A combo of two suggestions by: Heidi and by litlove Have you ever been a member of a book club? How did your group choose (or, if you haven’t been, what do you think is the best way to choose) the next book and who would lead discussion?
Do you feel more or less likely to appreciate books if you are obliged to read them for book groups rather than choosing them of your own free will? Does knowing they are going to be read as part of a group affect the reading experience?
I've been a member of two book clubs--both met once a month, at night. The first consisted of a group of English teachers; we met at the home of the leader/instigator, ate dinner, and then discussed the book. Usually, she would spread a few books from the NY Times best selling list on her coffee table and make short observations about each. Although our hostess encouraged everyone to make suggestions, she selected the next title to be read. Likewise, our hostess led the discussions; however, we had good participation from all members.
I widened my reading by participating in this group and even when I did not agree with an opinion, I felt enriched by the discussions. It enhanced my reading experience.
My church held the second book club. The leader, a person chosen by default, selected the books to read. Discussions were less defined, with some members content to just listen. Several times, a member would state that she had not read, completed, or obtained the book; what a downer.
We focused on Christian Fiction, and once again, I widened my enjoyment of reading by discovering the wealth of new authors available. Ever since the age of five, when I got my first library card, I have loved reading, and it has increased with both of these book club experiences.
What has been your book club experiences?
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