Ah, but the guard hasn't read it yet.
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Many are asking how I'm managing the packing/moving. Johnny and I are doing it the same way an ant eats a sugar cube: bit by bit. We've done a bunch, and we have a mountain more to go.
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I know you still have a lot more packing to do...my goodness, Bill and I have been in this same house almost 34 years...if I had to move, I think I would fall down and die, right there on the spot.
I'd probably tell the kids and grands to come get what they want, then hold a giant estate sale and move just what we needed to survive. Only 2 sets of clothing each..that way, I could wash one every other day!! hahaa..
Good luck!!
Sally, Maybe BJ has a good idea, but I don't think I could do it.
You were right about my post...but I have it as a poem. Don't work to hard.
Have a great day.
Good morning Sally,
Take it step by step. I don't blame you. I don't envy you either. Have a Happy Sunday.
If the guard only knew! Hope your move goes well. My Pastor used to say,"How to you eat an elephant?"
"One bite at a time!"
Hoping that elephant gets smaller every day!
GM Sally...good luck with the packing..girl I have been here almost 22 years and it took me 3 months to move into this house...I'm with BJ...let the kids have it ha ha!! May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Cute and so true. He needs to read!!.
Packing is a big big job. After you're all finished there will be a huge sigh of relief.
Cute cartoon as always.
Happy Spiritual Sundays and Memorial Day.
Cute one! I hope you are having a day of rest today.
Happy Sunday, B.
Hi Sally, Hope you and hubby take some time over this holiday weekend to relax a little. I know you hare a huge job ahead of you!!! Good Luck.
Have a great day --and Memorial Day..
Good cartoon!...I thought, "Sally will not read this long post (Probably didn't have to since you have heard it before) and she will just make a short comment. However, this is the longest comment you have ever made on my blog. LOL I also thought how would the teller of the story know what the teacher thought. And I accept your feelings. But I do think there are teacher's out there who may not be too tired to feel joy when grading papers and also a little disgust OCCASIONALLY. Get back to packing. You don't have time for this.
He is the Word. To read it is to fall in love with HIM.
Great post, Sally. Hope you are able to rest a bit this long weekend.
Sally - I knew that you had both knees replaced, but I didn't know about the back surgery. You're a better woman, than I am...that would have put me right over the edge.
Good luck with the packing AND don't lift anything too heavy!
What a cute cartoon! I wish you lots of luck with all your packing that needs to be done.
God Bless,
That's a cute cartoon, I hadn't seen that one before!
cute! where do you find these?
cute comic
Good luck with all the work packing and moving...I agree...just give it all to the kids! I helped clean out my Mother and Dad's house and, what a job it is! Rest up a little on this Memorial Day weekend. Love the cartoons, too!
Hi Sally,
oh my, I really dislike packing but love unpacking, it will all be over before you know it.
Have a lovely day!
I don't envy you the packing, but it is a good time to sort through things.
Amen to what you said, Sally!
Sheila :-)
Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I visited you! I didn't realize you were moving, and here you are with the house sold already! That is wonderful that it went so quickly!
I checked out the floor plans of your new home, and it will be just fantastic! It looks like a wonderful layout.
I wish you much luck with the moving process...it is one of my least favorite things to do!
Very cute. Blessings
It will be done in the Lord's good time. Try not to work too hard.
Ha ha ah ahah ahah ha haha ah ahah ah ha ha ha ah ah ah! ha ha ah ah ahah ! Ok, I totally got this one!!!
UGH! Packing!
I don't envy you a bit right now - hope all goes well and you see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!
Great cartoon. It is so true though - Some people try to put their own spin on what the Bible says - but if they would REALLY take a look at it, they would fall to their knees in repentance for their complacency!
Thanks for sharing!
Hope you are able to take a few breaks from packing to put your feet up and enjoy the day today.
Blessings to you,
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