Sunday, November 2, 2008

The First Blogger

That's some extension cord! Isn't it wonderful that we have a direct line to God?
For those who would like to look the ten commandments up on the internet, try Exodus 20 Gateway Bible.

To see other participants in Spiritual Sunday go here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!


Anonymous said...

Amen. It's great to have a direct line to God. This is cute. I always look forward to your Spiritual Sunday posts.
Have a wonderful day.

Kate said...

LOL! Thanks for the big chuckle!



Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

OH~~~~Thank-you so much for being able to put a smile on my face! I am so glad that your a part of Spiritual Sundays.
God Bless,

Unknown said...

A little late getting around this, but I LOVE THIS POST!


Anonymous said...

Now, that's something to think about. True , we do have a direct line.


Darlene said...

Oh yes we do have a direct line!!!!! LOVE this!

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
I enjoy your cartoons!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I have to say I enjoy using the computer for studying and having all the resources available at a click rather than having several books out. It took a while to get used to, but now I love it.

Musings of A Minister said...

FUNNY--and true! Everything about computers and the internet amaze me. But I am also amazed--more so, about that direct line to God. What a blessing prayer is. I STAND AMAZED! I have a huge library but I don't use the reference books much any more. I find myself constantly searching for something on the internet. I'm heading off to church smiling and thinking. Thanks!

ellen b. said...

And his direct line never crashes. Sometimes the answers are delayed
Have a great Sunday Sally...

Anonymous said...

Your comments on my S.S. post made my day.

Killlashandra said...

Having electricity on top of the really long extension would be the second miracle I think. :)

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful to remind us we do have a direct line to him!

Joyfulsister said... always make my heart smile. Thank the good Lord we don't have to go through all that trouble trying to reach him. I love seeing your smiling face Sally what a welcome when I come to visit you.

Hugz Lorie

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

What a cute cartoon!

Thank you for visiting my Power of Prayer blog. I have just posted a long message, answering questions, etc.


Bridget said...

Happy Sunday Sally! That's a really cute cartoon.

Missy Wertz said...

Isn't it great there is no veil, no priest, but we can go directly to the throne of God. Praise the Lord!

nikkicrumpet said...

Too bad we can't put the ten Commandments BACK into the public place...the world would be better for it if people were reminded now and then. Thanks for the Sunday message!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh That is a cute one Sally !

God Chaser said...

Thanks it is good to have humor in our day. be blessed

Anonymous said...

I was just trying to figure out what was wrong with Margaret's link when your comment came in about it. I looked back to see if anyone by that name had commented before but so far haven't found it. I tried using after the name that was in the e-mail I received that she had posted. I'll keep trying to see if I can figure it out.

Picket said...

Oh that's a good one girl! lol I praise God for that direct connection and the line is never busy! Thanks for coming by sweetie..hope you are having a beautiful Sunday!

squawmama said...

That was so funny... I am sure we have a direct line up there... Great post... Thanks


bj said...

Oh, Sally...I do just love coming over to visit you. I never know what I am going to find.....:O)

I love this little joke....and, yes, without that line to God, we would be lost!
love, bj

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally, We just arrived home about an hour ago and nope I didn't see you wave. LOL. I think we could all practice some KMS from time to time.

We all need that direct line to God that's for sure. Amen to that.

Our gators won their game and I have to say I am whipped. Time for bed. I'm all set for Blue Monday, see you tomorrow.


Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

A wonderful laugh once again Sally, thank you!.

Have a blessed evening,
Kathi :)

Anonymous said...

That is a great point about our direct line to God. Thanks Sally.

Kathy b

michelle said...


Cherdecor said...

This is a good one. I think that all the commentaries are on the internet now. You know this is funny and true but sad. There was a pastor who lives not far from us who was fired from his church because they found out that he was getting sermon ideas from the internet. The people of that church must be highly ignorant. They must not have known that commentaries, maps, greek and hebrew are on the internet.

Anonymous said...

very awesome blog some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia. I wish you nothing but the best.

Joyfull said...

Loved it! Thanks for sharing!

Gwendolyn said...

This is a great one! I love it!