We moved from South Florida to the Tampa area. I wrote about the experience with the movers here. Today I'm showing my damaged Drexel china cabinet, which we just discovered on Tuesday morning. What a disappointment. I've had this piece of furniture for over thirty years.

It seems that this is the sort of thing that happens when furniture is moved--even when movers are good people. We've found and hired a furniture repair person who will come and fix it on site. He's a busy man who promised to call when he has time. I hope that is not too many more days away. You KNOW I'll be posting on that experience, and I'll show before and after photos!
Our apartment looks like home. All boxes have been unpacked except those in the warehouse. Pictures have been hung. The kitchen cabinets are not organized, but the cabinet doors are shut. So we look a good bit more settled than we are. And, yes, I'm tired.
To answer Picket's question about toilet paper from yesterday: I did have a box clearly marked "master bathroom" and another clearly marked "guest bathroom." Both of those boxes had some TP in them. Those boxes were opened first. Then the bed got set up and made. That way, no matter what else happens, we can sleep!
See you in a few days for Blue Monday!

To answer Picket's question about toilet paper from yesterday: I did have a box clearly marked "master bathroom" and another clearly marked "guest bathroom." Both of those boxes had some TP in them. Those boxes were opened first. Then the bed got set up and made. That way, no matter what else happens, we can sleep!

That's a crying shame....such a beautiful piece of furniture; crafted and finished perfectly. Then....this happened. Bummer.
My Show and Tell is now posted. Won't you pop over for a chat and a spot of tea?
I know you're heartsick about your china cabinet... movers just don't realize how much we gals love our china cabs... hope it can be fixed and restored to perfection.
your post about Father's day made my heart sing... I know your heart was about to burst knowing you'd be seeing family so much more often. and... great ties... beautiful grandchildren...
have a beautiful weekend...
Oh how horrible to have that lovely piece damaged. I'm glad you have found someone who can repair it and hope you don't have to wait too long.
Sorry about your beautiful cabinet...hope it gets fixed soon!
Sally, I am sorry about your furniture and am so glad that it can be repaired. Glad you moved your computer yourself!
What a shame...I hope your "fixer guy" does his job well.
Glad you can relax a bit now that all boxes are unpacked. Cupboard doors can be a good thing...
That's very disappointing. Of course, my own experience with movers tells me you were really lucky if that's the only damage. But after the furniture fixer does his work, the cabinet will probably look good as new!
Dear Sally,
Hope it will get fixed. Be patient until the work is done and Im looking forward to see the outcome.
You are so organinzed.....if we ever have to move again, I am hiring YOU! :)
I hope the repairman does his magic on it, it is a really pretty piece of furniture!
Good luck with the rest of the organizing. Take yourself a little break, the rest will wait!
Hugs, B.
TP and sleep..those are good things to have ready to go! I am glad you made it safely...BUT I am not impressed by the damages!!! It was good to read that you found someone who can repair that beautiful cabinet for you...keep us posted!
Sadly, sometimes no matter how careful you are things get broke in moving, I am so glad you found someone to fix it for you. We want to here how it goes. And yep TP is very important, and thank goodness there are stores open 24/7 if you forget where you pack it...lol...the bed is the most important thing to find first, we must sleep in order to keep moving and unpacking...
Have a great day.
Sally, I'm sorry about your beautiful china cabinet. Goodness, I know you are tired after unpacking everything.
So glad you've found a repairman. It is hard to find good workers in repairing furn. Moving is always such a challenge. Glad you're getting settled. Hugs, Marty
What a shame....I would be sick about that. Hopefully, the guy can fix it right up and hopefully, you won't be able to tell at all once he is finished.
I know you are tired and glad to have things in order.
Sorry to hear about your damaged cabinet. I have always moved myself. My furniture gets all of its damage and scratches during those moves.
Oooo that is too bad the cabinet got damaged. Hope when the repair person fixes it you will never even know it was damaged. Have a great weekend.♥
Ouch sorry to hear about your bad move. We lost almost all of our furniture in our move down to Florida. Enjoy your new home !
~Blessings Heather
I am tired just reading about your move. Happy to hear, you are getting settled in so well. I trust the man can fix your cabinet to your satisfaction. In a way you are lucky there was not more damage. Hang in there.
It is just me again. I hope my reply to your email went through. If not,let me know. I am so happy!
So sorry that happened. Hope the man can get it fixed.
Oh, that's too bad. Did you file a claim with the movers? We've done that with the few damages we've had and they paid for repair.
You are SO organized, Sally!! That's amazing to be unpacked and even have pictures hung already. Good idea about getting bathrooms and bedroom set up first.
Looks like a piece of trim that was glued on. I'm sure it will be repaired nicely. I have moved so many times, now, and there is always something. In Memphis, when we moved from the rental house to the house we bought, I went with someone recommended by my housekeeper. He had been a franchise at one time but was doing moves on his own. Bad choice. We had a glass table top and I asked him to wrap it. He said it would be fine cushioned between the mattress and box springs. well it was chipped. When it came time to pay him, I pointed out the damage and we agreed on a different price. Later, I found other damage.
I read your post about moving day and it seems things went pretty well other than this one thing. You were pleased with the care they took.
We recently moved, as you know. I am hoping it is the last time.
Mama Bear
Sorry to hear about the damage to your furniture... hope the repair makes it better than before!
It has been a while since I have visited so I scrolled through several of your posts. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your grandchildren. Even though we have never met, I can share in your joy as I know how we feel about those we love.
I had so much fun seeing the comics you posted. It sure is good to laugh now and again!
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your comment. I won't take so long to visit with you again!
Kindly, ldh
Get some sweet rest, Sally, and know that we're thinking of you and wishing you well. Too bad they didn't notice the chunk missing because had they noticed, they could have handed it to you and maybe it could have been more easily fixed.
Over several moves, I've only had two movers I liked... and both were small, private companies who were used to packing antiques (one was from Kennebunkport, ME, and they were uber-professional and good... we shipped a huge piece from there to Florida). I'm sorry your cabinet is broken, and I hope they come soon to fix it so I can come see it in person. :-)
I'm sure they will be able to fix your china cupboard. If my husband was there, he would be right over and do his magic on it for you. Sally
Sorry about your damage, Sally, but it's minor compared to what some people find after they move. At least, yours looks like an easy-fix. My 'almost free' advice (you can pay me my 25 cents later) is to relax --and just wait for someone to fix it when THEY can. It's really not bad!!!!!!
NOW--I know you are tired and probably emotional after working so hard lately. My 2nd piece of advice (again--one more quarter please) is to let things go for a couple of days and just REST and RELAX. You can start over with the 'fixing up' on Monday.
Don't you just love my advice????? ha
Glad you are settling in.
Too bad about the damage.
We have used the same removal company 4 times, and only once was an item broken - a lamp shade.
I have just got to know. Did you say, "oops, forgot that or missed that," anywhere along the way on this move?
It is a shame but I'll bet the repairman can fix it so it's not a bit noticeable.
The photos of your grands are precious. What a lovely bunch of young people. I know they are thrilled to have ya'll close!!
xo bj
Sorry to hear about your china cabinet, Sally. But you wait and see, you'll be impressed at how he can fix that right up! Keep us posted! ~ Robyn
I'm glad you're getting it fixed. Isn't it amazing that when something like that happens all you see is the booboo every time you look at it.
How frustrating! I'm pretty sure the repairman can fix it & you'll hardy know it was damaged. Now he just needs to fit you into his schedule! ☺ Diane
So sorry about your china cabinet! But thankful for the man who can come fix it! Praying he will make it look good as new!!
So glad it is feeling more like home and all in unboxed!
Have a blessed weekend and get some rest :)
Wow! You are moved already?! I've been on vacation and missed your move. Sorry to hear about the damage, hopefully it can be repaired and not be noticed.
Sorry about the damage. I know you had a great moving experience and wouldn't want to complain but the movers are probably insured for this kind of stuff. Glad you are somewhat settled already :-)
What a shame. I hope the repair man will get all fixed up good as new.
Through the times that we've moved from home to home, that's never happened to us! You see, what we do is if we have a furniture like that, that could be damaged, we pack it along with soft things, like stuffed toys and pillows. Then it's all wrapped in cling wrap. So what it looks like is it's a piece of furniture wrapped up in stuffed toys and pillows and then held together with cling wrap. And that's how we roll. ;-)
Yes, I see you HAVE taken your medication already...hee hee! :D
If the peice can't be fixed that means you can go SHOPPING!!! One excuse is as good as another.You might even find a lovely peice at a thrift shop.Have a great weekend. Kathy
I am moving soon I have to sort through every thing I own.
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