The REAL movers will be here tomorrow morning, and I don't expect to have time to take and upload/download any pictures. I'm sure that they'll be smiling, just as these fellows are.
I'll let you know how things go. I will be specific with my review of the movers, and I'll name names--good or bad.
I will be unplugging my computer tonight, so that Johnny can pack it. We're taking this baby in the car with us; however, I have posts scheduled so there will not be a gap. I expect to be online Friday--Saturday at the latest, and I'll respond to each and every comment left.
I'd like to ask for you to pray for Johnny and me as we leave our happy South Florida home and hit the road to the Land of Tampa.
I will be thinking and praying for you and Johnny Sally. Look to the cross and you will be just fine :>) I feel like I'm on a little adventure with you ♥
I hope it is a very smooth move.
I'll be thinking of you as you say good-bye to this house and neighborhood. These are often tough moments but the things awaiting you will make it worthwhile.
Enjoy your time offline...
Becky K.
I will keep you both in my prayers, for a safe trip and that all goes well with the move.
Just think, what a great new adventure you are going on. I know it must be a little sad and also exciting at the same time.
Bon voyage! I've been to Tampa several times and really enjoyed every stay. But I know it's always sad to leave a place you've been happy in. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you - but I'm going to try not to think about those movers!
I'll be praying for all of you over the next few days... your safety of travel and the movers too that they do a good job!
I hope that it will be a very smooth move and also a safe trip for you and Johnny.
Lots of luv,
Good luck with the moving part! And have a safe trip.
Waiting for the updates
love Chaitra
Sally, best wishes to you and Johnny for a safe and pleasant move. I hope everything goes smoothly for you, and wish you much happiness in your new home.
I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it when you get settled.
Prayers are headed your way for a safe move.
God will be with you. May your movers be efficient and careful. May your new neighbors become new friends. And importantly for your readers, may your internet connection be quick and secure!
Hi Sally,
I'll be thinking of you and your hubby as you leave your old neighborhood behind. I'll be praying too!
BTW, I have left an explanation on my blog concerning my 'snow.' When you get a chance, you can check it out. The Lord go before you and make your transition a breezy one!
Have a nice day.
Traveling Mercies!
I'll keep you and hubby in my prayers for a nice trip to your new area. I am also praying for great movers for you and that nothing gets broken or lost! Talk to you soon!♥
Sally how excitning for you! Moving day is here (well a few hrs away!)
Good luck and safe journey!
Trust all goes well for you and family during this big adjustment. Take care and stay safe. Will look forward to next great post.
Have a safe trip to your new home (apartment)... we'll be here..when you get back (online)!
We will be thinking about you and praying for you. Please give yourself a break from me for at least two days. But no longer, please.
Sally, You've been in my thoughts all week. I know this will be difficult but think of all the new memories you'll create with the family in your new house & town. Just make sure you take the important things with you! HUGS! ♥ Diane
OOOOOOOOOOOOh Sally ,you are coming to Tampa! I am in Lutz/Tampa.We will be neighbors.I hope to like it here. If you need a guide ,just let me know.
Good luck with your new place and your move. Be safe!
Be safe (and stay sane)!! Sally
Goodness, I can not believe it is already time for that move! I am sure you will be a bit sad but excited too at the new beginning. I will be thinking about you as you journey on to your new home. Be safe.
be safe..and I hope you have a smooth move....(no pun intended)
Good Luck Sally... I'll be thinking about you all. Catch back up with us when you can. We'll miss you daily posts --until you get back online. Please be SAFE.
I don't blame you for taking the computer in the car. I can't imagine doing otherwise. When we moved here 20 years ago we didn't have a computer but I put all of my dolls in the back seat of the car for the move. We also had a few plants in the back seat. Needless to say that back seat was "loaded."
Happy moving. I'll be anxious to hear about your new place even if it is only temporary.
Sally...I know you will hardly be able to sleep tonight...probably because your mattress is all wrapped up and labelled in a box..*lol*. No...you'll be so excited I know I am!
have a good move and you will be in my thoughts.
I look forward to whats at the other end of the move..*hugs*
Hey Sally my prayers are with you and Johnny for a safe trip with out any problems and as you say good bye to one home, and say hello to a new one... can't wait to hear all about it, and see your new home.
take care and be safe.
safe travels Sally... i know you'll get great cheerful movers to get your treasures to your new local...
Praying for traveling mercies!
For you, for Johnny and those movers too :)
I will be in Florida soon to help care for my Dad. He lives in St. Augustine.
Have a save a easy move. Will be praying for y'all.
Sally, just remember to take pictures of everything! You never know when something will pop into view that would be a good post! Wish you FUN!!!Kathy
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