Dachshunds come in several colors: red (which really looks brown), black and tan, and chocolate. According to the AKC, they are standard or miniature size. Standards range from 16-32 pounds, while Miniatures weigh 11 pounds and under. They can be smooth or long-haired and brindle or dapple. This is a red long-haired.

Wirehaired Dachshunds are not as velvet-smooth as I like. They are cute, though.
Our daughter and her family have two--a male and a female. Here's Shirley and Lewis basking in the sunshine, one of their favorite things to do.

Our son and his family have one black and tan dachshund shown in this photo. Their doxie is a brindle, so he looks as if he has a few gray spots. He's older than our daughter's dogs, so his muzzle is getting gray.

A miniature dachshund lives several houses away from us. He looks very much like our most recent guy. Naturally, we ooh and aah every time we see little Remi being walked. One day as we drove into our driveway, I asked the owner if I could pet the dog. She brought him across the street.
After letting him smell my hand, I scratched behind his ears and around his neck. He loved it, and didn't want to leave. His owner actually had to pick him up! (I know how to scratch.)
Now, his owner tells me that whenever they're out for a walk and Remi hears our car, he tugs on his leash to come see me! Sweet. Dachshunds are so smart and such good judges of character! Are you a dog family? What kind of dog do you have?

A lovely little troop of daschies as I scroll down your blog. One of my close friends has two miniatures - Lulu and Mollie. They may be small but do they have attitude!
Oh I love dogs!But I cant have one as Hubby doesnt like them :( so I'll just fill my heart by looking at all the pretty ones in this post.
love ♥
We are definitely a dog loving family! We have a black long-haired doxie named Maddie and a Shih-Tzu named Bella. I wouldn't trade them for the world!
I have a black and tan, and he is my favorite. We got him as a rescue dog that was 5 lbs. under weight. He is 11 lbs. now When we got him he could bare;uy stand. They just want our love and help keep our blood presher down too! Kathy
Some day I'm going to get my hubby one. He's slightly obsessed with them. He wants a herd of them. It would take about 10 of them to equal the size of "my" dog now, so he deserves to have at least one. I know a lot of people with them and some that even breed them. He really likes the black and tan, but I can see us having some of each (except the wirehaired). Cute pics!!
Well.. of course Sal.. you know I have my two little Toy Poodles... they're adorable and I love them...
but back in 1976 a friend gave me a mini-doxie, which was absolutely adorable. I took her over to visit my Dad, who was suffering from terminal cancer. Dad fell in love with her... and I left her with him for the night... she never left his home after that. My Dad passed away 6-months later, with his little "Buffy" at his side... He had steps built by a friend so Buffy could get up on the hospital bed that Dad slept in at home... she would bring him frogs and lizards... and she kept him company when Mom had to be away from home.
Doxies will always have a very special place in my heart... thanks for the wonderful reminder.
blessings. Dixie
You are so right about dachshunds.
They are so smart. We used to dog sit one and fell in so much love.
We were considering buying one some time ago but ended up rescuing a ...get this...Husky instead! No comparison. But we loved our husky too.
We come fairly close to a dachshund now with our little chloe. She is a chihuahua/fox terrior mix with the markings of a dachshund face. Precious. Also a rescue dog.
Neat Post!
What sweet pictures of the doxies in your family. We've been without a dog for a while but that may change. We've had Labradors through the years and Bill is leaning toward another although a smaller dog (easier to carry when necessary) would be nice. I am letting him pick. If I go anywhere to choose a dog, I'll want them all!
and why have you NOT gotten another doxie? I know...they quickly become a member of the family...and it is heart breaking to lose them. We have lost two... both times I was devastated and spun into depression...to this day... I miss Lady, my first..even though we have 3 now. On a happier note.. today is Mitzi (black/tan short hair) and Daisy (black/tan long hair) 5th birthday... They are sisters from the same litter. We will have a party later... and they will be spoiled more today than usual....
These little dogs are so sweet. Have you ever considered getting another? You could join Dogs On Thursday ♥ We are a dog family too. We have always had schnauzers because of my oldest son's allergies. My son also has a schnauzer. I think pets bring out the best in us. They are so much fun and keep us young. Well I'm off to write my Dogs On Thursday post LOL I hope you have a great day ♥
Doxies are cute, we've never had one. Our favorite breed is German Shepard. DS no.1 even ordered one from a Lady in Germany when he returned from active duty in Germany. She was a beautiful Black German Shepard. We have had several.... lost our Ty-Ty last year and I still greive for him. DH has Beagles and thy are extremely smart and loveable. And of course my sweet Chi-Chi is a mixed up little bundle of joy. Also love many breed we have had Black Labs, Bassetts, Pugs.
Cute doggies! We don't have a dog but always wanted one. When our youngest son left for university, I wanted to get a pooch but then the grandchildren started coming. We were much too busy after that and we were never home to care for a dog. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day.
Oh, Sally....I SO enjoyed this post! When I got to the pictures of your daughters two, I was AWWWing all over the place....the look like Sophie!
I have to say, we have had several breeds of dogs, but my dauchshunds are by far the most loyal, fun, trusting breed of dogs we have had. So, I will stick to the dauchshund breed...my only problem is not getting another to add to our two we already have!
Once again, delightful post...loved it....infact, I read it twice!!
Lordie...I just reread my comment, and so sorry, I have not had my coffee, and misspelled dachshund not once but twice...that is what I get for typing too fast and no caffiene in my system...at least I am hoping that is the excuse..sorry.
We're dogless, and I couldn't be happier. I had dogs growing up, and we had a dog while our kids were at home; but in all of those years I never really bonded. Guess, it just isn't my thing. Sally
Loved the pictures of your dogs. We do not have a dog. We think about it--and then we think again. No dog!
Ahhh. That was the sweetest story.
It really is true that dogs are able to judge character and know, they just do, those who love them back.
Kathy b
We have had three basset hounds over the years and currently have one bassett and one Hein*z 57 rescue.
My sister and her husband are dachshund lovers too. They currently have 4 of them as they also do dachshund rescue.
We are a dog family and have two toy poodles. I am an animal person and can't imagine not having some kind of dog or cat.
Cute, I'd be lost without my three girls
My little darling was a beagle I loved her like she was my own hairy child.
No pet in the house since she passed away but someday I may get a kitty, right now I travel too much and it would not be fair.
I've never had a Dachshund, but I think they are adorable ~ especially the way they run through the house carrying their favorite toys in their mouth. So cute and fun*! _Ashley*
I've got a Pug and a Carolina Dog.
I;m heading over to check out the new book!
It seems in the US the variety of dogs are soooo much larger than here in T&T.
So why dont you go ahead and get another? You obviously have the love and talent and experience needed to be a dog owner.
I would love to own a dachsund, or a minature dog, but what do I have? A rottewieler!
Hubby and son love him, he really is a sweet dog, we owned his mother too, but she passed away, recently he developed cancer and we were advised to put him down, well we refused and he had surgery and chemo, and is now recuperating, my son is sooo happy that we made the effort for his beloved 'Ceasar'. It is truly wonderful to see them together.
Sorry about this long post-like comment!
Cute photos! My mom had dachshunds for years, and they definitely are sweet dogs. As a child, I had a miniature fox terrier and really love that breed. But I'm married to a guy who's a real cat person, and we've always had kitties - although at present we're pet-less. So even though I'd love it to happen, I don't think a dog is in our future.
I love dogs, Sally. Those are so cute. After my last one died of cancer, I have not gotten another one. I really can't afford another pet, but have taken in two cats!
Hi Sally,
We had a red doxie we called Lucy..it broke our hearts when she died!
We can't decide whether to get another one or not...
I enjoyed this post!
We are going to start looking next month for our dog. I'm getting exciting. My daughter adopted a dog last month and he's a cutie.
Are you hoping to get another one.
take care,
We have 2 BIG dogs . A rottweiler, who is a big baby and his sidekick is a boxer.Both of them big babies !
What a enjoyable post! Dogs, any dogs, make my heart beat a little faster ~ in a GOOD way. I've a maltese-poodle mix "daughter" who's pushing 9 yrs., and still behaves like a puppy. Hands-down, Caraleigh's my best friend.
Ahhh, we had a red standard doxie when I was growing up, them my parents had a black & tan after I was married. They're so sweet! My DIL has a wire haired doxie & a lab that I get to walk for them.
As you probably know, I have 5 dogs. A black cocker spaniel, a peke/pom/? mix - mom was a 7 lb girl & Bailey is 25 lbs..., 2 female Chihuahua's and a Norwich or Cairn terrier/chihuahua mix. ☺ Diane
Well, you know that I'm a Schnauzer girl, but my nephew has the cutest mini-doxie named Gus. We wanted him to name him Dixie because his last name is Johnson. Did you ever hear that song by Peter Himmelman? It's called Dixie the Tiny Dog. ~ Robyn
We are definitely a dog family. I don't have a particular breed that is a favorite, just smaller dogs that can lay on the couch with me, and they have to have hair, not fur, as I'm allergic to fur. My sister has a dachapoo who is the cutest dachshund/poodle ever. He has soft long marmalade colored hair. He's 15 years old and blind, but a very good boy.
I can't believe I've barely been online this week, Sally. Great day at the doctor's Tues., but I didn't get home until 8 PM!
I had half of one when I was a kid, half beagle. Love them. On AFV they always show dachshunds and I giggle every time I see one.
Right now we have a dog who is half bassett hound and half black lab.
Have a good weekend.
You know I'm a dog lover too. That is so cute about the neighbor's dog!
That's a sweet story. It's amazing how families can get stuck on a breed of dog, it's like they were just meant to be together. How sweet Remi remembers you all the time too. :)
Oh, your dogs are so sweet. We have always been a dog family, and usually have more than one dog in our home. We have lost some dogs recently, and right now we only have one Eng. Setter, and she is a wonderful dog. A friend, who lived down the street from me when I was growing up, had a dachshund named "SAM", and he was always one of my favorite dogs. When SAM died, there was a lot of grieving in my neighborhood. laurie
Awww, so sweet... I love dachshunds! We are a cat family right now with our one spoiled furboy. Since our Basset Hound passed away a few years back, we just haven't gotten another dog. I don't think we could get another sweetie like our Tamiami was. Still miss her.
Love your dog shots!:o)
This post made me smile Sally.
I have my 3 little faithfuls beside me. I was never a dachshund fan, not sure why? I fell in love with my first one at a fancy dog store. She was the little mascot. Her name is Stella Artoise. Just the sweetest little long haired girl.
Will you be getting another dog? They sure do tie one down. Randy and I have a very hard time going away more than a couple days. Colt, my 16 yr. old is the only one that knows how to care for them.. high maintenance, since i cook for them, and Bella has to be right next to me or else...
Little NeNe (the little fluff ball from Fla.) is doing very well. She's enjoying getting spoiled by my sister and BIL. She's a bundle of joy.
Happy Blue Monday...I'm still on a break.
Love Claudie
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