Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Merry, Merry Christmas Giveaway!

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I want you to have something extra to be thankful for, and I need time to have these get mailed out to you.

What could be better than solving a gift problem for one of the most difficult people-to-buy-for on your Christmas list? Wait until you hear about this, and I'm sure you'll agree that it's not too early. The generous folks at Hachette Book Group are allowing me to host another major book giveaway! This time I choose the titles. I asked if I could offer two titles that Johnny (who hates to read) has actually read (!) and enjoyed!

Both of the following books are about awesome Christian men. Read the publisher's description in blue, followed by my review in black. Decide which one you'd like to get for that hard-to-buy-for man in your life, and follow the directions below. I understand that some people reading this will not be interested; that's fine, but please leave me a comment anyway. (I get awfully lonely!)

From the commander of the Delta Force team portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down comes a gripping testimony of faith refined by the fire of unimaginable trial! Learn how General Boykin's experiences in the Special Forces---and in the crosshairs of the media---shook and ultimately strengthened his trust in God.

My Review:
Johnny and I are very different people. I am an avid reader; he would tell you that he hates to read. Nevertheless, when this book came into our home, he picked it up. (Trust me, that's unusual.) He turned a couple of pages, and when I gently suggested he take a look at it, he began to read! He did not stop that first day until he got to sixty-some pages.

The following day, he picked it up and read some more! As we drove down the street one day, he began to tell me about this man's life. I asked, "If this were made into a movie..."

"I'd go see it!" he exclaimed, interrupting me. He loves action films, and he said that's what kind of film this book would make. On another day, he stated, "This man is a machine! You can't believe the things he's done!" Well, he finished reading the book! Yep, he read all 350 pages, and he loved it.

Josh Hamilton was the first player chosen in the first round of the 1999 baseball draft. He was destined to be one of those rare "high-character " superstars. But in 2001, working his way from the minors to the majors, all of the plans for Josh went off the rails in a moment of weakness. What followed was a 4-year nightmare of drugs and alcohol, estrangement from friends and family, and his eventual suspension from baseball.

BEYOND BELIEF details the events that led up to the derailment. Josh explains how a young man destined for fame and wealth could allow his life to be taken over by drugs and alcohol. But it is also the memoir of a spiritual journey that breaks through pain and heartbreak and leads to the rebirth of his major-league career.

Josh Hamilton makes no excuses and places no blame on anyone other than himself. He takes responsibility for his poor decisions and believes his story can help millions who battle the same demons. "I have been given a platform to tell my story" he says. "I pray every night I am a good messenger."

My Review:
My husband, who by his own definition, is a non-reader, thought that this book was "great!" Addicted to sports, my husband grabbed this book when it came into our home. This is an easy read for any baseball addict, but is also a good read even for a non-lover of the game. In this memoir, Josh Hamilton is so talented a ball player that he receives $3.9 million bonus just for signing with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays at age eighteen.

Here is a man devoted to family and God, who comes close to throwing all away. My husband found himself getting angry as he read about the many bad choices Josh made for four long years! The promise of a Golden Life tarnishes because of drugs and alcohol.

Family ties are strong, and one special family member comes through to help him turn around, and advance all the way to the All-Star Home Run Derby in 2008.

Now here's the amazing part. This giveaway is for five (5) copies each of these newly released, brand new, hardbound books! That's a total of ten (10) books!

  • Winners are restricted to the US and Canada. No PO Box mailing addresses, please.
  • I must have a way of contacting you, so be sure to leave your email address in code in your comment: you[at]yourmail[dot]com (Please do not ask me to look it up!)
  • I'll close the comments at 6PM EST November 18th and pick the ten winners. I will contact the winners via email to get their mailing information. The winners will have three days to respond. If I do not hear from them within three days, I will select another winner(s).
  • If you're interested, just say so in a comment. (If you are not interested, please leave me a comment anyway because you KNOW how I love comments!)
  • Last giveaway, I felt badly because so many said they wanted the book, but they neglected to leave the all-important email address in code.


Anonymous said...

My hubby is a non-reader too, although he loves listening when I read as we travel or he works in his shed. I think he'd be interested in NEVER SURRENDER. I wonder if the library has it....

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally
Good Morning!
What a fabulous You know I am going to have to ask you to put my name please for the first book. I have started reading more..:o) finding the time and I know its because of blogland again. I tell you...and the 900 plus page book I've been reading off and on is moving right along (I'm over 700 pages). I think that book sounds very interesting.

Thank you...good luck to us all and good luck to me too!
Have a great day.

Missy Wertz said...

Good morning Sally! What a great givaway! I am going to post it on my blog. Please put my name in for "Never Surrender". My DH and I will both enjoy that one.

I hope that you are having a good day!

Crystal Adkins said...

HI Sally! I just came across your blog a few weeks ago and have been lurking, but I would love to win these books! I am an avid reader and am trying to get hubby in the swing of it :) Please do enter me. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Morning, Sallyness! What giveaways!! Well, my Mr. Precious loves military and biographies and I think he'd like the "Never Surrender" book. Put my name in!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Libby's Library said...

Sally - IO think that my husband would really enjoy reading Never Surrender. Thanks for the giveaway!

By-the-way, I'm new to blogdom - where do you get the cute pics ( like "Would it kill ya to comment" - I'd like to add that one to my blog), they are great.

bj said...

Dearest Sally girl...I am so sorry about not getting your email. I did send one to you about 5 minutes ago...explaining why I am late with sorry.
Be sure to let me know ON MY COMMENTS (i am away from home) if you didn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone!!!! And what a morning it is.

As for the giveaway...unlike my husband and son who only read if they have too...I love to read and would be so thrilled to be chosen. More readings for me!!!

please count me in for your giveaway!

sara said...

I would love to have either of these books, but the Josh Hamilton book would be one that my husband AND my teenage boys would read...all avid baseball players and lovers!!

count me in!

Gwendolyn said...

My husband LOVES to read, but oddly only reads in the bathroom. It's a good think he spends a lot of time in there. I think he would like the "Never Surrender" one, 'cause he's not very sporty what with all the reading that he does. You can reach me at Katesmom2 at aol dot com, not that I expect to win or anything because I NEVER DO. But just in case.

squawmama said...

Sally... Oh please do enter me too...They sound like great books... Thanks...Have a great day..



Salmagundi said...

Sally-- I know my husband would like the "Never Surrender" book. Count me in - salmagundiss (at) yahoo (dot) com. Sally

Killlashandra said...

The first book sounds wonderful. I bet I could get my husband to read that one too. :)

killlashandra at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Good morning and thanks for the comment. Not into those kinds of books but someone is going to feel blessed to win them! Have a great day!

Libby's Library said...

Let me get this right -


Sorry - I'm learning.

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Hi Sally, I would love to enter the giveaway as my hubby is a non reader and is also in the Special Forces!

Anyway, my sister visits every January and she lives in the States, so I qualify because you can send it there!

my email:

Have a wonderful day!

Grandma Faith said...

Good morning, Sally. I'm just catching up after being away for awhile. As always, I enjoyed reading your blog posts. Love, Faith

Hilda said...

I would love to win the book "Never Surrender," for my dear hubby, to give to him as a Christmas gift! Please! Thanks for your giveaway chance!
Take care,

Darlene said...

Hi Sally,

Please enter me for Beyond Belief that looks like the perfect book for someone I know.

akmunkus (at) cableone ( dot) net

Musings of A Minister said...

WOW! Wonderful gifts! I would love to read either or both of these books so I know my son would too. If I must choose, it will be the sports book. Clif

Anonymous said...

Wonderful books, Sally. Sign me up. I see my hubby just commented above. Guess I'll be in competition with him. LOL

Unknown said...

Sally, I don't need the books, but I just did a giveaway post and told people about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally,
What a great give away. I think my hubby would like the first book. I hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Sally what a sweet giveaway!!
Christmas is coming ... yikes!!
Put me down for the book Never Surrender.

Shimmy Mom said...

My hubby is what he calls a non-reader too. But he has read In the Company of Heroes, also a military inspired book so I know that he would love the first one you talked about. I would love to be entered. My info is shimmywith4 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks for the great gift ideas.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Sally
I think my husband would love to read "Beyound Belief," as he's an avid baseball fan, and I think he's read about the author and what happened to him after the baseball drat.



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

Hi Sally,

Please put me in for Beyond Belief - it really looks good...

my e-mail is:

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi again, Sally. I passed an award and a tag on to you on my Charlotte's Weblog blog and before I could finish posting it I received another award on my At Home in Scottsdale blog so passed that one along to the same people. You can check out the second one at

Anonymous said...

Hello Sally, I have been gone most of the day and I am glad I stopped by tonight. My dh would love to read Beyond Belief. Your reviews are wonderful. You know what you are doing girl. My e-mail is Thank you for a great give-a-way. I hope I'm lucky for my dh.

About my post, you know I did not vote foe Obama, but since he won I believe in giving him a chance. I was surprised he smokes. For as smart as he is supposed to be. It is not very smart to smoke.

Hugs, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name , my grandson, who is in the Air Force will be in Afganistan for Christmas, it would be the perfect gift to send to him. Thank You.


Re said...

great contest. i'd love to be entered to win :)

Kathy said...

Hi Sally!
I would love to enter your book give away! Great books!!
Kathy, Mimi's Garden

imjacobsmom said...

Hi Sally, I'll pass on the books this time, but I do have a really cute bookworm award for you! Pop on over and pick her (or him) up. ~ Robyn

nikkicrumpet said...

How do you pass on a book giveaway! I'd love to be entered in for the first one. I don't know if hubby would read it...but I sure would!

Sandy said...

Hi Sally

I never pass an opportunity to get a good book, my husband is a great reader and the budget is tight so thanks for your give away.

Bridget said...

Goodness, this is popular! Please add me to the hat for NEVER SURRENDER! I hope I win...fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally - what a wonderful and generous offer! Please include me in the drawing for either book - thank you!


dollfinii @

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally,
My e-mail address is cagunnells(at)comcast(dot)com Thanks :>)

Grandma Faith said...

You know my Bob is a good boy and he always wears his knickers. He said to tell you all he had on was what the Good Lord gave him, but that was not true, funny, but not true. I would like to try for the books, either one would be good for my grandson. I am Faith at I hope I did that right. Love, Faith

Vanessa said...

I found your blog a few weeks ago, and love it! I'd love to enter the drawing - bockoverve(AT)prodigy(DOT)net

Cathy said...

Please enter me again in your great giveaway, Sally. Thanks ~
