Most bloggers understand the basics of a meme. For Blue Monday, there must be something Blue on the post and there must be a link to this blog. When either of those vital elements are missing, the link is deleted. If the blogger has left a comment, I always respond in kind. However, if no comment is left, no Blue is on the post, and no link is provided... what else can I do?
See what other Blue participants have to share by clicking on their photos. Make someone's day when you wish them a Happy Blue Monday!
Our son's youngest daughter married last night. I'm sharing some rehearsal photos taken Friday evening.
Here's a shot of my baby boy--in a Blue shirt--with his baby girl--please note the Blue stripes in her shirt, as well as her Blue eyes.
Jenna, like most brides, knows exactly what she wants for her big day. An outdoor wedding. In Florida. In June!
This shot shows our Allen with Jenna's mother, Sharon, who is wearing a Blue maxi dress layered with a Blue sweater.They're discussing details with the pastor and the photographer, who are both dressed in Blue.
Matt, the groom, is looking good in his Blue shirt.
At the time of me typing this--Sunday afternoon--we're praying for dry weather; the weather man predicts 60% rain!
Happy Blue Monday!
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I'm looking at those blue eyes--and I'm mesmerized!
I sure love a wedding and your have Wedding Bell Blues in your photos! What a lovely phamily you have! Congrats to the bride and groom and we can all pray for sunshine! Hugs Anne
Your granddaughter is beautiful, Sally! I hope she has wonderful weather for her wedding!
Happy Blue Monday, Sally! Hope you all had have a wonderful time at the wedding :) Congrats to the newly weds!! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla ...Thank you so much for hosting too!
Hope the weather cooperated and it did not rain for the Wedding!!
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Your granddaughter has amazing blue eyes, and is as pretty as your son is handsome. Beautiful family! We look forward to next Monday :)
Hope for a successful outdoor wedding! What a great family you have, Sally :)
Good morning Sally, I loved seeing the photo of your son and granddaughter. Also, the groom and bride to be. They are going to be a very handsome groom and a very beautiful bride. Her dark hair and blue eyes are stunning. I too pray the weather will be a beautiful day. Congratulations to them and your family. I will be looking forward to photos of the big day.
I had to edit my post and add some question marks. I should not do a post late at night. HA!
We are going back to Florida tomorrow for 6 days for our grandson's graduation in Jacksonville. We will spend a few days visiting too. I will call you a week from Wednesday if I can.
Sending you well wishes for a happy sunshine week.
Love, Jeanne
I hope the weather was better for you than it was here, as it poured on and off all day.
I would love to see her wedding photos, keep us updated. :)
Have a great week. Sally
Looks like everyone likes to wear blue! How lovely that there's a wedding coming up -- I'm looking forward to seeing more pics!
Happy Blue Monday!
Congratulations on the happy occasion! I wish them much happiness!
Thanks for hosting, Sally.
Beautiful photos. I played too. Mine are here and here.
Good morning Sally. Glad you are letting us in on the the pretty granddaughter's wedding. Her eyes would have been enough sparking blue. We are praying for rain here.
Trust you have a good week.
Oh, how wonderful! I hope everything went well. Looking forward to seeing wedding pictures. :) Happy Blue Monday!
Those beautiful blue eyes are the best on Monday!
Sally, looking forward to viewing the wedding photos and seeing how Jeena incorporated something blue into her wedding day.
Lovely blues, especially those beautiful, heavenly blue eyes! Congratulations and look forward to seeing the wedding photos.
All the best to the lovely couple! Thanks for hosting Blue Monday!
How pretty and fun. Can't wait to see some wedding photo's. Have a wonderful week.
Wow lovely! I love the first photo in particular, the Daddy and the bride! :)
I wish that you will have a wonderful weather on the day of the wedding and I wish the groom and bride all the best!
What an exciting time for your family! No matter how the weather turned out, I know it couldn't dampen your spirits. Best wishes to the bride and groom!
Sally, thanks for hosting another Blue Monday! We appreciate all the work you do so we can show off!
Jeannie and Linda at The French Hens Nest
She has the most gorgeous blue eyes!
Oh, dear...such great blues today.
Your family is adorable.
Keeping fingers and toes crossed for nice weather for the wedding. Now, be sure and let us know if it rained or not...so I can UNcross my toes before I become crippled. :)))
I'm, already longing for next Monday! I do hope the weather will be perfect and I wish the young couple all the best!
Such a proud Daddy!
Good looking family and I really like your son's glasses. ;) Hope the wedding went well or goes well!
Whoops Sally, can you delete my second posting of my link? Sorry about that!
Congratulations to your lovely granddaughter and grandson-in-love. I am sure she was a beautiful bride. Looking forward to the photos next week. Lots of pretty blues this week. xo
Sally, I've been trying to get online all day! The library branch I go to is closed, and I tried my friend's inn and couldn't get on there. Went to another friend's, same thing. Finally went to B&N and got on through their free WIFi. Yea!
I pray that your weather holds out. Sending all good wedding wishes your way. Can't wait to see the pics and hear all about it.
Love you and thank for the assist.
Congratulations to the happy couple!
I hope it didn't rain.
Handsome looking couple!!Here's hoping you had a dry wedding. Great blues.
Hi Sally! Congratulations to your grand daughter - she's beautiful! I do hope the weather cooperated! I think your son looks like Johnny! ;) Now I'll be looking forward to 'the' snaps! Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Omigoodness, I can't resist. I photographed the clean-up of a train derailment this morning. Lots of clear BLUE sky; lots of dark BLUE boxcars. Amazing scene. I'm linking.
P.S. Congratulations and much happiness the newlyweds.
Reading this after the fact, I'm so glad you didn't get the rain!! Yay!
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