Thursday, December 11, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Time

1. Do you get to read as much as you WANT to read? (I’m guessing #1 is an easy question for everyone.)

2. If you had (magically) more time to read–what would you read? Something educational? Classic? Comfort Reading? Escapism? Magazines?

My Response:
Since I am retired, I do have more time to read. And yet, I would like to have even more time to read, and with more reading time, I'd read exactly what I choose to read when I do have time. In other words, I'd read novels, primarily Christian Fiction novels. I'd guess that would fall under the category of comfort reading.

How about you? If you had more time, would you spend it reading?


squawmama said...

Good Morning Sally... As most know I love to read and have a good amount of time to do so now that we are retired... I love most all books... Have a great reading day...


Unknown said...

If I had more time to read, I'd read more of T.D.Jakes books. I read reposition yourself and it helped me a whole lot!!

Anonymous said...

If I could I would read a lot more I am retired too but I have 3 other adults in the house I am responsible for and that keeps me busy.If I had my rathers... I would read the Who Dunnits!!I love a good mystery.
Yes I would read instead of watching TV which I dont do much of anyway.

Linda said...

I enjoy reading but if I start a book that doesn't keep my interest I quit and start another one. There are too many books to waste time reading something that doesn't interest you. I love mysteries and Christian fiction.

tammy said...

I definitely would like more time to read. Lately it seems the only time I get is when I'm sitting in the parent pick-up line at the school. But I try to get there early so I have more time to read. And I love fiction, mostly mystery crime stories, but also some Nicholas Sparks and often just what's on the Bestsellers List.

Unknown said...

I have missed reading as much as I used to. One of the things that has taken up my reading time is the computer. LOL

I have a hard time limiting myself on it!


Needled Mom said...

Guess if I had more reading time it would have to be long novels. I love for my books to last a long time - as long as they are good.

Alice said...

I'd definitely spend more time reading, Sally.

One can never get enough of reading... :)

Knitty said...

I read a bit of everything except for science fiction and Harlequin-type romances. I would feel lost if I didn't a book nearby and usually a few magazines too.

If I had more time I think I would read the classics that were lost on me when I was much younger. While I've always loved books, I didn't always have patience with sentence structure and phrasing that weren't "current". Now I am on the opposite side of the fence. I can read text messages, but I don't text and other than a few shortcuts like LOL, I can't bring myself to shorten everything to a few consonants.

Gwendolyn said...

Oh, yes! I could read all day if these pesky children would stop needing to eat.

nikkicrumpet said...

This whole blogging thing has really cut down on my reading time. I'm torn because I LOVE to read...but I LOVE blogging too! If I had more time to read then I'd need my favorite authors to WRITE FASTER! Brad Thor, Harlan Coben, Kyle MIlls, Greg Isles, Evanovich, Koontz...Yikes the list goes on and on!

Darlene said...

I could basically say the same thing as Nikki! I do love to comfort read, almost always fiction and love magazines too. Right now I am really behind on my magazine reading....I probably need to cancel a few subscriptions!

Shimmy Mom said...

Of course I wish I had more time to read. And I would choose the comfort reading too. I'm really into the classics right now. But I also like Christian books and historical fiction.

Dawn said...

I don't feel like I have enough time. I do most of my reading in the summer. I read for pure joy!!

take care,

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I tend to be drawn to nonfiction, although when I find a good work of fiction, I can't put it down. I have a novel on hold at the library right now which came highly recommended by my daughter. I have books in almost every room of the house propped open to save my place ... nightstand, bathroom, spare room, living room, etc.!

ShannonW said...

Thank you for visiting me.

Ophelia said...

Hi Sally! How I wish I could have more time to just read, read, and read! Still a long time for me before I will be retired. But for now, I am enjoying as much reading as time allows. I posted my responses to the BTT on my blog. Feel free to check it out! Happy reading!

Lorrie said...

I definitely wish I had more time to read. I love fiction, Christian fiction, John Grisham....oh the list goes on and on!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sally, unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to read any more, and when I do, I like to read historical biographies. I've been a fairly prolific reader for most of my life, at least my childhood and adult life... during my mid-teens, I wasn't as avid, preferring boys and horses. ;-)

I should be doing more Bible Study than I do. It seems that I have a burning desire to get closer and closer to the Lord, and what better way than to immerse yourself in the Word!

It's nice to meet other Christians like you online.



Anonymous said...

Hello Sally, we traveled to Raleigh, NC. today to visit our son for a few days since we won't see him this Christmas. I won't be able to visit as we have a million things planned. I'll catch up when I get home.

I love to read and probably the most of the books I read would fall in the comfort reading.

See you in a few days. I pre-posted some posts for the next couple of days.

The store I showed today is not all that expensive and I love to go there. It does look very extravagant but it is reasonable.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get inspired to do this one as the only answers I could come up with were #1: No and #2: Yes, everything I already read, only more.

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

This is such a lovely ornament!

~ Gabriela ~

YaYa's Funhouse said...

I read in your profile you like the song "It is Well With My Soul". My husband and his brothers sing that together. It is very moving song.
It is one of my favs also.
God Bless

Julia said...

You're so lucky to be retired. You get to spent more times reading then I do. I so wish to be where you are now ;)

By the way, I love the stories/post you've done on your blog about Christmas stuff. It wonderful to see how you guys decorate your trees :)

And thanks for visiting my blog! I wish you and your family a Happy Holidays!