FREEZER BAGS: They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.
PHOTOCOPIERS: These are female, because once turned off, it takes a while to warm them up again. They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong buttons.
TIRES: Tires are male because they go bald easily and are often over-inflated.
HOT AIR BALLOONS: Also a male object because to get them to go anywhere you have to light a fire under them.
SPONGES: These are female because they are soft, squeezable, and retain water.
WEB PAGES: Female because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.
TRAINS: Definitely male because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.
EGG TIMERS: Egg timers are female because over time all the weight shifts to the bottom.
HAMMERS: Male because in the last 5000 years they've hardly changed at all and are occasionally handy to have around.
THE REMOTE CONTROL: Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but consider this: a man would be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying.
That is the funniest thing ever, Sally! You nailed each and every one! I'll have to share this one with Chris!
He, he, he. Oh, this is one I'm going to have to share with everyone.
HAHAHAHA....that is hilarious and soooo TRUE!!!!!
Hehehehe I do believe each and evveryone. Kathy
Cute.... and very true!
'Morning Sally,
You've done it again; managed to bring a smile to my face! Have a wonderful day.
You always give me my daily dose of happiness :>) By the way, thanks for the book. I look forward to reading it. I will post about sometime this weekend.
Too true...thanks for the laugh!
Thank You Smiling Sally! I had seen that before but enjoyed it again! You have a Smiling Sally Day too!
Those assessments were right on! Entertaining post. Thanks for sharing it. Sally
Hi Sally, another fun post to share. I love the analogies of each one. I did think the remote would be male! Very funny.
I received my book. Thank you Sally. Now if I can get off the computer I might get some reading done.
I laughed when you have the same basket and baking dish. We do have many things in common. I would love to meet you some day. We sometimes talk about making a trip to Miami because Bill's parents are buried there. It is a shame we are so far away. If we do, we could meet for lunch. That would be great.
Very entertaining~~ great post!
What a hoot! Hilarious!
Well now I'm smarter than a 5th grader lol
Time I have, and patience. The snow is just about gone, but our river has not broken yet. Today is cloudy and we are expecting rain. Sure will make for some muddy paws...yuck!
Have a great weekend
Love Claudie
Love this gender stuff...makes perfect sense to me too!
hope you are having a lovely day
Sheila :-)
That was so funny Sally :) You can also tell hot air balloons are male because of the hot air :D lol Happy Thursday ♥
Interesting and FUNNY!
HAH...I got a great laugh out of this one. And they are all soooo true!
That is cute, Sally.
Very funny and cute. LOL!...Christine
What a hoot!
That was such a cute post.
Have a Thankful Thursday
from Roberta Anne
Hi Sally! We have been living here for more than 2 years and the deer have been coming for that long too and never bothered the plants so I think they know which one is off limits....Christine
Answer to question on my blog: NONE!
These are hilarious. Sound reasoning behind them. LOL
lol. oh shoot, this one is FUNNY thanks for sharing.
Very cute and spot on correct!
hahahaha!!! Love the train and the remote!! :-)
Very funny and oh so true!
Oh Sally, this is a hoot! ~ Robyn
Hi, Sally...as usual, I am leaving here with a chuckle...thanks for the laughs..I needed them!!
xo bj
That was great!
That was so much fun! You're right! I thought the remote was going to be male, but the description proved me wrong! Thanks for the laughs. laurie
brilliant Sally - especially the 'remote' Judith
Morning Sally, Do you mind if I copy this to share with my friends. It is darling.
Hi Sally...these were funny, but most of them were more than a little true too! Happy weekend!
;-) Bo
This was too funny!
Thanks for the laugh!
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