Robyn at
There's Always Thyme for... shared this tag and these following two awards.
Six Things I Value (in no particular order):
1. My Savior
2. My husband and family
3. Blogging (and blogging friends)
4. My church (and church family)
5. My computer--a Mac, of course!
6. The ability to read without glasses (books, books, and more books!)
Six Things That I Don't Value (in no particular order):
1. Rude people
2. Computerized phone calls
3. Cell phone conversations in public places
4. Dishonesty
5. Violence
6. Commercials (on TV, radio, internet, billboards, etc.)

I met Edna at Pink Saturday. She prefers being called Ed and her blog site is
Ed's Place shared the following two awards:


Darlene at
Darlene's Days shared these next two awards:
First, I must list three things I love about myself. (Ouch! This is tough!)
1. I'm a positive-thinking person. My glass is always half full.
2. I try to do my best.
3. I am a good blogging buddy because I visit and comment often.


Diane from
Crafty Passions presented the following award:
This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.
The rules to follow are :
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Now, folks at this point, I rebel. I am not taking time to link 15 people! Shh! Don't tell Diane!

Bridget at
here shared the next two awards:

Friendship Award came with these questions to answer:
Do you have the same friends from childhood?
I married at seventeen, moved around a lot, and just lost touch.
Are your friends sounding boards?
Not so much; that's what Johnny is for.
What is your favorite activity to share with your friends?
Talking on the telephone or doing lunch.
The Blogger Friend Award is for reading her post the day before and commenting--an easy chore for me!

Alaura at
Cottage Rose shared this Marie Antonette Award with the first seven people to leave her comments. Lucky me, I was there at the right time! Then, Judi at
Judi Creations shared the same award! Next, Charlotte at
At Home in Scottsdale presented me with it. Isn't it pretty?

Awards are fun to give and to receive. An award is a bit of Blogger love, and we all need more love. If you're reading this and making a comment, please accept these awards as an expression of my love for you.
And I'm adding this joke to thank you for patiently going through this long post.
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BOOK GIVEAWAYS!```````````