Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pink Saturday - Chest of Drawers

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Stop by her place to see the many other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are sharing.

I want to share a picture of the top of the chest of drawers in our bedroom. Hanging on the wall is a Claude Monet print called "The Reader." A tan vase of faux flowers in white and pink pulls the color from the picture. My walls are not pink, although they appear so here.

I downloaded this from the internet so that you can see the beauty of the Monet. Notice the touches of soft pink in the painting.

My camera doesn't like for me to do close ups, but even though this is blurry, I wanted you to see the pretty pink color.

The figurine is from Spain. It is labeled, "Ingles." The crystal was a gift from a friend who knows that Johnny golfs every Wednesday. It's handmade from Czech Republic "Glass Bohemia."

Happy Pink Saturday!

PS The paint color is Benjamin Moore's "Soft Sand." It's painted in 8 inch stripes of flat 2106-60 and semi-gloss 2106-50.


Anonymous said...

Sally, that print is beautiful and I love the flowers too. Have a wonderful weekend Luv...


squawmama said...

Good Morning Sally, What a beautiful Monet print. I love just his work don't you? And the flowers are lovely too... Nice post showing all your pink stuff today... Your walls look lavender to me... LOL What color are they?

Have a great day!

bj said...

I've always loved that is perfect for PINK SATURDAY.

alicesg said...

Very lovely picture. Happy Pink Saturday.

Bridget said...

Good morning Sally, I love the Monet and it is soooo perfect for you!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Ed said...

What a beautiful setting for a beautiful painting and lovely collection of eye candy. HPS xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sally, my tree is still in an un-accessible corner in my garage. Guess what is around it. Boxes of books. Sigh. My dh has a big job today getting to that tree.

Your pink today is lovely. It was smart to download that Monet print, as a photo of a print just doesn't work. I love the print as you might guess. Did you like the plates?


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sally, Monet is one of my favorite artists, and I love that painting! That ribbon is just so fresh and pretty. Enjoyed seeing your other pinkness as well. I'm gearing up for Blue Monday and have got my post all set.

Happy Pink Saturday and see you on Blue Monday!



Anonymous said...

I actually love the pinkish looking walls! Is it actually beige?

I love when figurines are not just cute but reflect something in our lives.

The flowers and painting are pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally, Beautiful vignette, Happy Pink Saturday to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Sally.

Impressionism is my favorite style of art, and I love your Monet print. Renoir is my favorite, but he is closely followed by Monet.

Anonymous said...

Did you know...Monet had cataracts? This is why his paintings look the way they do. This is actually how he saw the world he painted. I always thought he was just doing a 'cool technique'.

Susan Hickam said...

Good morning Sally! I finally got my post done this morning if you want to see pink. Love the Monet. I'm a big fan of impressionism. Have a great pink and blue week!

Suzie Button said...

Good morning, Sally! Your pink is very lovely today! That is a beautiful Monet painting! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

What a perfect picture for you. I just love Monet. Please come back to my blog to see my PS post. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and forgot to post. It's up now! Hugs, Donna

Baba said...

Hi Sally, I love your post today with the beautiful picture and accessories...Your header for Christmas is wonderful.. hugs, Baba

Sherrie said...

Hi Sally,
Love all your Pink today! Really like that Monet print. Thanks for stopping by my place. Take Care!!


My name is Riet said...

I love your monet. I love his flowerpaintings too. Thank youfor visiting and happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture...Love the's elegant and beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday..
Smiles and Hugs

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Oh your print is incredible..even though your camera doesn't like close ups it appears to be an oil painting now..Thanks for swinging in for a visit.. It is so appreciated..hugs ~lynne~

Amy said...

very pretty picture.Thanks for sharing ,and the nice comment. Have a great weekend, Amy

JudyBug said...

Love the Monet. What beautiful soft colors.

Thanks for visiting my blog for my first Pink Saturday. What fun!

LvPoohBr2 said...

Oh the painting is wonderful. All your pink is just lovely! Happy Pink Saturday!

. said...


Lovley painting! Happy pink day! Blessings, Denise

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

Sally, what a beautiful print.

Betty said...

I love that painting by Monet. I love how you've pulled the pink in her scarf out in your flowers.
Happy Saturday!

Neabear said...

That is a pretty painting! Interesting how the camera can change to color of the walls. Weird how it does that. Happy Pink Saturday!

Charmingdesigns said...

Please come back!!lol. I am running a little late and just got my pink put up!! Your post is beautiful! Laurie

Anonymous said...

It's all very pretty, Sally. I really like your header picture too.
Happy Pink Saturday.

Cherdecor said...

I really like Monet. I never thought of downloading a picture of Monet.
Your pictures are lovely.

Glennis said...

Love the Monet - I just love the way he depicts light. And - reading the commenter above who said he had cataracts - that makes it even more fascinating, doesn't it? Perhaps his perception of light was even more heightened.

Your arrangement looks lovely, Sal. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Your print and all your pinks are just wonderful.Hope you have a great Pink Saturday and a lovely week.

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

That picture is so beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

KatCollects said...

Hi Sally,
Your picture is very pretty. Thank you for the good wishes, I am hanging in there : ) I hope your day is a great one.

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Happy Pink Saturday Sally!! I love your monet, so pretty and girlie!

You may be right about those websites, I never totally trust them you know!

Vintage To Chic said...

Hope you have a wonderful pink week,

Anonymous said...

They may not be pink, but I love the contrasting stripes on your wall :o) When I was still teaching kindergarten and first grade, I used to teach a 2 week unit on Monet during state testing time (aaargh!), and the kids always loved learning about his life through wonderful books and art experiences.

Thanks for stopping by, Sally, today I'm feeling much better and am planning to get my pink post up in a little while.


artis1111 said...

Love the painting. Kathy

Unknown said...

I love that painting.I always wanted to be a girl who could wear white and be girly!

suesueb said...

what a beautiful collection! happy pink saturday!!

Anonymous said...

I love Monet, too, and your print is one of my favorites.
My camera doesn't like the close ups, either---but I did like your PINK!!!
Hope your Sat. was filled with lots of happiness and, above all else, PINK!
Happy belated Thanksgiving wishes, Dana

Anonymous said...

Love the Monet print!!
And what a great idea the alternated striped of flat and semi-gloss paint!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lovely touches of pink you got there! happy pink saturday!


A Monet print is perfect for Pink Saturday. :o)

Cathy said...

That is a beautiful picture, Sally. I love Monet's art.

Unknown said...

I love Claude Monet's work! Great idea for Pink Saturday!

pinkkandy said...

Thanks for looking around...we have alot in common after reading your about me... This is fun..huh? Blessings...Kandy
I really loved the roses
I am posting Christmas pics soon

Dee Light said...

Love the Monet with it's touches of pink and the way you've chosen to accent it with the flowers.

My pink post is finally up.

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE MOnet! Happy Pink Saturday!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Happy Pink SAturday Sally and I love your Monet print.. thanks for sharing! have a great weekend!..

Dawn said...

The print is really so very pretty! I like the display with the flowers as well. Boy if I ever tried to take pictures of my room all people would notice would be the dust!

take care,

Dawn said...

Monet was such a fantastic painter! Love your pink!

Stephanie said...

I've never seen a Monet that I didn't like, and yours is lovely!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

The Monet is beautiful...I have always loved that painting....I looks great on your wall.....
Mo :-)

Ellen said... beautiful is that art piece...I also love the permanent botanicals you have the colors are pretty. :)EllenL

Killlashandra said...

Monet is lovely. When I lived in Chicago years ago, an exhibit of his passed through the Art Institute. It was amazing. I went several times. :) Great choice for pink.

Vanessa Greenway said...

What a wonderful print! Love it! xo :) Vanessa