Perhaps, I should first ask IF you make your bed. Each day? For company only? After all, Oprah taught America all about those yucky bed mites that thrive in our neatly made beds, feasting on our warm sheets. "Air your beds," became the cry of housewives all across the land. Even though I am not a fan of her show, I took that advice to heart! That allowed me months and months of never having to make my bed. No mites for me and mine! Hey, there's a reason why I'm smiling!
Now as I think of redecorating, I am wondering what you do. Are you one of those who love pillows? What do you do with them? Do you hide the pillow you sleep on under other pillows with neatly ironed pillow cases like this? Or do the wrinkles show? Do you turn the open ends of the pillowcase to the middle of the bed or to the outside?

Do you use this many pillows? Where do they go when it's time for you to sleep? Is that the main function of the chest?

How long does it take to make a bed look like this? Would you ever be tired enough to lie down during the day? Would you then need to remake it? How long does it take to iron all of this?

How about placement? Should a properly made bed have one flopped pillow?

Should the pillows (or shams) in the back touch or be separated like these?

Why are the comforters turned down? Do you sleep under it? Ever get hot?

Should the pillows (or shams) in the back touch or be separated like these?

Why are the comforters turned down? Do you sleep under it? Ever get hot?

Where do your pillows spend the night? On a chair? Do they fall off? Do they get tossed on the floor?

If pillows are not your problem, but you wonder why you are so extra hungry each and every night as you prepare to go to sleep, perhaps it's because your bed looks like this one:

And, while I'm at it, why do motels all put that silly strip of fabric across the end of the bed? (I always shove it in the closet!)

If pillows are not your problem, but you wonder why you are so extra hungry each and every night as you prepare to go to sleep, perhaps it's because your bed looks like this one:

And, while I'm at it, why do motels all put that silly strip of fabric across the end of the bed? (I always shove it in the closet!)

Those are some kind of questions you've posed, Sally! Personally, I'm a one pillow per head kind of gal. So, on our bed, my husband and I both have one pillow and I have a pillow sham that I place in front of each of our pillows when I make the bed. I have another small square pillow that I place in front of those...end of story. Having a lot of pillows on the bed does look nice, but being that I'm a little OCD, it would drive me NUTS!
No extra pillows on my bed. I used to have extra pillows, until a puppy we just acquired at that time thought they looked tasty during the night. At first I was horrified at the loss of pillows, but I have found over time it is actually quite nice not worrying about it. Now I just make up the bed each morning with the comforter folded back which gives the bed "breathing" during the day to air out too.
wow!!! those pictures made me tired just looking at them...having to make all those beds and decide where the pillows go!!
I only make my bed if I have to....yep, I am one of those. I will even close my door before I make my bed. I have just the pillows we use and then two shams on the top..when I do make it!
Good gracious, that's alot of questions, lets see I always make my bed in the morning, Momma would have died if her bed wasn't made, I just don't feel like the room is clean if the bed is messy. OCD, I have our pillows that we sleep on, then a pair of shams in front of them, 2 oblong pillows in front of that, a roll pillow in front of that and a small square pillow place between the 2 oblong pillows. I turn open ends to the outside and the shams touch to give a fully covered look. It takes about 2 minutes to make....
I place pillows on a chair at night. I do sleep under the comforter in the winter, but in summer I turn it down and sleep under the top sheet.
Wooo, I think that's all.
Very interesting post.
Have a happy 4th.
Lovely bed pillows and it makes the bed and room so attractive. I would not dare show my bed. I hardly use a pillow of any kind. I decided along time ago, who sees it but me, so why bother.
LOL! That hamburger bed is a crack up! Oh, how funny!
I do different things. Sometimes I have all the pillow on the bed, sometimes not. Don't even ask me about right now.
I have a friend who threw out her pillows after a year, and I think that's a good idea. She never had a cold or a sinus infection. Barely a headache. I think she must have had something there.
Sheila :-)
I make my bed about 75% of the time, but I'll wait and do it right before I leave for work so it can "air out" for a little bit.
Jay and I have two pillows each for sleeping, and when I make the bed I lay them flat with the openings to the outside of the bed. No shams for me. The pillowcases coordinate with the quilt so it's not a big deal.
I have several decorating pillows that I put in front of the sleeping pillows, and at night I put them in the rocking chair in our room. (And yes - I have a particular "order" that they go in!)
Great questions!! Yes, I do make my bed everyday - I don't ever remember not having a made bed my entire life!! I cover up our sleeping pillows with some king-sized decorative pillows that go on a bench at night. BTW, I do iron pillowcases - I don't mind doing that at all. I really enjoy all of my household chores, except maybe cooking. Sally
LOL Oh Sally!
I am soooo thankful for this post because now I can say.....No bugs here! I don't make my bed usually unless I know my MOM is coming over :) Silly, I know! We don't have fancy pillows now but in the past we did. Just the shams, and then little ones in front of them.
Can you believe anyone would want a hamburger bed....eww!
thanks for this funny post :)
Blessings to you
I guess I am kind of a neat freak. I do make my bed everyday and would feel uncomfortable walking into the bedroom with it unmade. I have 4 pillows on the bed that coordinate with the comforter, and at night they rest on a loveseat in the room. Funny, I guess I never think about it being work, I'm just so used to it. I think it's personal taste since the bedroom is a private space in the house, it's up to you to do it the way that makes you happy. Good luck with the bed. Hugs, Marty
What a fun post!
Usually the bed has 6 extra pillows besides the two shams, but I’ve reduced it to just 4 nowadays. I don’t feel the bed looks pleasing without the shams and extra pillows.
The shams touch in the middle.
It takes just a couple quick minutes to set the comforter and pillows in order.
I put the pillows to the side or in
To let the bed air out, I make the bed last before leaving home.
I have gotten lazy in bedmaking unless we are home all day, then it is nice to see a made bed each time I walk in there. We have sleeping pillows, and the shams are on other pillows I which I set in front of the sleeping pillows when the bed is made. I have the comforter all the way up. Never folded it back because I want to see the whole thing when the bed is made. I also have one extra pillow to hug while I sleep. It was recommended to me to do that to see if it helps my shoulder pain by keeping my arm in a neutral position. It seems to help some, but I don't stay that way all night.
Sally, that's a lotta questions, there girl! I could not stand not having my bed made every day. It would just drive me crazy! I have two pillows each for sleeping, {I actually use two, Hubby uses one of his} two shams, two throw pillows, and a neckroll. A total of nine pillows! I think I have used the neck roll maybe once; it's better used as a decoration! I know, that's a lot of pillows but the bed looks more inviting that way! All the pillows but those we actually use for sleeping on go in the den on the couch until the next morning, when it starts all over again. Drives my hubby crazy if I don't get the pillows all off before he climbs in at night! {I never said he was perfect!}
I change the linen a lot so I'm not concerned about mites feasting on any thing or anyone. {And I NEVER watch Oprah} That's my two cents worth! Sweet dreams!
Needless to say, I know very little about this topic. My wife, however, knows how to make a bed--or not! I'm sure she will comment on this.
What a fun post!
I can answer a couple of those questions...
I rarely make the bed...especially in the summer...when he has removed the comforter completely, although I love it when it is all made up.
Sad, isn't it?
As for the pillow dilemma...this is such a source of tension at our house.
I use a long body pillow. Sometimes in the night this monstrous pillow hits Warren in the face as I flip and flop. Almost funny!
He uses two flat, old and yucky pillows that he refuses to give up.
I have purchased many, many pillows to offer him. He never takes me up on it.
SO that is the sad truth of our pillow and bed making life.
Keep it just between us, would you?
Thankfully there are more important things that we agree on. We don't have to major on this minor.
I received my book in the mail today. Thank You! I'll be reading it soon!
you have not asked anything I have not thought!!! those are some very pretty photos you posted!! happy 4th
Iron? Heck, no. I usually do make the bed. Even if DH is last up he will often make the bed. I never heard that you need to air out the bed for dust mites. I thought that's what changing the sheets was for.
1960-1980: Bed had two pillows with the spread over them and a little tuck under the pillows.
1980-2000: Quilt and matching shams with pillow cases that matched the sheets. All pillows were standing on edge with the covers turned down.
2000-present: I've added decorator pillows. Comforter in the winter. Quilt in the summer. Again matching shams and pillow cases. Pillows standing on end again. Only this time, I'm not turning down the top. It is pulled up to the headboard. Shams and decorative pillows go on the trunk at the foot of the bed.
Wouldn't bed mites appear on all upholstered furniture, especially if you nap on a sofa or recliner? I think with regular washing of bedding and vacuuming of furniture, we'll all be fine.
I make the bed every day. I don't feel right if I don't, and I hate getting into a messy bed when I turn in for the day.
We only have our bed pillows at home. At the cottage we have three additional decorative pillows. The extra pillows look nice, but can become a pain with storing them overnight.
Does anyone else look at the designer shows on TV and wonder how a person is supposed to sit on a sofa with 8 pillows across it, taking up a third of the seat depth? Are we supposed to perch on the edge?
What a FUN post!! I make my bed everyday. We each have our one pillow we sleep on with the opening facing out. Then I have two shams in front of those and 3 decorative pillows in front of the shams. They all get stacked on the floor each night when I unmake the bed. We have a quilt on our bed and keep it pretty cold at night summer or winter so we are usually under it. Occasionally I have to stick one leg out to get to the right
Great post Sally & love the burger bed!
I started out (as a kid) with 2 pillows. A king size bed required 3 standard pillows, then I found kingsize & that necessitate 4 pillows. Now I have a back problem & sleep with 6 under or around me. I think there's 8 on the bed. (I probably wouldn't need so many if I got brave enough to have the disk fused.)
The sheets & one set of pillowcases match, but rest blend. Since 4 of the dogs sleep in bed too, everything is washed FREQUENTLY so colors & patterns change often. The bed looks kind of lumpy on my side with the pillows under the covers but no one sees it but us.
I have MANY quilts & "fuzzy" blankets in several color combinations so I can re-do the bedroom simply by changing the bed. I also have a comforter, which is a pain to wash because it's so big & too warm most of the year. Of course storage for all those lovely quilts & blankets are a pain. I have multiple bed skirts too.
With the warm weather, I use a fuzzy blanket on the sheets, then another sheet on top of the blanket - sometimes solid, sometimes a floral.
Nope, I don't iron if I can avoid it.
The guest room has 6 pillows. The set matching the sheets is covered by the quilt. A set of white with pretty lace is next, with shams that match the bedskirt in front. Plus one decorator pillow. That's my "shabby chic" frou frou room.
Let's see.... I do make my bed on a daily basis. It has two very large pillows, two king size, two standard, two small square, and one roll type. It all matches or coordinates with the bedspread. I keep my sleeping pillows in the closet. Two for hubby and two for me. I never iron anything. Most days my hubby helps me make the bed in the morning. We each take a side and it's done in a snap. If we were to take a nap everything comes off the bed, a quilt goes on, and so does the sleeping pillows. Sometimes in the winter when it's very cold I will make my bed with one of my quilts instead of doing the whole bedding type thing. We keep a TV in our room and once in a while my hubby or I will watch the news in there or read.
Oh My Goodness Sally... So many questions--it would take me an hour to answer all of them... SO--I'll just make mine short and sweet.
I make my bed every single day..My mother would come out of her grave if I didn't make the bed!!!! ha.... Besides I like getting into a nice, fresh bed every night...
We do not have extra pillows --and when I go somewhere where there are extra pillows ---they go to the FLOOR when it's time for bed!!!!!
We use a bedspread (thin one in summer and heavy one in winter)... AND--the spreads cover the three pillows on our king bed. (Guess I'm not in style!!! ha)
The best thing on my bed in winter is our 'lectric blankie... LOVE it.
I'm sure my post hasn't helped you a bit.... ha ha
Wow - that's a lot of questions!
I make my bed every day. I try to do it just as soon as I get up.
Pillowcases open to the outside.
Usually my comforter is folded down at the end of the bed.
I just put the pillow shams and throw pillows on when company comes;-)
I bought one of those "fold up" luggage tables (like they have in hotels) and it sits in the corner behind the door - holds extra blanket, the pillow shams and extra decorative pillows.
I keep a mattress cover on the mattress, and wash it frequently. Toss it and get a new one every year.
Yes I use a roll pillow - perfect for under my neck!
AND - I hate those stupid strips of fabric in hotels - they just end up on the floor!
Hi Sally..
I have a slight obsession with bed looks a little bit like the 2nd picture! I love to put lots of pillows on my bed..tht make my husband complain each time he wants to go bed and he has to move those pillows!!!!
Have a nice day
Lots of luv,
Sally-Sally-Sally.. what quandries you present... ? Pillows... I have 3 throw pillows that are only displayed on the bed if company is in the house or on the bed freshly made. The rest of the time I "straighten" the bed every day, fluff the pillows and fold the spread at the foot of the bed. In the winter, I add a blanket. My heater weighs about 225 pounds and is 6 feet tall... it does snore a lot, but I rarely need to stoke it... errrr... him... ;)
I have a lot to say on the subject of bed making. First: I am very particular about how the sheets and blankets are on the bed. They must be very tight and smooth. However, I do not make my bed because 1) I am lazy, 2) I grew up w/ my mom having us air our beds (neatly), and 3) I live alone and my br is upstairs so no one sees it!
Regarding pillows, I find them foolish. I have just what I need. If I am making the bed for company or something, I put the open end of the pillowcases toward each other in the middle.
I have smiled my way through this post, and then got to the hamburger bed and laughed out loud! Doesn't everyone have one of those? Until I started blogging, I made my bed every single morning! Reading a blog has made me run late to work on more than one morning, and I've had to skip the bed making. I've been amazed that the world didn't come to an end because I didn't make the bed! I worked for months to get my bed to a point where it is very easy and quick to make up (in spite of the fact that I use four sleeping pillows that are for decoration only and two pillows in front of those. I am fortunate to have a sofa in my bedroom. Since it is not used at night, that's where my extra pillows go. This was such a fun post with very pertinent questions! laurie
I do make my bed most days unless I am in a big hurry or have to be somewhere early. I didn't for a long time, but I got tired of having to untangle the sheets at night when I went to bed, plus the whole room just looked neater and less cluttered when the bed was made.
I only have one pillow because I can't stand the thought of taking them off and putting them back on just for decoration. My husband uses a couple.
I'll confess some mornings I don't make our beds. It depends if I have to work early or not. Yes, I still make Jacob's bed (what are Mother's for?) I always hide my favorite bed pillows behind the shams. I have my shams touch, I think it looks neater. I top it off with my little quilted bunny throw pillow. Jacob has a quilted duvet on his down comforter, chambray sheets & pillow case, and a matching sham. I'll throw his stuffed schnauzer on his bed. (His friends are not allowed in his room since they are upstairs, besides we have a game/media room in the lowest level). Kinda creepy to think of those little mites. I read somewhere that you should never put your bags on the floor in a hotel room - because you could bring bedbugs home with you in your suitcase - yuck! ~ Robyn
Wow Sally
That sure was a lot of questions...can one person EVER answer ALL of them!!
I keep the pillows I sleep on at the back and shams in front of them and I have smaller cushions and a round roll or smaller rectangular one and they get tossed in a pile on a chair thats by the bed! THEN in the morning back they go!! Kind of a chore but I do it each night.
When i worked part-time at a bedding and curtain place we used to do the displayed in the window. One time I counted how much one of the bed pillow displays was over $500. for just the pillows and shams!! whew..where would one put all of those I wonder.
Hope your pillows are in place!
Hi Sally- looks like a lot of people have put their two cents in on this topic so here is mine to add to the pile. Sometimes I make my bed, sometimes I loosely make my bed. I love lots of pillows, makes me feel like I'm sleeping in a nest. In addtion to pillows I have bed buddies, the feline and canine variety. In winter it's great but summer it can be a little much.
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