Or are they perfectly still?

How about these. Are they moving? Turning?
Or are they perfectly still?

Now, look at these. Are they moving? One teacher said, "I felt like they were all moving...but slowly. Kind of like they were breathing."
Or are they perfectly still?

The pictures above are used to test the level of stress a person can handle. If you click on each picture, you can see movement more clearly.
The slower the pictures move, the better your ability to handle stress.
Allegedly, criminals that were tested see them spinning around madly; however, senior citizens and kids see them standing still.
None of these images are animated--they are perfectly still.
If you do happen to see the images spinning around madly, please lie down and rest!
Here comes Blogger Love!

Missy from Things in Life presented me with The Super Comments award July 23rd. The rules are to post the award, tell who presented it with a link back to that person, and then pass the award on to six other bloggers, linking them to the post. Since comments are so special to me, this is an award I cherish. Missy's blog is a good one to visit.
July 11, Barbara at The Purple Goat Lady shared the PREMIOS DARDO which means "Top Dart. The award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values everyday." Barbara is a proud Texan, but then isn't everyone who lives in Texas? I lived there for one year, and I was proud. I hope you'll visit Barbara too.
The rules are: 1. accept it 2. link back to the one who awarded it to you 3. award it to fifteen others.

I appreciate these two ladies and feel honored to accept these awards. I have been known to bend a rule or two, so I'm tweaking one of the rules--the last one. I would like if everyone of you who leave a comment to please accept the commenter award, and every one of you who bother to visit me to please accept the Premios Dardo award. That may mean that you should take both awards with my ❤ Blogger Love! ❤ You may copy and follow all of the rules (or not!). Just let me know in your comment if you're taking one or both.

Good Morning Sally... I saw no movement... I thought I saw a little but as I stared there was none... That is a good thing right??? Congrats on the award and thanks for sharing it with us... Have a fun day!
that is interesting! I saw no movement in the first one, but very slow in the last two.....guess that's good!!! especially after my day yesterday!
First Photo - no movement.
Second Photo - some movement.
Third Photo - more movement.
Oh dear - please don't tell me that I'm getting more stressed.
I better head for the kitchen, cause
stressed spelled backwards is
DESSERTS! I think I'll go have one:-)
Sally, I saw very little movement in any of them...
I only saw the last picture moving. That makes me feel happy, because I always feel really stressed. maybe it's all in my head. Hehehe. I think I am in an especially calm mood today because it is bookmobile day, which means my books are on their way. Not much can beat that!
Clever. I saw a little movement on the second one after I passed it and kept on reading. Do you think it was trying to hide from me? That was fun.
Oh my -- these things hurt my eyes, LOL! I didn't see the first one move but the next two did appear to move slowly.
Congrats on the two well-deserved awards! I am happy to take both of them.
My eyes! My eyes!
Just kidding, I saw very little movement glancing at them, and none at all when I actually looked at them head on. Interesting what optical illusions can do, and what these results say about us.
Those are crazy!!! Thank goodness none of them were moving fast!!! The first one seemed still to me but the next two were moving very slowly....kind of like a flag waving slowly.
Hi, just found your blog and I think I will get in to your blue Monday fun day. I now have you in my favorites and will be back Monday morning. Looking forward to reading and enjoying your blog and others. Sharon K
they all moved VERY slowly...who'd a thought? lol
Congratulations on your awards they are well deserved.
You are an awesome blogger and I am so happy to see you recieve these awards.
I am back to blogging today and was about to come by to visit when I saw you had beaten me to the blogger comment door :)
So once again there is a reason you really should have these awards :)
I hope that your new home is getting under way .
Have a weekend filled with all Gods very best .
Big Texas Hugs
Happy Trails
The first one moves sometimes...weird...
The rest move gently.
Some stress is to be expected after another Mikey crash here. Poor kid is all messed up. I am waiting for a call back from the nurse about his tetnus status. Sigh.
Becky K.
Hi Sal!
Yes, I always think you must be smiling when you're leaving a message or doing your posts... :-)
Congrats on your awards....YIPPPEE.
Those little do-hickeys were moving verrrrrrrrrry slowly. Ahhhh...finally a test I can pass.
Warm blessings,
I like this. I didn't see any movement until I enlarged them and then I saw a little. The second one seemed to be moving the most. I think I will go lay down and think about it. And while there I will try to decide if I should have said, lie down instead of lay.
Boy! I must really be relaxed. I looked & looked at those things, and couldn't get anything to move. Sally
Congratulations on the awards. You certainly deserve them. I've slacked off a little on commenting lately so don't feel like I deserve them.
I didn't see any movement until I enlarged them but then they all three moved. It's amazing. It always fascinated me how wheels going around sometimes look like they're going the other way. Your eyes can certainly deceive you. LOL
Interesting. I saw hardly any movement until I enlarged them, then it was a bit more....
The images are interesting! Relaxing to look at as they move slowly.
Hey Sally; Love the eye test photos, now I did see movement in all three, but very little,,, so I guess that is good......... right???? congrats on your two awards you so deserve them both......
Have a great weekend
I enjoyed this! I saw very slow movement in all three pictures. I hope that's good!
Congratulations on your awards! Have a very lovely weekend.
Hello Sally, congrats on your awards. You of all people, deserve them. You are a loyal commenter for sure.
Now, I didn't see any movement on any of the pics. I saw slow movement when enlarged. I guess I am not stressed.
I hope you find what you need for your big TV. Bill was going to hang ours on the wall until he saw the cabinet. Are you sorry you got rid of yours? It was wise to keep the side pieces. Moving is a hard time because sometimes we give away something you wish you had back again.
Your post was interesting today.
Hi Sally, I guess I am stress-free since they were all still to me. I tried to make them spin--but they wouldn't. What an interesting post. Thanks!!!!!
Congrats on the award. You are such a good commenter--and so you deserve this award.
Very interesting, Sally ~ no movement in the first one, and the other two were a little questionable.
Thanks for the award.
That was interesting. Nothing moved. I guess that proves my Sr. Citizen status! Congrats on your awards! laurie
Bad student that I am, I didn't read everything before trying to see them spin. I thought they were SUPPOSED to spin, like they were animated or something. I only saw movement in the first one, and then only when I enlarged it. Just a little turning of the flowery things. I've always been good with stress, and great in an emergency.
Oh dear, the eye test didn't go well for me! They weren't spinning madly, thank goodness, but they were moving! I better go back up to the tea pots I came to see for Pink Saturday. Don't they use pink in some jails to calm people down...
According to this, I handle stress well.
Congratulations! Now I am scared, they were all moving!
I'm stressed. The first one isn't moving. The second and third are moving. I've got problems. :::)))
I saw very little movement, and after reading that it was an indicator of stress, I was surprised they weren't running away from me. I wouldn't dare enlarge them. Wonderful post - I really enjoyed it, but now I'm dizzy. I'm laying - lying? - down to rest!
What interesting tests! I saw very little movement, so I guess that's a good thing. Would have been interesting to use that on some of my former clients though.
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