Today's question: What’s the funniest book you’ve read recently?
My Response:
Although I love to laugh, I haven't read many funny books. Whenever I come to a place in a book that causes me to laugh out loud, I'm delightfully surprised. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often. So I had to think to answer this prompt.
According to Their Deeds by Paul Robertson is one book that had me chuckling several times. Although it's a mystery, there's a play on words going on throughout the novel. The protagonist and his wife dialogue like the Thin Man. This is a book about the operations of a bookstore, and I think that anyone who loves books will enjoy it. My review is here.
How about you? Have you read any funny books lately?

Great review, Sally! I haven't read any funny books lately, but one of my favorites is "Conversations With My Dog" by Zig Ziglar. He wrote the book as if his dog were telling the story. Very cute!
Hmmm...I can't think of anything I've read lately that was particularly funny. I guess I should mix it up a bit.
Perhaps I'll take a trip to the library or bookstore and find the book you speak of.
Becky K.
Good Morning Sally, Great answer to a fun question... Like you I rarely read books that are funny... Thanks for the great review of the book... Have a wonderful day!
That is a great question. I really can't remember a funny book. Enjoy the week.
Anything by Janet Evanvich. She is a little bit of a potty mouth, but the goings on in the Stephanie Plum Series, is nothing short of a belly laugh.
The latest Stephanie Plum book (Finger Lickin' Fifteen) had me laughing out loud at one character in particular. As Libby from Neas Nuttiness mentioned, some of the language may offend some readers, and the series certainly isn't to be taken seriously, but it is amusing.
I am reading a very funny collection of short pieces by a South African writer, Chris Barnard (not the heart surgeon). Several deal with recollections of his days in a rural boarding school and village life. I chuckle out loud every now and then which makes my dogs look up in curiosity. My late husband would have loved this book as he had similar experiences. Would like to share it with you but it is written in Afrikaans!
Hmm. Your pick looks intriguing. I'll have to check it out.
Here is my response.
Everything I have read lately has been serious--usually very serious. The last book I read that was even slightly funny was How I Got To Be Whoever It Is I Am by Charles Grodin.
Great review, Sally... I can't think of anything I have read lately that was funny either. I'll have to pass on this one today..
Haven't read many books lately, Sally, but I will say the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella is good, light fun. I think the Brits can be hilarious!!
Hope you are doing well!!
Nope nothing funny.... all wayy too serious stuff... LOL!
I should mix it up sometimes !
I haven't read a funny book in awhile...I haven't read ANY book in awhile...Summer...grands....lake...fishing...nope..I've not read a book in awhile.
I couldn't come up with an answer to this one. There are books, like you said, that aren't primarily funny but do have places where I laugh out loud. Sometimes I pick up my kids' cartoon type books -- they have collections of Dilbert, Foxtrot, Far Side, etc.
my son has the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series...I find them quite funny!! Yea...sad...but it's either that or Dean Koontz for me!
Sally, I would love to send the pig and frog to you...please send me your address and they will be on their way. I bought them to share and I can't think of anyone I would rather send them to.
Purple Hugs,
Hi Sally, I haven't read too many funny books but there is a series of VERY funny books written by Mary Kay Andrews. I look for anything written by her to read. I have read 'Itty Bitty Lies' - 'Savannah Blues' - and 'Hissy Fit.' There are two more books I want to read. 'Blue Christmas' and 'Deep Dish.' Light reading and hilarious. I know you would enjoy them.
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