Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blue Monday - Blue Painting

Hello! Welcome to Blue Monday! For complete instructions, just click here.

Please leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit and leave one for you. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and leaving comments. If it's too much for one day, come back later in the week. Make someone's day when you wish them a Happy Blue Monday!

This past Wednesday--in the middle of the night--I had a scare. As you might remember, I have Congested Heart Failure. I couldn't seem to get my breath. Johnny and I quickly determined that we needed help--BIG TIME. We made a mad dash for the hospital. When I arrived, my breathing was registered at 72. (It should be over 90.)

I was admitted and only able to return home yesterday evening. I've now been enlisted in Hospice and have a supply of oxygen at my home. That should prevent further traumatic drives to the ER.

While being taken to my hospital room, I couldn't help but notice this beautiful four-piece painting. I had my son snap a quick shot just for you!

Happy Blue Monday!


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Gayle said...

So glad you are back in the comfort of your home and prepared with the oxygen.
A lovely photo.

Jeannie and Linda said...

So sorry to hear about your emergency, but happy to know that you are better and prepared. Take care.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Dear Sally
I see many people living with portable oxygen here. I hope it will bring you a better quality of life and more comfort. The photo on the wall is lovely! Happy Blue Monday!

Jutta.K. said...

A gorgeous image, I would hang them on the wall, I had plenty of room
Have a nice and wonderful week.
Greetings from Germany

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Oh Sally, you take care.
I'm sure you would rather have oxygen at home than having to visit the hospital again.
Thinking of you and thank you for thinking of us and hosting this week.
A lovely blue painting - very calming.

Denise @ secondtimearoundfinds said...

Glad to here that you have a plan so you don't have to do a mad dash to the hospital.
Hope your feeling better now.
Nice calming picture.
Have a good week.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Praying for peace for you and your family during this difficult time...

xinex said...

That was scary, Sally. So glad you are back home. Please take care of yourself. Love the painting....Christine

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

I hope that things improve with your health, Sally. Keep that oxygen cylinder handy, just in case!
Lovely painting. Thanks for hosting.

My Desktop Daily said...

All the best, Sally!

bj said...

Thanks so much for hosting, Sally...glad to hear you now have the things you need, medically, in your home...should bring more comfort to you.
Take good care...xoxo

Julie said...

Hi Sally,
a wonderful image, I love it!
Now, I'm new on "Blue Monday" :)
Thanks for hosting!

All the best to you, Joana

Jeannie Marie said...

They kept you quite a while, it must have been most upsetting. I'm so glad all is well and you are home once again and completely prepared for any further events. It's very sweet that thoughts of Blue Monday surfaced and that you still captured your photo...via your son!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh my goodness. Not the best way to search for a Blue shot! I'm so glad your home. I'll be praying for you! I hope you have a wonderful Blue Monday!

Linda Kay said...

I'll be you were out of control when you saw all that blue. Lovely painting, by the way.

LV said...

I was scared to read any further after I saw the emergency trip. When you have heart problems you cannot take anything for granted. Go a soon as you start having an issue. Time waits for no one. Blogging people are a little touched, as we tend to look for blues even in an emergency situation. Take care my friend as I do care about you.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Wow Sally, that was a tense few days. Oxygen at home is such a comfort. Many HUGS for you. Thank you also for hosting Blue Monday - and the hospital blue picture series fit in just fine this week.

Jeanne said...

Oh my gosh Sally, I am calling you in just a few minutes. I am so sorry you had such a scare. The mural is lovely and a nice share. Most of all I am glad you are home and have oxygen near buy as needed.

Much love,

Jeanne said...

OOPS! near by...
me again

Gayle said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way, Sally.

photodoug said...

Sally, good to hear that Johnny’s quick judgment has you back on the even keel. Thanks for sharing.

Ann said...

Whoa, thank goodness for quick thinking. You always find blue in any circumstance--good for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, this is serious! Glad you got through this. This means to change your life style:) That won't be easy, but trust your family will help your with this!Take it easy dear Sally.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally,

So glad that you're back home! How traumatic for you and your family. I'm glad that you now have access to oxygen at home but so very sorry that you are suffering so with this. I wish I had a magic wand! I hope another little blue tit will make you smile and please don't overdo it! Very lovely of you to have thought of us all with the photo of the painting. A lovely calming seen for a hospital! Please look after yourself and don't ever worry if you're not well enough to host a Blue Monday! Your well-being has to come first. Perhaps another blogspot blogger could help you host it if you're having a bad time?

Best wishes,

Al said...

I love that painting - sometimes I miss the ocean. Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Thought about you earlier today. Just stopping by to check on you!

B Clarke

Annesphamily said...

I missed Blue Monday last week but was praying for you when I read this and forgot to leave my comment. Take care and that beautiful blue painting was lovely. You always think of us. You are so sweet. xo Anne

joyh82 said...

Oh no Sally, I missed posting last week and just read about this. Keeping you in my prayers and hoping the oxygen at your ready really helps! Hugs.

Unknown said...

Bless you Sally...

Puspack said...

You have shared such nice information. thanks

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Floranet said...

Creative Writing!! Continue your great work.

Giftbasketworldwide said...

What a fabulous post!! Very interesting.

Nippon said...

Creative Writing!! Continue your great work.