Isn't it funny how we fall into habits--comfortable habits? Johnny bounces out of bed at 5:00--every morning--without any alarm clock! He's learned to be quiet. The poor man married someone who believes that morning does not happen until the sun comes up and then, comes up slooowly and quietly. Shh.
All of my working life, I climbed out of bed at 5:30 in order to make it to work on time. High school teachers must report early. It is said that you will adapt. Well, I never got used to it.
Now, if left alone, I get up around 7:30 and head for my Mac computer. Johnny makes a fresh pot of coffee and brings me a cup. Ah, yes, I AM spoiled!

It should be no surprise that at night, Johnny is often ready to go to sleep much before I am. He's worn out.