Susan is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors. If you'd like to join in, click
here for instructions.
Even though I keep this plant inside the house, you can see a bit of our outdoors. When my mother died, ten years ago, my good friend sent me this Peace Lily plant. It had several blooms at the time. I've kept it in this spot since then. It blooms nearly all year 'round, usually with three blooms at a time.

Now that we're leaving and temporarily going into an apartment rental, we'll have no room for plants, and I'm not even sure it'd make the trip. Therefore, I gave this plant back to my friend in the hope that she'll have years of pleasure with it.

Peace Lily? I haven't heard of such a flower before...hmmm...what a beautiful name!!!! :):)
But one thing...it isn't exactly outdoors, is it??? hee hee hee.... :)
I have one that was sent from our church when Dad died. Right now it needs a good shower. That is how I prefer to dust them...
Goodmorning Sally.The peace lilly is beautiful.I got one when mama passed away.I love them. Have a great day! Blessings, Faye
Hi Sallyness! I love that Peace Lilly and it is a pretty one. My Daddy passed away in 1997 and I was given one of these. Well, I placed the pot in my flower bed and it's been there all these years, still looking pretty good and it have 3 blooms on it now! There is some little creature who like to chew on the leaves though. Probably a snail.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Sally, that is a mighty sweet gesture to give your beautiful plant to a friend. But you are a sweet lady. Hope the moving is going well for you.
Happy OW!
Sheila... who has decided to grow gills if the rain keeps up! ;-)
I, too, have several Peace Lillies from when my mom passed away almost 9 years ago. They are so easy to take care of...one of my favorite plants for that reason.
I received one from a neighbor when we moved here, but, unfortunately, it didn't survive as well as yours did.
Oops! Must've forgot mu url above.
Peace lillies are such a beautiful plant. Hope all the packing is going well.
The kids gave me one for my birthday, last year. It's doing fairly well, on the back porch (for summer), with the care of J, the real gardener at our house.
Your Peace Lily is beautiful!
Hi Sally,
Love peace lilly,I still have one that i have had for years, I find they are very forgiving plants. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Sal!!Happy Outdoor Wednesday!! The peace lilies are pretty!We have them in our garden but didn't know they were called so :)
♥ Chaitra
Beautiful plant. I'm sorry it can't move with you. I'm glad you gave it back to your friend.
Aw, Sally, sorry you can't take your pretty plant with you. But I know your friend will enjoy it.
You're so sweet to give that big, gorgeous plant back to your friend. I had one, but a couple of times outside burned the leaves - it wasn't outside very long either! I have a black thumb for peace lilies... ☺ Diane
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Sally! Maybe your friend can simply hold onto it for awhile... until she can get it back to you! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
What a lovely peace lily. I love them because they are very forgiving. I hope you will have a chance to have another one!
Hi Sally, I have scrolled down to find out why you are moving and I still do not know. I missed it somehow. Too much traveling and before that company. I love your peace plant and I have one for the same reason. Our friends sent it when my dh's mom died. I cherish it too.
I am sending you an email right now.
Oh Sally, I'm sorry you won't have room for plants for awhile. Hopefully, whoever you give them to will take good care of them and enjoy them... That Peace Lily is a beautiful plant.
I hope your Peace Lily has a long and wonderful life with your friend as it has with you! How nice of you to give it back.
I had a plant a few years ago that seemed to live forever. My husband loved it so much I bought him wind chimes for his birthday one year that has the leaves and the flowers of the plant as the chimes. It is ceramic so it can't be outside. Sadly, the plant died.
Have a great week! :-)
Your Peace Lily must be happy! I think that's the only time they bloom. ☺
Sally, thank you for sending me the link. I am not surprised your beautiful home sold so quickly. It has happened to us twice and now the packing rush is on. You poor thing. I am sure you will be happy in Central Florida. We lived there for several years and loved it. Being closer to our children is why we moved there. You won't be sorry, I am certain. Best wishes with your move and I love visiting your blog so I will always visit when I can.
Yours is so beautiful and so meaningful too. We received two when we lost Bill's Mom and dad. Both are growing and blooming but I have a little kitty that thinks they each make a perfect snack! : ( They are one of the plants safe to have near cats and our older cat has never been a problem. Our Henry is! I have moved them into spots he doesn't frequent but even thought he nibbles, the Peace Lilies thrive!
Great peace lily! We have a few from when my FIL and grandmother died 3 years ago. I like that they are relatively easy to care for! :) Hope your friend will enjoy it as well!
Best of luck with your packing! The floor plan of your new home looks like a great layout!
THANKS so much for the book from the giveaway! I can't wait to read it....browsed through it and it looks really interesting! :) I appreciate it so much! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
Your patio looks relaxing and pretty calla lilies!...Christine
We've had plants like this one. I like them. We moved several of our plants from CA to AZ 20 years ago when we moved here in the back seat of our car. We still have a ficus tree in our family room. It has grown a lot and is my favorite house plant.
Happy Moving,
A Peace Plant. I like the name and your friend is such a dear to give this to you in times where you might have needed just that.
Is it weird if I say it makes me sad that you won't be ale to bring the plant with you? it has so much sentimental value.But I guess it's also nice knowing that it'll go in a wonderful home.
You have taken such good care of it. I'm sure your friend will enjoy having it. laurie
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