Last week I showed you the unique method of trash disposal called valet trash that we have in the condominium complex. Many of you said that you had way too much trash to fit in the benches even though they are emptied three times a week. There is an answer. We are encouraged to recycle paper.
Today, I'm sharing our recycling facility. It's a separate building. It looks like a small house with a pretty porch. It's the building on the left.
Climb a few steps.
Here's a different angle.
Now you can understand how there is plenty of room in the cute bench for the other trash.

It's so important to recycle as much as possible. It is amazing how little garbage you actually have when you take the time to separate what can be recycled.
Great post!
Have a wonderful day!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Sally,
that is a pretty little building...they have it all figured out...I'm sure they watch things very closely for violators...it is nice to have something that close to recycle at
angel hugs
They have thought of everything at your temporary place.
I love how that little building blends in to its surroundings.
Cute porch.
Have a great Wednesday!
Hi Sally,
I am so glad to see people doing something about recycling They certainly have made it very convenient for everyone. It looks like well planning. Thank you for sharing.Have a super great day.
Hi Sally! How great is that. You live in a very nice complex. They have thought of everything for you. I recycle too, but it isn't in as nice as place as you have. We just have recycle bins. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you come by. Country Hugs, Sherry
Oh, so that explains it, Sally! LOL! You love to tease us, don't you??? LOL!
Happy OW...
Sheila :-)
This is great! Our park did not have recyling pick up. But now we do. Our trash can is never full because we put so much into recyling. So those bins by your doors would work for us. Because we also would never fill it up. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sally, nice place and so important!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
Looks good. We recycle in blue plastic containers we roll to the curb and they are picked up once a week. Did you notice I said BLUE containers?
great idea!! I still love those benches!
I like this Sally...A town that cares.
Holy Cow, Sally.... Our county recycling center certainly doesn't look that FANCY. Ours is more like a dump (even with the garbage smell). There are big dumpsters for the different recycling items....
I'm impressed with yours. WOW!!!
Amazing! They have thought of everything :-).
They're very clever - even the trash is in a lovely environment! Thanks Sally! ☺ diane
That's the secret...make it convenient and cute!
Here where we live, garbage comes only 1 time per week. We have a huge container for regular garbage and a big plastic tub for Recycling only. I have done it so long, can't think of any other way~~~Thanks for sharing, Miss Sally~Bravo!!
We recycle paper, but I really should try harder on some of the other stuff. I gather from your previous post, things are going rather slowly. Guess you can sit around and watch the weed grow!! Sally
I'm a nut about recycling! What a nifty little facility that is! I received the book I won in your latest giveaway yesterday and I'm really enjoying it. Big thanks!
Well out here in the country we don't have recycle bins. Everything goes in the trash for the trucks to pick up. I shred all my papers and use a lot of it for packing. We empty all our food scraps (that Levi doesn't eat)and coffee grounds and such in a compote bin. We save cans and resale them for scrap at the junk yard. So I guess we do recycle in our own little way.
Dear Sally, It sounds wonderful, but I don't think Jewett, Texas is ready for that.......now if Roy would move to the city...Yea.
Purple Hugs,
Hi Sally
Thats a nice looking paper recycling house..*s*. They certainly are into reducing and recycling and thats a great way to do it. Paper does fill a lot of our garbage bags if we did it that way.
thank you for sharing
have a lovely day
Hey Sally; I used to recycle then I stopped and now I am glad that I started up again, except now I am in N.C. and can't really do it like back home,,, but when we find a new home I will be again.....
Hi Sally, what a nice clean place to recyle. We have a huge commercial trash bin because our property is so large for all the yard clippings. I throw everything in it. I really need to recyle but its so easy not to...
I totally forgot about Outdoor Wednesday today...oops! Maybe next week.
Yes, I would love that Summer Squash recipe!
Hmmm in my December. I know you read my blog through the whole house building ordeal. We started off just like you...it wouldn't stop raining. They poured the basement in July...we moved in it before the house was truly done in January. BTW...you can have it written in a contract that they have to be finished by a certain date, or they start losing their contractor fee. Personally, that would have been VERY helpful for us!
oH, Sally...what a neat way to get rid of trash.
I haven't got to come by in a couple of days so I've been catching up with your blog..
Your little lake is so nice and that weed....why, it must be the prettiest weed I've ever seen.....after all, "it" belongs to our Smiling Sally!!
We can have as many recycle bins by the road as we wish, but at our dump we can recycle stuff as well. Your place looks quite nice.
Howdy Sally
Happy outdoor Wednesday to you.
That is a wonderful facility.
You really found a great place to live until your new home is ready.
Thank you again for the book give away :)
Have a great afternoon.
Happy Trails
Thanks for stopping by.
Good evening, Most Smiling One! Oh, that's is a great recycling place! And so pretty too! Can you believe we have none here! Well, there is a place (very scary) where you can take your things yourself, but it's not safe! I don't know why in the world our tiny city doesn't offer recycling bins! Shame shame!
Yes! I did hear an "ah". I thought that may have been you! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Photoshop on my picture? I have no idea. It was in an email with some other similar photos from a friend. I think it must have been photoshopped or something. I can't see them lining up there like that just to be photographed. lol
What a neat building and a neat system for recycling...thanks for sharing it with us. So you are getting ready to build...that's an exciting process! Your one weed is looking healthy...maybe that means great gardens lie ahead. Yep, knew there was a silver lining in there somewhere. :-) Susan
Hello Sally, I would say that is an upscale recycle establishment. How convenient for you. We drive 12 miles to dump our garbage and recycling items. No service here in the mountains. We don't mind, it is just part of our life and we accept it.
Your property looks like a nice place to build. Lets hope your new home grows as fast as that weed. Smiling.
They sure thought about everything, didn't they, Sally? I wish they recycled here in MS where we live...Christine
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