Have you ever wondered how speed bumps get their stripes? What happens when the stripes wear out?
I happened upon these men the other day and found the answers.
The guy on the left is holding a machine that blows out heat, while the guy on the right splashes a powder adhesive on some new white stripes.
And now, the finished product!
What's your opinion of speed bumps?

Marvellous for childbirth and speeding it up! Went over hundreds of the damned things when 9 months pregnant... and it started off the birth. This is why they are called Speed Bumps. They speed the 'bump' out into the world!
Well, I never knew that...see you learn something every day.
Interesting - I never saw a speed bump being touched up. I don't mind speed bumps on roads too much, but I'm not a fan of speed bumps in the road of life.
There is a speedbump at the entrance of a park we visit that is offset and crooked. It is the harshest speedbump ever!
Other than that usually they aren't that bad.
I never knew this was how they made the stripe. Very observant of you!
I don't mind speed bumps because I think they do protect neighborhoods with children and parking lots, etc. I so sometimes wonder how they affect emergency vehicles, though. Thanks for the interesting post.
Pretty neat! Here in Georgia, they call them speed humps, not bumps. I thought that was so funny when we moved here! We have a good number of them on our street. If we didn't, I think a lot of little children would get hurt by speeding vehicles. So, to me, they're a good thing.
we have several speed bumps on our street because people tend to go too fast down the hill...I am happy to have them with all the children around and no sidewalks!!!
Interesting post, Sally. I don't mind them if they are not too tall. Sometime, no matter how slow you go, it still feels like the wheels on the tires are coming off...Christine
Thanks for coming by.
Regrading wearing coats when it is 100 degrees:
The temps at the coast are much lower than in the valley 1 hour away.
So it was early evening and the temp was about 65 with a bit of wind off the ocean.
Much preferred to the 100 degrees we left!!!
Interesting about stripes. Just thought it was paint.
Speed bumps serve a purpose, and help keep people safe.
That does not, however, mean i like them. They are just what they are. =0))
hmmm. Maybe we need more things like that to slow us down in this hectic world we live in.life
Barbara Jean
I am not a fan of speed bumps. It's too bad they can't just put up a camera and catch the speeders. Speed bumps are really hard on emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire engines, etc. I'd hate for an emergency vehicle on its way to help me to have to slow down every 50 yards ...
Good Morning Sally, How interesting your post is today and great pictures of them touching up the speed bumps... Have a fun filled day my friend!
Very interesting. I'm not particularly fond of speed bumps, but, I see they do have a good purpose.
Like all things they have a purpose ,I don't mind them at all.
Nice outdoor post.
Hi Sally sory for the late Blue.
My son got sick but he is fine now.
Personally, I hate the dang things..and never even wondered how they got their stripes. You, my dear friend, have an inquiring mind!! Do you read the National Inquirer? Hahaaaa
Really, tho, thanks for this info..I just never thought about it.
xo bj
I don't mind them in logical places, but I have seen them where they seem over done (too many). It makes me want to avoid the area, especially if they are steeper (almost curb-like) than the one in your photo.
I think speed bumps serve their purpose in many locations.
I bet it has saved many a lives.
Happy OW
Love Claudie
I like them on residential streets where people tend to speed. On the street my parents live on they finally installed speed bumps because people were flying down it. I would LOVE to have several on my street because some of the teens think they need to fly down it and there are lots of children. They have a thumbs up from me!!
well now I never would have thought!!! EVER...seriously Sally...what made you think of this? lol
I like it a lot!
A good question Sally. As annoying as they are, I believe they promote safety. I love learning something new. Thank you.
That's interesting. I thought they just spray-painted them.
I don't like driving over them, but I can see the need for them.
We had some small onew that were put down by the shop that were like tape. Then some kids pulled them up. Of corse thay had to come back and put more down. I don't know why kids have to be so distructive. Kathy
I think speed bumps are annoying but probably necessary.
Which reminds me...there is one in our city ---a mall parking lot--- that has no paint whatsoever, and I've been meaning to email the property owners about that. There should be some kind of law against 'no warning stripes' ----------right?
Love these photos. Great idea for an Outdoor Wednesday. Thanks for visiting with me.
Very interesting. Speed bumps annoy me because if we would just drive like we had a little common sense we wouldn't need them. But we don't and so they are necessary and annoying.
What's my opinion of speed bumps??? WELL---in residential neighborhood where there are lots of children, the speed bumps slow people down ---or encourage them to go down another street where there are no speed bumps.
I wouldn't mind living on a street where there were speed bumps---but would hate for those speeders to change to 'my' street IF it had no speed bumps...
About driving on a street with speed bumps, it's a hastle --and I hate it. SO--I avoid them when possible, not because I speed but because I hate driving over them--especially when there are alot of them...
SO--my feelings???? I have no idea!!!! ha ha
I don't mind speed bumps because I never speed. I'm so boring. I hope you are having a good day ♥
Sally, you have a very interesting and informative post today. I never give speed bumps much thought, unless I am going over one. I do not especially like them, but in most cases, they are needed.
I can't stand them! But, I do think it would be pretty cool to watch the guys paint the stripes on them. I would be tempted to paint them in plaid.
Hello Sally!
Thank you for stopping by and participating in my giveaway. I know you had lots of blogs to visit and I really appreciate you clicking through to the DataXstream web site. Thanks!
Speed bumps - well - now that I have kids I have a better appreciation for them.
In Wales they are called Zebra Humps!
Duh. I never saw that done before. Many thanks for the information. It is good to learn one new thing a day.
ta ta for now.
Joyce M
My opinion for speed bumps is that it is a marvelous idea. I believe it has saved thousands of accidents. :)
Drive safely.
I thought it was a machine that did them not by hand.
I like speed bumps for my kids safety but i do not like them when I sit in the car driving.... MB
Sally, Very interesting and no I have never really thought about speed bumps...most of the time I approve of them, but there are times when they a pain in the ......
Purple hugs,
Speed bumps are necessary irritations. I'd never seen them being painted before. Interesting.
That was really interesting. I never give speed bumps much thought. I do wish people would drive slower. Why is everyone in such a hurry?
There are speed bumps in the parking lot where I work. It is a 25-30 min drive for to get there. Sometimes I need to pee really baaaaadddd by the time I get to work. Going over the speed bumps just adds to the agony as I try not to pee in my pants! And I am going slow over them!!
They are a necessary thing though.
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