Romans 12 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world.... 15But there is a great difference between Adam’s sin and God’s gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. (New Living Translation)
Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

Thank you Lord God for sending Your Son to die for our sins. Because of Adams sin we were condemned to live in sin, without Jesus we would be lost.
I am so grateful for my Saviour.
I am so thankful He loved and rescued our rebel race.
That comic made me laugh out loud. Clever way to get a message out.
Great post Sally! I missed you...see you tomorrow :) ♥
It took me a few seconds to "get" the cartoon. It is a great illustration for the computer age.
Have a great day.
I'm so thankful for the grace of God! Have a wonderful Sunday.
I love this!!
Hi Sally, This is a wonderful post - is so true that the greatest gift is forgiveness and salvation by God's love through His Son, our wonderful Jesus! Blessings to you!
There's that wonderful concept of grace again...I love it.
I have never read this verse in this translation before. It's nice to see all the different versions of the bible that are represented in Spiritual Sundays.
Thank Goodness for God's grace, love and forgiveness for ALL of us sinners... AND--we truly all do sin!!!!
Have a great Sunday.
This was such a cute message... I loved it! Thanks
Have a blessed Sunday
God Grace is indeed sufficient! Thank you for a great post!
But praise God He covered Adam with the shed blood of the atoning sacrifice!
Praise God for His all sufficient grace!
Forgiveness, So many long to forgive but don't know how to let it go. I am still a work in progress.
Thanks you seeing all those misspelled words in the video. To be honest I was crying so hard that I didn't even see them. I switched out the video, this one will really get to you. Check it out. By the way, I forgive the person that made all the errors, the message was still loud and clear and that's what really matters. Have a great week.
That was fun, I will send it to my husband, he in into computers, MB
It took me a moment, but I got it! I always enjoy coming here for I know I am in for a special treat.
AMEN! This is great.
And glory to God for His perfect plan. Happy Sunday and God bless you.
Hi Sal
It just makes me want to praise him even more reading this post today, Thank you for this reminder of his forgiveness and grace.
Hugz Lorie
Oh that sweet unmerited favor:)
My teenage son came in my room after studying devotion and asked me one thing if God was in control why did he let Jesus die on the cross. I explained and then he wanted to know what would have happened if Jesus did not die for us eventually we arrived at the details of looking at what happened in the garden of Eden the beginning where all begins
I love those verses!
Very neat Sister Sally! Have a great week!
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