Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.
They've Plotted, Planned, and Preformed to Perfection so you can take a Peek.
Today is our 54th wedding anniversary! Yes, on July 7, 1958, Johnny and I married. I had just turned 17, and Johnny had just turned 20. I'll save you the math. I'm 35 years old! Johnny is MUCH older!
People said it would never last! Oh, but it has lasted and lasted!
When I awoke this morning, he had this card and bunch of roses waiting for me.
See you in two days for Blue Monday!

Oh congratulations!!!!!! Happy Anniversary and many, many more. Your roses and card are beautiful. Hugs, Marty
Happy Anniversary, sweet Sally to you and Johnny. True love always lasts. You both were so young, though. Have a wonderful weekend. Your roses are beautiful. xo
Congratulations! Those oldies, but goodies are the best, aren't they? Our 54th is in September. Here's to many more years for you two. Sally
Sally, I think Johnny picked a winner! Congratulations to both of you. 54 years and still madly in love. I think that's terrific. ~ Sarah
A very happy anniversary to you both! The card and roses are lovely.
You did indeed find some pink to share today. Happy Pink Saturday. It is so nice to see you here.
But, most importantly, Happy Anniversary to you both. I wish many more years of blessings and joy.♥
Yes you certainly picked a winner for sure. After 54 years he's still giving roses to his sweetheart. Congrats.
I'm tickled pink for the two of you. Happy anniversary, Sally.
A beautiful card and lovely roses ~ Happy Anniversary! I think I am 2 years younger than you. :) Hugs
What a nice surprise seeing you on Pink Saturday. Best wishes to you and Johnny on this great accomplishment. Not many can do that these days. He did the perfect thing in choosing this card and lovely roses. May you be blessed with many more blessed years.
Happy belated anniversary to you and your sweetie! Your pinks are beautiful ... and yes, you definitely picked a winner.
So wonderful to see you married such a long time! Years fly by don't they? Congrats to you two! Sweethearts always! Lovely roses. Blessings to both of you! Anne
Happy Anniversary Sally. May you have many more.
Happy Anniversary, Sally!!! So wonderful. Lovely card and roses :)
I'd say that two winners picked each other!
Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on your 54 years together! That is awesome! Isn't it great when you proof to others that it can last?!?! We had the same kind of comments when we got married as well and this year we will celebrate 33 years!
Happy Anniversary to both of you!
I am happy for you and congratulate you both. That takes love,dedication and perseverance. You deserve all the roses in the world! xo Jenny
Happy Anniversary, Sally! What a nice guy to bring those gorgeous flowers! We will be celebrating our 32nd Anniversary Thursday, July 12. Have a wonderful week! Linda
Beautiful roses and congratulations to you both! Inspirational!!
HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
Mrs. Sarah Coller
Congrats on your forever love!
Awww, you did pick a goodie! Love those pink roses on pink saturday.
Funny to know that people say that to you guys because me and hubs had the same experience. When we first got married, most of the people I know predicted that we won't never last but here we are almost 10 years after the prediction and still happily married! Happy Pink Saturday.
Your comment at my PINK Post is always appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
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