Why were the early American settlers like ants?
Because they lived in colonies.

What famous pig signed the Declaration of Independence?
John Hamcock!

What did George Washington say to his army at Valley Forge?
"Sorry, men. The flights to Florida are all booked up!"

What would you get if you crossed the American national bird with Snoopy?
A bald beagle!

What would you get if you crossed a colonial hairpiece with a teepee?
A powdered wigwam!

What's red, white, blue, and green?
A patriotic pickle!

What did the visitor say as he left the Statue of Liberty?
"Keep in torch!"
Cute Sally....Made me smile this early Friday morning.
Have a great day.
Bald Beagle - I love that! Have a happy 4th.
You do so good with your images and captions. I have to get more creative. You made my day much brighter.
Where do you find these, Sally? LOL! Thanks for the chuckle...
Sheila :-)
LOL....you crack me up! Happy 4th!
Cute cartoons! :) ...made me smile!
Hope you have a wonderful and safe 4th! ~hugs, Rhonda
Funny and cute. Have a save, happy and blessed 4th. Hugs, Marty
Oh my...many smiles.
Happy day, Sally!
Keep in torch - loved that one.
I'll have to tell these to the three visiting grand children.
Have a great weekend, Sally!
These were funny.....I like the keep in torch :)
have a safe and happy 4th Sally!
love and hugs
Hi Sally
Cute July 4th jokes...*s*.
Happy 4th of July. How nice you'll be spending close to your family. Hope it'll be a lovely one...
Thanks for the laugh.
Happy 4th.
This gentle humor feels good, doesn't it?
I enjoyed the great "bed" posers yesterday! ... yes, I'm one of those who loves having an assortment of pillows -- and will "shuffle" them during the night in search of a cool spot. I remember my mother used to iron our bed sheets each week on her old "mangle" ironer; our beds had to be made 1st thing each and every day.
Too, I once read that Jackie Kennedy-Onassis would insist that her sheets be changed for a fresh set each day. What luxury, hm?
Have a great day!
Very cute, Sally, and thanks for the smiles today. Have a Happy 4th of July. I know you will with all your family close by.
hehehehehe!!!! TOO funny!!!Have a great weekend! Kathy
Great post....have a great weekend.
Happy Independence Day! I love a great chuckle...you're a Smiling Sal with a GREAT sense of humor.
I am busy, busy, busy today but I had to stop by and check on you. I'm glad I did. Laughing my way into the Fourth!
Very cute...thanks for the laugh! Have a wonderful fourth!
My kind of jokes, corny! Happy Fourth of July!
Oh, Most Silly Smiling Sally, this was cute! You always have the cutest little jokes for us! I hope you have a wonderful fourth tomorrow with your family and hope they do all the cooking and you can just sit down with your tiny feet up and enjoy! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
Hi Sally,
I always love your jokes! You make me smile! :) Diane
Love the jokes...Just blog hopping tonight and enjoyed your blog. Have a Happy 4th!
Hello Sally;;; You so crack me up, I just love all those comic jokes. Thanks of the well needed laugh...
Happy 4th of July
Nice and funny :).
Happy 4th of July. Cheers.
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