We went out for lunch last Saturday to a local restaurant named Beverly Hills Cafe.

I spotted this magnificent bouganvilla growing on their outdoor patio. My pictures are taken from my seat inside the restaurant. The blue you see is the awning.
I downloaded this from the internet because you deserve a better look. Of course, this is a different plant in a different color.

Bouganvillas are thorny vines that bloom year round. Right now, they are especially showy.

You know, I've always seen them at garden stores, but I've never tried to grow one myself...I think the time has come! They're gorgeous!
Goodmorning my sweet Sally!This is beautiful.Hope you have a great day! Blessings, faye
Now Sally... you know Bouganvillas only bloom year round in Florida... right?! LOL
We have Bouganvillas the same color as those at the resturant, just outside our sanctuary door at church... and they're blooming just beautifully this year...
guess I'd better get a photo to post!
Love them through your window view...
blessings. Dixie
Those are beautiful, my sister can grow Bouganvillas, but I never have any luck.
One of my most favorite plants. I love the ones that are multicolored. Thanks for sharing this one!
we had those at my house growing up...always beautiful!!!
btw, I received my book..thanks! My son grabbed it up and was so excited. Now I have to wait till he is done to read it myself!!
I know they're common in some places but I see them as exotic....
It is gorgeous! I bought one at our Earth Day celebration. It is still alive and looks gorgeous so that is a good thing! It is the first time I have ever had one.
They are beautiful plants. :) It's nice to see so many pretty flowers blooming in the spring.
Hi Sally-
You're right, bouganvillas are so showy...our neighbors' are so big, it grows over their fence and to ours so it looks like we have a bougainvilla plant as well.
I have always loved the bouganvillas for their showy color and ease in growing. That hot pink is my favorite color for them too.
Very pretty!
We love bougainvilleas. We have several of them in our yard. Have a great day.
looks like a stunning plant... will have to think about putting some in my yard. Thanks for posting about them.
Bouganvillas are gorgeous right now, I love those hot pink ones at your restaurant. happy OW, Kathy.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Sally! The bouganvilla is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Beautiful and a perfect time of year for a photo. Thank you for sharing with us.
Hi Sally,
I think bouganvillas are beautiful plants ,and I don't know why i haven't tried growing them. Maybe next year. Thank you for sharing the pics.
Love the decal of the restaurant!!
I love this time of year and how beautiful the spring flowers are. I always think I should bring my camera with me, but I don't.
take care,
Love them, they are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Sally I commented this morning but blogger was acting up again!
I love bouganvillas, they are very plentiful here as you could imagine, yet I dont have any, hubby says they get out of control, I decided to just get some in pots!
Your pics of them are lovely.
This is nice Sally, because I have only heard of bouganvilla~never have seen it. It is pretty! I wonder if it grows only in the South...
Have a wonderful week! :-D
These are so beautiful. They don't grow well out in West Texas because of the dry, hot winds. These are just perfect...
Hi Sally, I am commenting so late but I haven't had much time for the computer. The bouganvilla is a beautiful plant. However, I dislike the thorns and the way they grow like crazy. I do admire the gorgeous colors though. Your pics from the restaurant are great, taken through the window.
It is such a stunning plant. I love how tissue thing the petals are. The thorns are wicked though!
Beautiful flower!! :-)
Hello again Sally! ;-)
They are beautiful plants. I remember having one at our family home as a little girl. We kept it trimmed in a GIANT ball almost to the roof of the house. Boy, did I hate picking up all those trimmings with those nasty thorns.
Beautiful Sally. I love Bouganvillas--but don't have any. Maybe one day I will!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Betsy--who is catching up after vacation
Hi Sally
The flowers are beautiful in either colour. They are in bloom all year is a bonus.
thank you for sharing
have a lovely day
The bottom one is the one we see the most around here. One of ours is like that one. We had tons of bouganvilla around our church Hubby pastored last. The purplish color was there too. The church office was on a lower level. The church was on the side of a hill. There was a long ramp that went from the street level down to the lower level, and it was so beautiful with all the bouganvilla.
I just finished reading If Tomorrow Never Comes. It was a great book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I know you're busy busy busy getting ready to move.
O, sweetie Sally, How WONDERFUL that your beautiful home sold so quickly. With a back yard view that you have, I sure can see why it was a treat for someone. Congratulations !!!!
I am glad I got by to read that post because yesterday, I was out of pocket...I will wait until you let me know about where to mail this package I have all ready for you...
Good good luck on finding a rental until you decide just where in the town you might want to buy...that's what we did...
xo bj
Pretty. I just read your last post too and Good Luck on the move. We moved back east from CA to be 10 mins away from our daughter. She is now hoping to move to a bigger home but in the same area. My son is a plane ride away but there is nothing like living by all or some of your kids. It is all about family. I am so excited that you sold so fast. Isn't it exciting starting a new chapter of your life? Have fun with the move.
My mother had a gorgeous Bouganvilla plant at their home in Arizona...it was huge and the brightest pink you ever saw.......she tore it out because it was "messy"....I couldn't believe she would see a plant that beautiful and consider it messy. I keep her away from my garden whenever she visits lol
Hi Sally
Fabulous post .
I wish I could get my Bouganvilla
to bloom like this one.
It came out to early this year when we had ice and it is just now getting ready to bloom again.
You would think in Texas this would be the perfect outdoor plant,but evey now and again we get a little bit of ice,sleet,or snow in late winter or early spring that prevents this.
Thank you for the great photos.
Hope your getting extra rest before you have to move .
Blessings to you.
First congratulations on the sale of your home. May you find exactly what your looking for Sally.
Second, I have to tell you that when I hear the word: Bouganvilla my face and neck and body go into convulsions. Why you ask? Seven years ago we rented a house in Scottsdale. I planted the beautiful shrub in a little area near the pool. All seemed well, until the pool man told the landlady that we had a "Bouganvilla" in the yard....she went ballistic on us. We had to immediately
pull it out or else... we were to leave. Can you imagine our horror? Here we were with 3 kids, new surroundings, no friends yet, and a crazy lady informing us that it is the "worse" shrub to plant near a pool.....so be it. We pulled everything out, stayed the year and left the crazy lady with her home.
Hope your rental is a sweet experience.
Had to share this little story with you Sally.
Love Claudie
Sheila :-)
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