Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T'was a Florida Christmas

To find wreaths of holly, t'was not very hard,
for holly trees grew in every back yard.
In front of the houses, Dads and Moms were
adorning the bushes and coconut palms.

The sleeping kiddies were dreaming in glee,
hoping to find water skis under the tree.
They all knew that Santa was well on his way,
in a Mercedes-Benz, instead of a sleigh.

And soon he arrived and started to work,
he hadn't a second to linger or shirk.
He whizzed up the highways and zoomed up the road,
in a S-L 300, delivering his loads.

The tropical moon gave the city a glow,
and lighted the way for old Santa below.
As he jumped from the auto he gave a wee chuckle,
he was dressed in Bermudas with an Ivy league buckle,

There weren't any chimneys, but that caused no gloom,
for Santa came in through the Florida room.
He stopped at each house....stayed only a minute,
emptying his sack of stuff that was in it.

Before he departed, he treated himself
to a glass of papaya juice upon the shelf.
He turned with a jerk and bounced to the car,
remembering he still had to go very far.

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town,
no noses were frozen, no snow fluttered down,
no children in flannels were tucked into bed,
they all wore shorty pajamas instead.

He shifted the gears and stepped on the gas
and up Highway 436 he went like a flash.
And I heard him exclaim as he went on his way,


Anonymous said...

AWESOME post and so true. But, I would love to have a White Christmas. I just feel for the ones that have had to endure those storms, don't want to live in that. I wish you a very Merry Christmas.


bj said...

Ah, Sweet Sally, this is, by far, the cutest NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS poem I've ever do come up with the cutest poems.
I hope you have such a Merry Christmas and a lot of blessings thru the coming new year.
love, bj

Eleanor said...

The weather in Florida sounds like here. All are in shorty pj's too! But we had a noisy rain storm last night. I love your beautiful banner. Be blessed, dear Sal, this Christmas. lovely to know you!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

This is adorable, Sally! Merry Christmas to you, my Florida friend!


Sheila :-)

sara said...

That was so cute!!! Could almost be applied to here since it is going to be 60 degrees today!!

Merry Christmas!

Libby's Library said...

Merry Christmas Sally. May you enjoy many many more.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sally to you and your family. Enjoy...
I enjoyed your Florida poem....but I do enjoy the snow today...and tomorrow...then I'm set!

Linda said...

Wishing you and your family and Merry Christmas!!!

Don't know how Santa is going to manage his sleigh up here because the temperatures are to reach the 60's tomorrow and 70's on Saturday.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

That is very cute! Did you write that?!

squawmama said...

Sally this was the cutest post of the day... Thanks so much for the little chuckle... Since I am here in Florida with you I can really appreciate it... Have a Very Merry Christmas


LADY JANE said...

Sally,I love it! And girls...I will be happy to have you ALL here this year for a White Christmas...I shall set a place for all of you! You can enjoy the ice covered branches,my neighbor babies frolicking in the snow,pack your thermals,we will make snow angels and snowmen...oh and bring a shovel and an ice pick...we'll need to clear more space for parking! Blessings to you and yours Sally!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Good Morning, Christmas Eve, to you, Sally! Cute post! Our weather jumps from 40 to 70 from day to day! We are stradling the weather fence! LOL!

Hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Oh, and I enjoyed the video below...pretty funny! :)

Unknown said...

Great Post, I like how you made it warm!

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

Anonymous said...

What a cute. I wonder if any of the kiddies in Florida wonder how Santa will get in. I used to wonder that. We never had a fireplace when I was a kid. My mother always assured me that he could come in the door and he always did.
Have a blessed Christmas.

Shimmy Mom said...

Have a very merry Christmas Sally!!

jlshall said...

And here I was thinking Santa drove a Ferrari in Florida. That is a great post, Sally! Hope you and your family have a happy, safe, and sunny Christmas.

nikkicrumpet said...

Too funny Sally....I wish I could be there too! Have a very Merry and toasty warm Christmas!!! All the very best to your family!

Bridget said...

Have a sunny Christmas. Go swimming and make the rest of us jealous! LOL
Merry Christmas Sally! Hugs, Bridget

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

ah Sally, that poem was so cute ! Have a blessed Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sally. I have been trying all day to get to your post Your version of The Night Before Christmas, is so cute. Fl. has it's charm, especially in the winter.

The weather here today is windy and pouring rain. It is cold too. We just came home from church and poor Bill was drenched before he got to our car. The fireplace is warming him up.

I still have presents to wrap. Just a few. I hope your Christmas is happy and you are with your family. Christmas blessings to you and your loved ones.

Have a great 2009...Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Evening, Sally, I know that's the Santie who's coming to see us! That was such a cute little Night Before Christmas! I'm not sure what day in June I started bloggin - be we'll just claim we're bloggin twins! Have the merriest of Christmases.
Be a sweetie,

artis1111 said...

Bessssssssst wishes for Christmas . Joy to all . Kathy

Cathy said...

That's really cute, Sally, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Cute poem! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Sally!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Sally. God bless you and yours!

Patty said...

I love Santa surfing! I hope you & your family have a very Nerry Christmas, Sally!! xoxox, Patty

Neabear said...

That is cute! Maybe some year we will actually spend Christmas in Florida with our son and his family. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!