pumpkin collection! I like to scatter them out about the house too -- makes it fall fun! I especially like that big white one with his cutie little friend!
Pumpkin pleasure!
Love your collection!
Great pumpkins! I don't know, is that something Charlie Brown said, or does it just sound like he might say it? Or perhaps Lucy might . . . anyway you do have some great pumpkin!
Happy Pink Saturday
The link worked just fine this weekend ;)
pumpkinS, not pumpkin. :(
I love your pumpkin collection Sally!
Oh Sally, what a lovely collection of pumpkins for Pink Saturday. Autumn Bliss indeed.
Hi Sally, We just finished watching the football game on TV. A great game. Vanderbilt did give us a bit of a fight though. Go Gators!
Your pumpkins are all so lovely. I especially love the white one in your first photo. I also enjoyed seeing your grands with the cool pumpkin. You are 'so blessed' with wonderful grands and they are all so handsome and beautiful. And smart!!! Smile. I mean it Sally.
Happy weekend,
Love, Jeanne
I loved seeing your pumpkins! You have a fine collection!
Lovely pumpkin collection and nice photo of your Family.
Hi Sally *hugs*
I'm glad you were able to share your pumpkin collection. I adore those white ones. Its coming to that time isn't it...do you like Hallowe'en candy? hmmmmm...I sure do miss not having little ones to share their goodies with me...and not having any come to the door either...oh well. I guess I can buy my own Halloween candies.
Hope you are doing well and having great weather.
thank you for sharing.
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