Today's cartoon brings up a valid point. Bunnies, chicks, and eggs began to denote new birth, as in the new birth in Christ. Why do Christians allow our religious holidays to become so warped?
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Good point, Sally ... So much importance is put on new clothes for Easter and Easter baskets filled with toys and candy that the real reason we celebrate is sometimes forgotten. The same thing is true at Christmas, too, on an even larger scale ...
Sally, I agree with you, and what a great point this cartoon has.
God Bless,
Totally agree!! I always look for your meaningful cartoons, and as always I leave truly blessed!
Thank you for sharing, and for visiting you always leave such encouraging comments.
You are so right, we have let our Special days be highjacked, by all the clutter.
Thanks for sharing.
Right to the point! (Still praying)
Hello Sally...
Good question, my friend! And the cartoon would be funny if it weren't so true!
Have a blessed & restful Sunday!
Warmest wishes,
Oh,Sally, you have a way of teaching us with humor but making such valid points.
Wishing you a wonderful Sunday!
Sally your blog has so much truth to the things that you write about. None of the holidays are celebrated in the right spirit anymore. It is all about getting.I remember as a child there wasn't alot of anything for Christmas, Easter or any other holiday but I was brought up to know our gracious God and live my life for him..
Thanks for the beautiful post and for visiting my blog Sally you are truly an inspiration to me.Please
thanks for the advice,
You have the most wonderful awards on your blog.You are a very special person.
I'm with you there, Sally! We never promoted the Easter bunny when our boys were growing up. They got their chocolate on Saturday and that was that. They always knew the real reason we were celebrating Easter. Thanks for sharing and Happy Sunday!
So true. Sometimes we do get lost in all the other stuff that our focus gets blurred. Have a blessed day.
Hi Sally... this is a wonderful post... Since marrying into Ricky's family, I've received a little grief from his adult children at my "lack" of participation in the holiday festivities... Especially Christmas. My point is, as Christians, we allow these other things to become part of our religious observance because it is easier that pushing back and saying "no... not in my house"...
We each have to choose what to participate in and what to eliminate... I think it's easier when there are no small children at home...
The older I get, the better I am at saying "no"... not always the easiest... but always what I think I can live with.
blessings for the week ahead.
hugs. Dixie
I always look forward to your Spiritual Sunday posts. I agree with you. I like bunnies, eggs, etc, as much as anybody, but I think in America they get more attention than the true meaning of Easter.
As Clif said, "still praying."
Hi Sally, you posed a very good question. I think it is the American way to elaborate on every holiday. Easter eggs chicks etc. goes back a very long ways in history. The Germans have so many vintage Easter things that tell a story of how far we go back. I am going to check that on Google. LOL.
It is such a hard thing. I love the Lord and know that Christmas and Easter are all about Him. But then I am one of those homemakers who loves to decorate my home by the month with themes and here is where Santa and the Easter Bunny and dare I say a Jack-o-lantern enter the picture. I don't know what the answer is. I have friends who think you have to stay away from the "worldly" things and friends who say it is a decoration that means no more than any other home decors and don't give it any spiritual weight. I am so glad that God knows my heart and know how much I love Him. No answers here just more questions. A really good post today.
Have a Happy Sunday Full of Smiles
from Roberta Anne = The Raggedy Girl
Good point.
Hi Sally
Good question in the cartoon and a good point. I wonder why too.....
have a lovely day
Great Cartoon...it get's right to the point! Julie
I love the cartoon Sally, it is so true. My 85 year old Mom who was born in Italy has always hated the Easter Bunny, she has always told me that it was a Pagan thing to take away the true meaning of Christmas. I think its up to all of us to teach our children what the true meaning of Easter is all about.
That cartoon made me giggle.
I like to try and have the Easter Bunny part of Easter on Saturday, and then just celebrate Christ's life and resurrection on Easter Sunday. We always talk about the real meaning behind Easter with the boys too.
Good question, and it did get out of hand, but I believe we can teach the children the difference and let the children have their fun hunting eggs! It worked with my children and grandchildren, who are wonderful Christians today, and they know the difference! On the other hand, some non-Christians, and even weak baby Christians don't know the real meaning of Christmas and Easter, some do and don't care. Our job is to live in such a way they will desire to know!
Thanks for the cartoon!
A cute cartoon, Sally. But Easter has definitely become way too commercialized with nothing much about Jesus!
My views on this, Sally...I think we must imprint the REAL meaning of Easter, Christmas, etc, along WITH the childhood views of the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, the Easter bunny. This is what we did with our kids and they seemed to make the move from the childhood dreams to the real world without any trouble. You are a kid only ONE TIME IN YOUR LIFE, and never again can you have these kind of dreams...EVER!
At 71, I still get a thrill out of watching CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY....:o)
Hope your Sunday was a great one..
love, bj
I like this one too. Thanks and blessings
I wouldn't say warped but rather, we are a commercial people and with children, symbolism is a great teacher of important things. In my home we gradually wean our children of all the commercial symbolism as we teach them more complex and important aspects of why there is a religious holiday to begin with. We start and end he day with the truth about the holiday. Warping is on how we individually handle the commercial pressure to promote a holiday as precious as Easter and Christmas.
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