Friday, March 20, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Chocolate Bunny

Kelli from Kelli's House hosts Show and Tell Friday. If you have something special to share, this is the place to show it. It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Go to her place to join in the fun!

Last week, a blogger (sorry, but I don't remember who) showed her faux "chocolate" bunny that she bought at Dollar Tree. I dragged my husband there the very next day. They had four left. I bought this one and placed her in my cloche. (She has a pink ribbon on her neck, so it must be a she.)

I gave her some grass to stand on, and put my mother's black plate underneath. I do love the pretty edges of this plate.

Doesn't she look sweet? It's a good thing the cloche protects her, as my grandchildren might be tempted to nibble!

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Susan has presented me with The Daydreamer Award, a special award given by  A Southern Daydreamerer along with her sincerest thanks for my making so many comments on her blog. Imagine! I'm being thanked for talking so much! Thank you, Susan, for this beautiful gift.

Sorry, but I cannot share this with you, as it is against Susan's rules.  

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Vikki from Magnolia Memories gave me the Lemonade award for “great attitude or gratitude.” I’m honored to receive it, Vikki. Thank you.

I'm supposed to "nominate up to ten" bloggers to receive this award. As I am a rule bender--never breaker, I will offer the Lemonade award to any person leaving a comment with “a great attitude.” If you would like it, just mention me when you post it on your blog (after you've left that "great" comment!)

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Now, for anyone interested in a FREE BOOK, check my sidebar for my giveaway.

 I hope to see you on Blue Monday!

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Eleanor said...

Easter bunny time already!My mouth is watering. This is the only time of the year that I really indulge in chocolate, lots of it! The cloche is a good idea not just for grandchildren either!

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

Cute display and no calories. I'll have to check out the Dollar Tree, too.

Dixie said...

Sally - I've decided to forego the faux chocolate bunnies... with my passion for chocolate I'm afraid I'll sleepwalk and eat one! But yours... beautiful...

I love your new header... that lily pad and bloom... magnifico!

blessings. Dixie

sara said...

if that bunny was at my would be missing the ears! :)

Libby's Library said...

Instead of a comment showing great gratitude, may I suggestion another blogger with an incredible attitude?

I'll be right back with her "address"!

xinex said...

Hi Sally! That faux bunny chocolate looks good enough to eat. It looks very cute the way it is displayed....Christine

Libby's Library said...

I'm back. If I had to nominate just one person in the entire world, for their sense of gratitude, it would be for Sarah over at:
Daily, she overcomes a debilitating disease, and seeks out the good things in life. She humbles me on a regular basis, and I'm a better person because of it!

the wild raspberry said...

cute bunny!
congrats on the awards.

The Raggedy Girl said...


I loved your post because I am always saying...I saw it on a blog but don't remember which one...and I get so put out with myself AND I have so far bought some dishes, a book and a sign all because a blogger let me have a peek at them. And now I want a forever chocolate bunny too!!

Have A Fantastic Friday
from A Raggedy Roberta Anne

April said...

Your chocolate bunny looks good enough to eat! Congrats on your special awards...have a terrific weekend, Sally!

Darlene said...

I LOVE that little chocolate bunny and it is just perfect under your cloche!!!

Congratulations on your awards! Have a great weekend!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Sally...don't those bunnies look real? I got some last I have to try and remember where I put them..Happy Friday to you dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

bj said...

Good morning, Silly little Sally perfect? Oh brother...that turkey story is but a drop in the bucket of my train wrecks in the kitchen. I once made a pie and then went in the other room to do something...I saw smoke coming from the kitchen and went tearing back in there...yanked open the oven and there was my cuptowel, ablaze...and my pie was still sitting on the counter..uncooked!! A young bride story!! I know you have one, too!!And, I wanna hear it !!
NOW...I love your Cho. bunny..he...oh, excuse me...SHE looks so cute on your mom's plate.
Happy day,

imjacobsmom said...

Your display is adorable! I hope they have one left for me at the Dollar Tree. (You could have saved this for Pink Saturday...LOL). Congrats on your awards! ~ Robyn

Unknown said...

Love your bunny, Sally! If I didn't know, I'd think you were protecting some eal chocolate from being eaten on you!

Hootin Anni said...

Cute bunny! I like that it's under a cheese server glass like makes it quite special for the decor.

My Show n Tell is all about afghans today. If you can get a chance, do stop by. Happy Friday.

[scroll down below my flower photos.]

Anonymous said...

You're getting some great use out of that cloche! That bunny does look very eatable.

Ingrid said...

That's a lovely decoration !
and ongratulations to your awards !

Carla said...

She looks good enough to eat:)
I, too, would be tempted to try:)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sally, What a neat Easter bunny... I like the way you decorated her... Great idea!!!!!

Spring is HERE...

Musings of A Minister said...

Like your grandchildren I might be tempted. Keep it covered!...Your comment on my blog is not seen by me as being negative--just truthful! Keep smiling.

Linda C said...

Looks good enough to eat! I love how you have your bunny displayed!:)

Happy Friday!

Linda C

Anonymous said...

Love the faux chocolate bunnies for decorations too! I like how you displayed yours too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend.

♥ Kathy said...

I can't believe that's not a real chocolate bunny! She's really pretty in your cloche :) Congrats on your awards ♥

Anonymous said...

I love how you displayed the chocolate bunny. I have a chocolate bunny similar to yours. I'll have to get creative and not just plop it on the shelf at Easter time like I always do.
Congrats on the well-deserved awards.

~CC Catherine said...

Sally, I'm loving that Dollar Store bunny... =) And, under that Cloche, it's just GORGEOUS., adding the black charger/plate just creates an even more stunning look. Totally lovin it! Did you take the photo on your banner of the blog today? It is SO pretty! ~CC Catherine

Debbie J said...

Your bunny looks ver elegant under that glass!

If the dil doesn't want the deer, it comes down anyway!

Karen said...

I love your Easter Bunny---but it looks so real, I want a nibble of it myself!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Aww! She's so cute, especially under the cloche.

I should make a trip to my Dollar Tree and see if they have any left.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sally,

Your bunny looks absolutely springy sweet!

Blondie's Journal said...

Hi Sally,

I have been crazy busy and am now catching up. I'm sorry I can't participate in Book It Thursday, I just can't come up with a book. I'm sure I have read some pretty bad books and I mostly muddle through them hoping they redeem themselves somewhere near the end, but I have drawn a blank.

Also read through your last few posts. You are really sentimental to keep that needle and safety pin all these years after your grandfather reupholsterd the chair. I imagine you might have been facinated watching him do his handiwork maybe? Maybe you are a ratpacker like me!! It was a cute story.

I love your bunny. I would rush right over to the Dollar Tree but I have sworn off chocolate. I know your bunny is faux, however anything that resembles choclolate, even commercials and recipes on blogs get my mouth watering. I'm serious, I have a real problem and I have banned chocolate from the house!

Thanks for commenting on my tablescape. I'm with you, I can only take so much of white.


Secondhand Blessings said...

You really do learn something new everyday! I just called them glass domes; but now I know it is offically called a doche!

Heather said...

your bunny looks very pretty! i love the grass. and that plate has gorgeous edges!

Mrs.T said...

How lovely! I need to get over to the Dollar Tree! This is the best sort of chocolate bunny for me.

Thanks for stopping by my kitchen table and leaving a sweet comment. Come by any time. My posting time is limited, but there's plenty to read in the archives.

God bless,

Jane said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing our interest in books. I like your bunny and especially the beautiful edge on the plate. My mother used to get us things like that in a real basket at Easter. One thing she got that it is hard to find anymore and that is a hollow, decorated sugar egg that had a carboard scene inside. Have you ever seen one?

Ashley ~ said...

I love your bunnies, and I must admit, I'm tempted to take a little nibble. (SMILE)

Elena said...

Your bunny is so cute! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing with us today. Elena

Anonymous said...

I love the decoration. The little details you added are perfect. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Sally I left this morning for therapy and Deborah wasn't up because her power went out. She is up now.

Your Bunny looks so real I have a craving for chocolate. NOW! he looks fabulous in the cloche. Waaaaa I do not have a cloche. I want one so I better get looking when I am up to it> LOL.

Congrats on your awards Sally. You are so great about visiting faithfully and you deserve the recognition. If I didn't see your comment I would think you must be ill or away. Smile. Is this positive enough???


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I love your chocolate bunny! I bought a similar one last year for my daughter at Tuesday Morning! It's nice not to have that chocolate temptation and still have the "look"........

I loved the story about your pin and needle. Maybe I'll blog about that one day too. My dad was always making tools and such for specific needs. Gosh I miss that kind of thing.......such a different time. Seems they have a tool for everything now. I have a screw that my dad made into a hook......I don't know why it makes me so happy to have it, but I love it! :-)

Many blessings,

Salmagundi said...

Sorry, I haven't been around much lately. Life has gotten in the way, and I haven't had as much computer time lately. Hopefully, things will change. I've seen those choco rabbits, and they really are cute; aren't they? Yours looks great in your cloche. Sally

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Sally,
I love your humor! Congratulations on winning your awards! I love your bunny too! I have a real chocolate bunny sitting under my dome. I'm afraid he may not make it till Easter though as he could very well get eaten! I have a 'healthy attitude' for chocolate! Does that constitute having an attitude of gratitude? I love chocolate! *smile* Have a wonderful Spring day.


Beth at Aunties said...

Congratulations on your awards.. you spread such cheer deserve them!
I hurried over to 2 dollar trees and was too late! :-) Yours looks so cute.

Beth at Aunties said...

I do wish I had some of both! I have whooping cough and my throat and chest are begging for some good old comfort soup! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Love that little bunny

Judith said...

I don't know about your grandchildren but I could just put my hand through the screen and grab a bit to taste - she looks delicious!! LOL take care, Judith

Jean said...

Very cute! Great idea! Jean

Baba said...

Hi Sally, your Easter bunny is so cute all decked out for the holiday.. the only thing she needs are some jelly beans in the grass..Enjoy your week-end. I love your new header.. so bright and pretty. Did you take the picture??

Thanks for sharing .. hugs,

tammy said...

Very cute! I think I better be running to my dollar store.

joyh82 said...

Very cute. I love how you displayed it.

Anonymous said...

That is a very unusual bunny. I've never seen anything like it except real chocalate ones. How lucky you were. Whenever I go looking for something like that, I can't find it.
Mama Bear

Sarah said...

Mmmmm, yummy! Can I have a piece?

Mary Anne said...

Hi Sally,

What a cute bunny! She sure looks like you could take a bite right out of her. Thanks for stopping by Marigold Manor and commenting on my mini stove;-)

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mary Anne

Becky said...

The bunny looks like real chocolate. I love your arrangement, it is very sweet. ;-)

Anonymous said...

First of all Sally congrat on your awards.
Second I LOVE your new look.
Third Thank you so much for the BD wishes.
Fourth Needle and Pin, very sentimental
Fifth (can you tell I've been away?) your cloche has come in so handy hasn't it?
Sixth You will see me for Blue Monday
Seven Thank you for your faithful comments to my blog. They lifted my spirits.
Happy Friday
Love Claudie

The Old Parsonage said...

What a great "real looking" bunny! I love how she looks under the cloche!

Nanna said...

sweet bunny Sally, I love how you have him displayed, thanks for visiting me

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pretty awards Sally! I just love your bunny ♥ I like how you put him in the cloche. Everything looks so spring and festive. You better be careful posting that. You know how we women love chocolate. We might just come over and grab him LOL

Unknown said...

Congratulations on all the awards. Your bunny is gorgeous. Better keep him in safe keeping though.

CarJax said...

What a "sweet" centerpiece. So clever and adorable. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings, Jax in Alaska

P.S. No need for the award, but you can come visit my Show & Tell if you'd like. :)

CarJax said...

What a "sweet" centerpiece. So clever and adorable. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings, Jax in Alaska

P.S. No need for the award, but you can come visit my Show & Tell if you'd like. :)

Cathy said...

A cute little chocolate bunny, Sally ~ which reminds me, I have one of those somewhere! Thanks for visiting today and for your comment about my music.

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Sally, I thought the bunny was a real chocolate bunny! He's so cute! I love the way he is displayed.

I saw you comment on Jeanne's blog about finding a link to my blog - I think for Favorite Family Foto Friday.

Come on over!

A Hint of Home said...

Congrats on your awards! I just love your cloche and the bunny inside. I can't find a cloche at any stores here. I think yours is adorable.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh how cute your litttle rabbit is.I have a chocolate one too,I will show it in a few more days.Pretty plate,I like the rim of it.

Pam said...

That is an adorable decoration. Your ideas are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing them.

Pam said...

That is an adorable decoration. Your ideas are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing them.

Pam said...

That is an adorable decoration. Your ideas are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing them.

Susan B said...

Love your sweet bunny, Sally! Congratulations on your awards! Have a lovely weekend.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Cute little chocolate bunny! I hope nobody breaks a tooth trying to take a bite! LOL! I have one in my Easter things, I need to get them out soon!


Anonymous said...

You deserve any award. You are the comment queen!

Kathy b

Lisa Cobler said...

It looks good enough to eat! Congratulations on your awards.

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Love the bunny decor. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Ruthie said...

Nice post - cute bunny. And congrats on the awards - you are very deserving!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh, she looks so cute in your cloche! Congratulations on your awards. laurie